
jiāo xiǎnɡ yuè duì
  • symphony orchestra
  1. 文章分为三个部分,分别从人文情怀、京剧打击乐与民族管弦乐队和交响乐队、京剧打击乐在民族管弦乐队和交响乐队中的异同三个方面进行分析和探讨。

    The article is divided into three parts , From the humanities , Peking Opera percussion and Ethnic Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra , opera percussion in the National Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra in the similarities and differences between the three aspects carries on the analysis and the discussion .

  2. 这里最好的交响乐队是哪个?

    What is the best Symphony Orchestra in this area ?

  3. 这支小交响乐队与一群六弦提琴师同台献艺。

    The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols .

  4. LessonSixtyArtandLiterature艺术与文学昨晚我们去音乐厅听了一场交响乐。musichall音乐厅symphony交响乐symphonyorchestra交响乐队

    We went to the music hall last night to hear the symphony orchestra .

  5. 配乐为交响乐队演出创作或安排(音乐)

    To compose or arrange ( music ) for performance by an orchestra .

  6. 卡尔先生在这个交响乐队中担任第一小提琴手。

    Mr. karl play first violin in these symphony .

  7. 交响乐队的指挥走上了指挥台。

    The orchestra conductor stepped up to the podium .

  8. 首席小提琴手:在交响乐队中的第一小提琴手兼助理指挥。

    Concertmaster : The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra .

  9. 明天晚上我们去参加音乐会,听交响乐队的演奏。

    We 'll go to a concert tomorrow evening to hear the symphony orchestra .

  10. 昨天晚上他们去听音乐会听了波士顿交响乐队的演奏。

    They went to a concert last night to hear the Boston Symphony Orchestra .

  11. 有整支交响乐队为马尼洛伴奏。

    Manilow was backed by a full orchestra .

  12. 交响乐队演奏得棒极了。

    The symphony orchestra played beautifully .

  13. 总谱读法是指挥专业的基础必修课程,交响乐队中各种乐器移调读法有章可循,总谱缩编规律有法可依。

    The score reading is one of the base required courses for the specialty of conducting .

  14. 交响乐队是由许多不同的铜乐器,木管乐器,打击乐器,弦乐器组成。

    A symphony orchestra is composed of a variety of brass , woodwind , percussion and stringed instruments .

  15. (部分交响乐队。三位乐手停止演奏,熄灭乐谱架旁的蜡烛。)

    Section of the orchestra . The three musicians stop playing , snuff out candles by their music stands .

  16. 在交响乐队工作的人们,绝不会因为轮到别人在弹奏而感到自己受到冷遇。

    Members of a symphony orchestra never feel left out in the cold when it is others'turn to play their musical instruments .

  17. 在一九九四年柏林,他从一名指挥那抢过指挥棒,然后一边唱着歌,跌跌撞撞地想要一只交响乐队。

    In Berlin in1994 , he grabbed a baton from a conductor and tried to direct an orchestra while singing and stumbling .

  18. 德国黑森州剧院是集话剧、歌剧、芭蕾、交响乐队、青年剧团为一体的综合性剧院,在欧洲享有盛誉。

    Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden , Germany is a complex theatre of drama , opera , ballet , concert , and youth stage .

  19. 就像长笛在交响乐队中永远代表了明亮不沉闷的色彩和青春的旋律一样,吴晓杭在自己的音乐道路上也一直不辍追求。

    Like the happy and vivid rhythm of flute in a sinfonia band , he keep progression on his music way all the time .

  20. 另外,我还抽时间继续练习小提琴,入学后很希望加入学校交响乐队。

    In addition , I also take the time to continue to practice the violin , was admitted into the school to join the school orchestra .

  21. 双排键电子琴拥有丰富的音乐表现力,可以演奏各种曲风的音乐作品,能再现交响乐队效果。

    The electronic organ is rich in musical expression . It can play every kind of music , it also can reappear the effects of symphony orchestra .

  22. 作曲家王建中运用不同的演奏法在钢琴上模拟交响乐队中各种不同类型乐器的音色,创作出交响性钢琴作品《山丹丹花开红艳艳》,将中国钢琴作品的表现技巧提升到一个新的高度。

    In Composer Wang Jianzhong 's works , piano is used to simulate sounds of different kinds of musical instruments , therefore composing a piano symphony Flowers are Red , which advanced expressing skills of Chinese piano works to a higher level .

  23. 他还活跃于音乐教育事业,创作了许多萨克斯四重奏曲、交响音乐、大乐队改编曲等一系列作品。

    Bob has also been active in education area , he still manages to find time to write saxophone quartets , symphony music , big band arrangements .