
  • 网络exchange symmetry
  1. 分子振动中的交换对称性

    The exchange symmetry in the molecular vibrations

  2. 同时考虑到全同费米子体系的波函数具有交换反对称性,电子的空间波函数和自旋波函数应具有交换对称性或交换反对称性。

    Considering that the wave function of Fermi system is anti-symmetry when two electrons are exchanged , the spatial wave function and the spin wave function should be exchange symmetry or exchange anti-symmetry .

  3. 使用代数方法给出了粒子质量显含时间的Dirac方程的严格解,解的结构显示了粒子的正负能态与其自旋态具有交换对称性

    Abstract By use of algebraic method , the exact solution of the time dependent Dirac equation was

  4. 我们利用量子计算的语言加上光子的交换对称性重新描述了这些干涉,并讨论了光子态中的纠缠。

    With the boson permutation symmetry and quantum computation language , the photon interferences can be well described .

  5. 体系的波函数,由于在空间坐标上玻色子之间的交换满足对称性,而费米子之间的交换满足反对称性,通过单位反对易算符联系起来,构成所谓的玻色-费米映射理论。

    The system wave function , due to the exchange in coordinate space between bosons satisfying the symmetry while the exchange between fermions satisfying anti-symmetry , is linked through the unit anti-commutation operator .