
jiāo yì suǒ
  • exchange;house
交易所 [jiāo yì suǒ]
  • (1) [exchange]

  • (2) 批发或按合同进行期货交易的市场或中心

  • 物产交易所

  • (3) 做买卖的地方

  • 谷物交易所

交易所[jiāo yì suǒ]
  1. 目前有几家足球俱乐部在股票交易所上市。

    Several football clubs are now quoted on the Stock Exchange .

  2. 国际证券交易所起初是伦敦的一家咖啡馆。

    The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop .

  3. 今日纽约证券交易所的股价下跌。

    Share prices fell on Wall Street today .

  4. 法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。

    Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange .

  5. 匈牙利从今天起将拥有一个完全成熟的证券交易所。

    Hungary is to have a fully-fledged Stock Exchange from today .

  6. 该公司股票暴跌,被伦敦交易所摘牌。

    The shares dived and were delisted from the London market .

  7. 在证券交易所,市场在大量买单的推动下有所上扬。

    On the Stock Exchange , aggressive buying propped the market up .

  8. 这是伦敦最好的地段之一,离证券交易所很近。

    It was one of the City 's prime sites , near the Stock Exchange .

  9. 该集团要求证券交易所将其下属四家公司的股票摘牌。

    The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies

  10. 证券交易所的交易人

    traders at the Stock Exchange .

  11. 它将以1.3亿英镑的市值于下星期在伦敦证券交易所上市。

    It will list on the London Stock Exchange next week with a value of 130 million pounds .

  12. 这家新证券交易所昨天开业。

    The new stock exchange was open for business yesterday .

  13. 她在证券交易所工作。

    She works at the stock exchange .

  14. 艾姆斯在一家交易所里当顾问。

    Imes consults for a trading company .

  15. 为了能接触到数以百万计的客户,保险公司会很有动力在交易所里做生意。

    To get access to millions of new customers , insurers would have a strong incentive to sell on the exchange .

  16. 两院的法案都表示将建立医保交易所,小企业和个人能从其中的一系列私人计划甚至公共项目中进行选择。

    The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option .

  17. 2014年9月19日,阿里巴巴在纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)上市,通过IPO筹集了250亿美元,这是美国历史上规模最大的IPO。

    On Sept. 19,2014 Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange , raising $ 25 billion through an IPO , the biggest in the US history .

  18. 10月22日,中国农业银行的绿色债券在伦敦证券交易所成功上市。

    Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ) green bond was listed on the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) Thursday .

  19. 在指令到达交易市场前,交易所内的自动系统会发现胖手指失误,或者这类指令会在实现之前被取消。

    Automated2 systems within trading houses may catch fat-finger errors before they reach the market or such orders may be cancelled before they can be fulfilled .

  20. 什么是指数熔断机制?熔断机制是指股指下跌一定比例后,证券交易所采取暂停交易以避免恐慌性抛售的措施。

    The circuit-breaker mechanism refers to measures adopted by stock exchanges to temporarily halt trading to avert3 panic selling after the stock index has fallen a certain percentage .

  21. Q公司成立于2000年,2004年完成股份制改制,2008年在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。

    Company Q was founded in 2000.It listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008 .

  22. 韩国证券期货交易所(KoreaExchange)是目前全球最大的衍生品交易所,这得益于散户投资者广泛且不断增长的兴趣。

    The world 's biggest derivative exchange , by far , is the Korea Exchange , thanks to extensive and growing retail interest .

  23. 中钢向澳大利亚证券交易所(australianstockexchange)递交的这份声明引发了市场的猜测:即该公司可能寻求控制murchison。

    The announcement to the Australian Stock Exchange sparked speculation that Sinosteel may seek to take control of Murchison .

  24. ETFs(ExchangeTradedFunds)是可以在交易所交易的基金。

    ETFs ( Exchange Traded Funds ) is a kind of fund , which can be traded in stock exchange .

  25. 再次,采用PANELDATA模型,选取1996年以前在深沪证券交易所上市的140家公司为样本,进行实证研究。

    Then it is empirical study adopted the model of panel data in which 140 companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange before 1996 are selected as the sample .

  26. 以上海证券交易所综合指数为例的实证研究表明SVM模型能够很好的对股市波动进行建模。

    Empirical studies for the Shanghai Composite Index have shown that SVM model can model the stock market volatility very well .

  27. 从1998年起,上市公司如出现财务状况异常或者其他异常情况,沪深证券交易所宣布将对该类上市公司的股票交易进行特别处理(specialtreatment,简称为ST)。

    From 1998 , when the financial circs or other circs of the listed company become worse , Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange will take special treatment to the company .

  28. 韩交所本月与芝加哥商业交易所(ChicagoMercantileExchange)签署了一份协议,将使其衍生产品可以24小时不间断地进行交易。

    The bourse signed an agreement this month with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , which will allow round-the-clock trading of its derivatives products .

  29. 如今,他们能够通过在西方股票交易所上市的交易所交易基金(ETF)做到这点。

    Now they can do so through exchange traded funds listed on western stock exchanges .

  30. 举例来说,《封堵伦敦漏洞法》(closethelondonloopholeact)旨在阻止交易员通过国外交易所进行石油交易,从而操纵价格和过度投机。

    For instance , the " close the London loophole act " aims to stop traders from manipulating prices and speculating excessively by routing oil trades through foreign exchanges .