
  1. 高速公路项目交叉工程成本预测方法研究

    Research on the prediction method of crossing engineering cost in freeway projects

  2. 卫星灌区坡水交叉工程规划设计浅议

    Brief discussion on plan and design of slope water intersecting projectin Weixing irrigation area

  3. 随着我国公路和城市道路的迅速发展,高架道路及立体交叉工程愈来愈多。

    With the rapid development of highway and urban way , overhead road and interchange project have come out more and more .

  4. 密集化的城市建设和大规模的地下空间开发,必然会导致许许多多的交叉工程和近接工程。

    Along with the development of the continuous intensification of urban and large-scale underground space , many cross-project and project-by proximity will adopt underpinning technology .

  5. 在河道上修建倒虹吸交叉工程,行洪口门宽度是影响建筑物投资和安全的决定性因素。

    The width of flood-crest travel for inverted siphon culvert is decisive factor for the project cost and safety to construct the inverted siphon culver cross project on the watercourse .

  6. 阐述了在路基、路面、涵桥以及附属、交叉工程设计中,旧路拓宽改造、软弱地基处理、路面结构层及原有构造物改造等所采用的设计方法及其相应的处理措施。

    The design method and corresponding treatment measures are elaborated , which is adopted in design of roadbed , road surface and bridge and culverts , the broadened reformation of old road , treatment of soft foundation and modification of pavement structural level .

  7. 火灾安全科学&一个新兴交叉的工程科学领域

    Fire Safety Science & A Promising and Interdisciplinary Engineering Scientific Field

  8. 双参数地基上十字交叉梁工程实用算法

    Practical Arithmetic in Engineering for Cross Foundation Beam on the Two-parameter Model

  9. 错位交叉路口工程措施和管理措施

    Project Measure and Management Measure at Staggered Intersections

  10. 城市交叉建筑工程项目防洪综合评价研究

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Flood Control on Uban Cross-construction

  11. 摘要三维打印成形技术是一个多学科交叉的系统工程。

    The3D printing formaion technology is a systematic engineering with an intersection of multi-branches of learning .

  12. 复杂机电产品,通常涉及机械、控制、电子、液压、气动和软件等多学科领域,开发是一个多领域交叉的系统工程,需要进行多领域建模和仿真。

    Complex mechatronic products are often related to many different domains , such as mechanical , control , electronic , hydraulic , pneumatic and software .

  13. 根据国内外工业工程的应用实践,总结出交叉性、工程性、应用性、创新性是工业工程学科的四大特征。

    The four characteristics of IE discipline that are intersecting , engineering , applying and creating are elaborated in the paper according to applications of IE.

  14. 各个职能部门间业务流程互相交叉,在工程实际运作中,大量报表、证件及原始资料缺乏有效管理,业务流程交叉联系会出现推诿及管理不到位等情况。

    In the actual operation of the project , a large number statements , documents and the lack of effective management of raw data , cross-linking business processes will prevarication and management is not in place , and so on .

  15. 本文简要分析了目前国内外业主方在项目管理模式上的差异,提出了作为项目业主方,如何协调施工方和监理方,如何在三方各自质量体系运行下来相互交叉补充提高工程质量管理水平。

    This paper briefly analyzes the differences of the domestic and foreign owners at present in the project management mode . As a project owner , coordinates the construction and the supervision , cross-complement each other to improve the level of project quality management in their respective quality system .

  16. 基于交叉点提取的工程图矢量化方法研究

    Study on Vectorization Method for Engineering Drawing Based on Crosspoint Extracting

  17. 绿色化学与化工被认为是有效解决全球环保问题的多学科交叉的科学与工程。

    Green chemistry and chemical engineering are recognized as multidisciplinary science and engineering to treat global environmental issues efficiently .

  18. 结构损伤诊断是近年来快速发展的一种多学科交叉并紧密结合工程实际需要的研究方向。

    Structural damage detection is a recent development field , and meets the engineering needs of the formation and multidisciplinary research field .

  19. 这说明非线性可拓综合评价方法有一定的实用性,在城市道路交叉系统和道路工程质量等方面具有很好的应用前景。

    It indicts that non-linear extension method to synthesis assessment method has certain practicability , and has a very good application prospect in some aspect .

  20. 基于国家产业结构调整引发学科专业调整的政策,分析了面临的新形势和现状,以我校2001级学生为试点,进行交叉学科&生物医学工程专业的教学研究。

    Based on the policy of subject regulation in China and new situation , we introduce making teaching and researches of biology medicine technology specialty based on the 2001 grade students of Hefei University of Technology .