
jiāo tōnɡ ɡōnɡ jù
  • means of communications;means of transportation;transportation facility
  • traffic transportation
交通工具 [jiāo tōng gōng jù]
  • [traffic transportation] 运输用的车辆、船只和飞机等

  1. Theyoftentalkhorsewhentheyarefree.他们有空时常常在一起吹牛。4one-horsetown落后的小地方。那时的北京是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,主要交通工具是自行车。

    Then Beijing was a gray , drab , one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle .

  2. 如果没有有效率的交通工具,人们上下班会浪费很多时间。

    Without efficient means of transportation , people will waste a great deal of time going to and from work .

  3. 持有乘车证可乘坐市内所有的公共交通工具,次数不限。

    The pass allows unlimited travel on all public transport in the city .

  4. 这个地区的一大不便之处就是缺少公共交通工具。

    One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport .

  5. 使事情更难办的是8点钟之前不会有交通工具。

    To complicate matters further , there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock .

  6. 新博物馆必须能乘坐公共交通工具到达。

    The new museum must be accessible by public transport .

  7. 当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。

    The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain 's most popular mode of transport

  8. 他们需要一种交通工具来周游全国。

    They need some way of getting round the country .

  9. 你有自己的交通工具吗?

    Have you got your own transport ?

  10. 公司会提供交通工具。

    The company will provide transportation .

  11. 立法是终止汽车作为主导交通工具的唯一途径。

    Legislation is the only route to ending the car 's dominance as a form of transport .

  12. 最快的交通工具是飞机。

    The quickest means of travel is by plane .

  13. 我经常使用公共交通工具。

    I 'm a great user of public transport .

  14. 对许多人来说,科技意味着电脑、手持设备或是前往遥远星球的交通工具。

    To many people , technology means computers , hand-held devices , or vehicles that travel to distant planets .

  15. 这种便利甚至导致乘坐公共交通工具的人减少——这是研究人员已经在打车服务中发现的一个负面副作用。

    The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport — an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing services .

  16. 加州斯坦福大学的瑞恩·卡洛说,无人驾驶汽车最终可能成为一种公共交通工具,而不是私人拥有的车辆。

    Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own , says Ryan Calo at Stanford University , California .

  17. 摩托车是一种比汽车更快、更便宜的城市交通工具。

    Motorcycles are a faster and cheaper way to get around a city than cars .

  18. 我们都需要交通工具。

    And we all need transportation .

  19. 6.one-horsetown落后的小地方那时的北京是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,主要交通工具是自行车。

    Then Beijing was a gray , drab , one-horse town where the main means2 of transportation3 was the bicycle .

  20. 把“快闪”(flashmob)稍作改动后就有了“闪玩”(flashplay)这个说法。“闪玩”指的是人们通过网络快速找到同伴,然后通过飞机等快捷的交通工具一起到另一个城市去游玩。

    Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet , and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together .

  21. 有许多理由都支持该把经费用在公共交通工具上。

    There are many reasons to support spending money on public transportation .

  22. 了解你应该乘坐什么交通工具以及你的上班路线。

    Figure out your transportation and where you 're going .

  23. 波音管它叫“交通工具直立睡眠支持系统”。

    Boeing calls it the " transport vehicle upright sleep support system " .

  24. 旅行社将为你安排旅行,或者你也可以自己安排交通工具。

    The agency will make travel arrangements for you . Alternatively , you can organize your own transport .

  25. �其次,使用公共交通工具可节省能源。一辆公车搭载60个人比60辆私人汽车行驶相同的路线更能充分、有效率地使用燃料。

    Second , using public transportation saves energy . A bus which carries 60 people is a far more efficient use of fuel than 60 individual cars driving the same route .

  26. 第十四条在自然灾害和突发事件中,执行救助任务并标有红十字标志的人员、物资和交通工具有优先通行的权利。

    Article 14 In conducting relief operations during natural calamities and emergencies , personnel , goods and materials , and transportation vehicles marked with the sign of the Red Cross shall enjoy the priority of passage .

  27. 外国的交通工具入境、出境、边境,必须从对外国人开放的或者指定的口岸通行,接受过防检查机关的检查和监护。

    For entry , exit and transit , foreign-owned means of transport must pass through ports open to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the frontier inspection offices .

  28. 同别人乘车或公共交通工具出行时则是“低头症”最易被接受的场合。

    Travelling with someone in a car or on public transport , however , is deemed to be the most ' acceptable ' situation in which phubbing could take place . ( Source : macmillandictionary . com )

  29. 乘坐公共交通工具的女性都知道什么叫“大爷式占座”——男性乘客完全不顾旁边的女性,在座位上张开双腿,把旁边的女性挤得只好翘起一条腿。

    Any woman travelling by public transport will be aware of manspreading — where a male passenger sits with his legs splayed out , totally oblivious to the woman next to him who ’ s forced to double cross her legs for lack of space .

  30. BP神经网络技术在交通工具火灾预警中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network in the Fore-warning of Vehicle Fires