- cross-cupped wine;the rite of drinking from nuptial cups by the bridegroom and bride on their wedding day

[the rite of drinking from nuptial cups by the bridegroom and bride on their wedding day] 旧俗举行婚礼时,把两个酒杯用红丝线系在一起,新婚夫妇交换着喝两个酒杯里的酒,称交杯酒
The bride and groom drink “ cross-cupped wine ” from one another 's glasses .
Only after getting presented a pile of cash , did he agree to drink the ' cross-cupped wine ' , a tradition for Chinese newly-weds .
The newlyweds will resume drinking wedding wine .
Jiaobeijiu probably started in the late period of the Neolithic Age . " Hekan " on the wedding day started in Shang Dynasty .
In some regions both also drank wine from the same goblet , ate sugar molded in the form of a rooster , and shared the wedding dinner .