
jiāo tōnɡ yōnɡ jǐ
  • traffic congestion
  1. 这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。

    The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town .

  2. 基于TDM的城市交通拥挤对策研究

    Countermeasure Study of Urban Traffic Congestion on TDM

  3. 延误完全是因为交通拥挤。

    The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic .

  4. 这座城市的交通拥挤不堪。

    The city is being throttled by traffic .

  5. 军车队向东北方向行驶,致使街道上车流缓慢,交通拥挤。

    The streets were jammed with slow moving traffic , army convoys moving north-east .

  6. 交通拥挤,车流缓慢。

    The traffic is heavy and slow

  7. 为避开市镇中心的交通拥挤,还是走旁道吧。

    Take the bypass to avoid the traffic in the centre .

  8. 为了避免路上交通拥挤,有些人宁可夜间驱车远行,白天休息。

    In order to avoid the heavy traffic on the roads , some people prefer to travel by night and rest during the day .

  9. 交通拥挤引起的成本上升以及不确定性等都让投资者望而却步。

    Traffic jam leads to expense and unpredictability , things that keep investors away .

  10. 警察将这一天称作黑色星期五,因为它会导致交通拥挤。

    The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it caused .

  11. 兰州市很多地方都有高架桥,特别是交通拥挤、过马路危险性大的地方。

    Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Lanzhou , especially in places where traffic is heavy and crossing the road is very dangerous .

  12. v.应付自从珍出了车祸后,在交通拥挤时,她无法驾驶得很顺利。

    cope Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident .

  13. 本文以避免城市内交通拥挤和车辆堵塞为目的,提出了基于PLC的交通绿波带设计思想,阐述了交通绿波带的设计原理,论述了应用PLC实现交通绿波带的可行性和优越性。

    This paper based on the traffic green wave tape of PLC , aims to solve the traffic jams in cities . The authors elaborated the design principle of traffic green wave tape , have discussed application PLC to realize superiority and the feasibility of traffic green wave tape .

  14. 本文所探讨的SOHO是一种全新的家庭智能化办公模式,它避免了由长距离上班所造成的如交通拥挤等一系列城市病,大大减轻了城市的交通负担,节约了时间和能源。

    The passage discusses a brand-new family intelligent office mode , with avoiding a series of city illness , like traffic jam , caused by long-distance travel to work . It greatly releases the city burden and saves people time and energy .

  15. 从城市生命力看待大城市交通拥挤收费

    Congestion Pricing from the View Point of the City 's Vitality

  16. 我被要求在交通拥挤的街上驾驶车辆。

    I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic * .

  17. 征收交通拥挤费的经济分析及其应用

    Economic Analysis of Levy of Traffic Congestion Fee and Its Application

  18. 基于自由流时间的交通拥挤收费费率研究

    Research on Traffic Congestion Tolling Rate Based on Free Flow Time

  19. 因为交通拥挤,所以他没能准时来。

    He didn 't come on time because of the traffic .

  20. 我没有考虑到高速公路上交通拥挤的情况。

    I 'd reckoned without the heavy traffic on the motorway .

  21. 城市道路交通拥挤状态识别关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Techniques of Urban Road Traffic Congestion Identification

  22. 看电视和避免交通拥挤有什么关系?

    Watching TV is convenient and people can avoid traffic jam .

  23. 我没有料想到现在是交通拥挤的时刻。

    I don 't suppose it 's the rush hour yet .

  24. 尽管交通拥挤,他还是准时到达了那儿。

    Despite the traffic jam , he arrived there on time .

  25. 交通拥挤状态模糊识别方法的设计与应用

    Application and Design of Traffic Congestion Identification Method Using Fuzzy Logic

  26. 基于平衡配流的城市交通拥挤收费费率研究

    Study on Congestion Pricing of Urban Traffic Based on Equilibrium Assignment

  27. 提出了一种新的动态交通拥挤预测模型。

    This paper proposes a new dynamic traffic congestion prediction model .

  28. 政府必须采取措施缓解交通拥挤。

    The government must take measures to ease traffic congestion .

  29. 在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团。

    Cars often pile up here in the rush hours .

  30. 交通拥挤,并且生活费用高。

    The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high .