
  1. 我和班里的同学在日本做了一个星期的交换生。

    I went on an exchange with my class for a week in Japan .

  2. 大四之后,作为交换生,她在牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)呆了一个夏天。

    After her senior year , she spent a summer at Oxford University as part of a student-exchange program .

  3. 42年以前,作为一个十几岁的交换生,我站在纽新航港局(PortAuthority)客运总站,惊奇地打量着纽约。

    It is 42 years since , as a teenage exchange student , I emerged from the Port Authority bus terminal and looked at New York in wonder .

  4. 目前以游学及留学咨询、国际交换生为核心,拥有个人DIY留学服务、短期特色课程培训服务、文化传播等多个发展平台。

    We build lots of platform for growth , such as personal service of DIY study abroad , short-term characteristic training course , cultural diffusion , etc.

  5. 25岁的夏恩热爱韩国K-pop组合和韩剧,后来在去韩国做交换生期间,他开始痴迷于拥有韩国人的面孔。

    Xiahn , 25 , has a love for ' K-pop ' and Korean dramas and became obsessed with looking like the locals during his time as an exchange student in the country .

  6. 我们学校要派两名交换生到德国去。

    Our school is going to sent transfer students to Germany .

  7. 我喜欢你,你已经得到了交换生的名额。

    I like you , you 've got exchange places .

  8. 他叫埃迪,是丹麦来的交换生。

    This is eddie . eddie 's an exchange student from denmark .

  9. 我是爱尔兰来得交换生。

    I 'm an exchange student from the emerald lsle .

  10. 数据来源于将入学的新生和交换生。

    The data would be collected from incoming freshmen and transfer students .

  11. 我们还讲述了国际交换生对美国高中的评论。

    We ed comments about American high schools from foreign exchange students .

  12. 我想去巴黎做交换生。

    I wanted to be an aupair in Paris .

  13. 交换生课程主要针对大二和大三的学生。

    Exchange programs are mostly available for junior and sophomore students . 2 .

  14. 他是个从法国到我们学校的交换生。

    He was an exchange student from France who went to my school .

  15. 所以我去查阅了欧洲交换生的有关事项。

    So I looked into the European exchange program .

  16. 把她当成外国的交换生。

    Think of her as a foreign exchange student .

  17. 还有做日本的交换生计划

    and then to the Cooper Program for Japan .

  18. 今年共有2.6万名外国交换生在美国高中就读。

    Twenty-six thousand foreign exchange students are in American high schools this year .

  19. 在我还小时,我家里面接收了一些国际交换生。

    My family hosted a few foreign exchange students while I was growing up .

  20. 他没碰过交换生吗?

    Did he not touch the exchange student ?

  21. 高校交换生项目实施探析

    Analysis of the Implementation of International Exchange Student Programmes in Universities and Research Institutions

  22. 来自俄罗斯的伊万是广州大学的交换生,他也是苏宁的洋快递员之一。

    Russian exchange student from Guangzhou University , Ivan , is among the foreign couriers .

  23. 交换生离校时应把饭卡交回外事处留学生办公室。

    The exchange students should give the meal card back to the Foreign Affairs Office .

  24. 你是哪里来的交换生?

    So where did you transfer from ?

  25. 我上星期刚从日本过来的。我是名交换生。

    Honami : I just came from JaPan last week . I ma an exchange stunent .

  26. 新来的国外交换生。

    The new foreign exchange student .

  27. 有些学生如果想要参加交换生项目的话,那么也应该选择迁户口。

    Students should also transfer their hukou if they intend to participate in an exchange program .

  28. 首先,邓文迪嫁给她父辈级的交换生杰克切里,在他离婚以后。

    First , she marries her exchange student " father " after he divorces his wife .

  29. 雅莉曾以交换生身分到明尼苏达大学进修一年,使她拓阔了视野,丰富了人生经验。

    Her one-year exchange at the University of Minnesota also broadened her horizons and enriched her experience .

  30. 大量的交换生是中国人,只有少量的是日本人。

    A large number of exchange students are Chinese while a small number of students are Japanese .