
jiāo liú diàn yuán
  • AC power supply;alternating current power supply
交流电源[jiāo liú diàn yuán]
  1. 高功率因数稳压电源是一种既能起到稳压作用又可以提高电源输入端功率因数的高性能交流电源。

    High power factor stabilized voltage supply is a kind of high performance alternating current power supply which can not only steady the output voltage but also enhance the input power factor .

  2. 用交流电源驱动显示的LED显示屏研究设计

    The design of LED display screen driven by alternate voltage source

  3. 众所周知,AC交流电源的供电系统在应用过程中便会引入谐波电流。

    Power supplies connected to AC mains introduce harmonic currents in the utility .

  4. 基于DSP的可编程交流电源

    Programmable AC Power Source based on DSP

  5. 采用PWM放大器的115V/400Hz交流电源设计

    Design of 115 V / 400 Hz AC Power Supply by PWM Amplifier

  6. 应用CMOS逻辑门控制交流电源

    To Control AC Supply Power with CMOS Logic Gate

  7. 介绍了DSP及重复控制技术在测试用交流电源中的应用。

    In this paper , the application of DSP and repetitive control technology in AC power supply for test is introduced .

  8. 一种基于TCR的单相变三相交流电源装置

    Single / Three-Phase AC Power Source Device Based on Thyristor Controlled Reactor

  9. 一个完整的交流电源断路器提供的后面板和标准IEC电源连接器提供。

    An integral AC power circuit breaker is provided on the rear panel and a standard IEC power connector is provided .

  10. 提出了一种新型静止单/三相变流器,即由单相交流电源和单相逆变器构成的V型供电电源。

    A novel static single phase to three phase converter is presented , which is a V type power supply composed of single phase AC mains and single phase inverter .

  11. 因而作者提出了用交流电源实现MIG焊接的方法克服磁偏吹。

    In order to overcome the shortcome a project for developping AC MIG process was proposed by the authors .

  12. 使用220V交流电源,必须带有接地的三芯插座,以防漏电。

    Use220V AC and three-core socket with good grounding to avoid power leakage .

  13. 新的电路结构充分利用开关电容电路的工作特点,同时采用ACP交流电源对电路进行供电。

    The new SC circuits retain the best characteristics of switched-capacitor circuits and can be directly powered by an AC power supply .

  14. 本文是以X/XKVA喷油冷却窄变频交流电源系统全数字发电机控制器的研制为背景,设计了规则自适应模糊PID数字调压算法及故障诊断信息数据库系统。

    The algorithm of voltage regulator and database used for fault diagnosis is discussed based on X / XKVA variable frequency alternate power system .

  15. 站级控制层由不同母线引入2路交流电源,经隔离变至UPS后输出单相三线电源至各用电设备。

    The station control level is led 2-circuit AC power supply through different buses , through isolating transformer to UPS with single-phase з - line power output to eath user .

  16. 分析表明,选用UPS能够对包装行业中的网络中心、控制中心提供稳定、安全的交流电源。

    In the paper , it is concluded that the stable and safe Sinusoidal AC Supply selecting UPS is supplied to network center and control center in the packaging industry .

  17. 此外,每台UPS的后备电池可按交流电源停电时间为30min计算;

    In addition , the standby battery of each UPS can be calculated based on 30 min outage for AC power source .

  18. 主电话设备所用的UPS交流电源将接到基本电源总线,以便需要时由发电机供电。

    The alternating current supply to UPS for the main telephony equipment will be connected to an essential supply bus so that power can be provided by generators , when necessary .

  19. 首先简要介绍了交流电源的电流衰减方式;其次讲述了交流方波TIG焊机的特点、工作原理以及工作波形;

    This paper simply introduces the current attenuation method of AC power , and then relates the characteristic , work principle and working wave-form of AC square-wave TIG welding machine .

  20. 25Hz低谐波高稳定度交流电源

    25 Hz AC power supply with low harmonics and high stability

  21. 通用电源供应器-当前的BDP-93采用了宽范围电源供应,是世界区域兼容所有的交流电源。

    Universal Power Supply-The BDP-93 features a wide-range world power supply that is compatible with AC power from all regions .

  22. 在数字信号微处理器控制采样周期等于交流电源周期的交流控制系统中,采用变速积分PI调节在系统带载情况下更易获得小超调、无振荡、无静差的控制性能指标。

    In the alternating current control system , using PI regulator of speed change integral can achieve the control performance index such as small overshoot , non-oscillating state , and no steady-state error on condition that control sampling period of DSP is equal to that of alternating current power .

  23. 在介绍电机结构的基础上,深入分析了SCLRM在三相交流电源下的自激换流工作原理。

    On the basis of introducing the motor structure , the self-exciting converting principle of SCLRM under three-phase AC supply is described .

  24. 介绍了负离子发生器的工作原理,设计出使用220V交流电源和+12V直流电源时的高压产生电路。阐发了笔者评价负离子发生器质量优、劣的观点。

    This article introduces the principle of anion generator , designs circuit producing high voltage from the power of ac 220V and dc + 12V and explains writer ` s opinion on the quality of anion generator .

  25. 本文介绍一种简单可靠的恒压恒频交流电源装置,它由直流电动机-交流发电机组、自动电压调节器AVR及自动频率调节器AFR组成。

    This paper introduces a simple , reliable AC power supply with constant voltage and frequency . The supply consists of a DC motor-AC generator set , a automatic voltage regulator ( AYR ), and a automatic frequency regulator ( AFR ) .

  26. 该系统通过220V交流电源供电,采用低噪声、低功耗、宽频带、大动态范围设计,能够实现信号的实时显示和自动增益控制等功能。

    The equipment can be powered by 220-volt AC power supply , it adopts low-power , low-noise , wide band and wide dynamic range design , which is able to achieve real-time signal display and functions such as automatic gain control .

  27. 航空单相交流电源电磁干扰分析和抑制

    Analysis and restraint of electromagnetic interference in aviation single-phase AC power

  28. 采用三相交流电源的低功耗绝热时序电路

    Low-Power Adiabatic Flip-flops and Sequential Circuits Using Three-Phase AC Power Supply

  29. 某型飞机交流电源系统改造研究

    Alteration of AC Electrical Power Generating System for a X-Type Aircraft

  30. 精密对称三相交流电源自控伺服系统

    Automatic Servo System of the Precision Symmetric Three-phase AC Power Supply