
jiāo jì huā
  • social butterfly
交际花 [jiāo jì huā]
  • [social butterfly] 旧时在社交场中活跃而有名的女子(含轻蔑意)

  1. 我不喜欢那个年轻女子,她是个十足的交际花。

    I don 't like that young lady ; she 's too much of a social butterfly .

  2. 她是一个如此易变的交际花!

    She 's such a social butterfly !

  3. 蝴蝶扑闪着色彩斑斓的翅膀轻盈飞舞于花丛中,这样的美景应该是交际花(socialbutterfly)这个说法灵感的来源。

    The light passage from standing flowers , and the frequently colorful wings of butterfly has inspired the term social butterfly .

  4. 交际花们被事先安插在约翰·肯尼迪在曼哈顿Carlyle旅馆的套间里。

    The romps were supposedly held at John Kennedy 's suite at the upmarket Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan .

  5. 我不喜欢这个年轻女子,她象个交际花。schmoozev.闲谈

    I don 't like this young woman ;

  6. 也不过是个享受奢华生活的交际花

    she was nothing but a socialite enjoying the high life .

  7. 我不娶你的话,你就变成交际花。

    If I don 't marry you , you will be prettiest spinster .

  8. 同事中有位交际花,一天到晚穿梭在办公桌之间;

    There was the social butterfly who spent her days flitting from desk to desk ;

  9. 交际花徐曼丽女士赤着一双脚,袅袅婷婷站在一张弹子台上跳舞哪!

    The society girl Hsu Man-li , her feet bare , was dancing gracefully on a billiard-table .

  10. 自如的社交能力让交际花们在大型聚会上如鱼得水。

    Their social adeptness makes it simple for the social butterflies to be quite at home in large group settings .

  11. 我坦白我成为在男人之间周旋的交际花,以欲望交换权利,奉迎着很多的男人,却不仅为某个男人所有。

    I confess I became a courtesan , traded yearning for power , welcomed many rather than be owned by .

  12. 李夫人是一位大交际花。只要看她从一个晚会到另一个晚会奔波的样子,就够令人疲惫的了。

    Mrs Lee is such a social butterfly that it makes me tired just watching her flit from party to party .

  13. 一项新研究发现下岗会让“交际花”成为“隐士”。这些人会回避读书俱乐部、教堂等这类公众设施。

    Layoffs can turn social butterflies into near hermits who shun such outlets as book clubs and even church groups , finds a new study .

  14. 是我们学校的交际花,此花为了我甩了篮球队长。

    She 's our high school 's " It " Girl , and " It " Dumped the captain of the basketball team for me .

  15. 美国交际花、骨瘦如柴的电视真人秀女星妮可·里奇名列第三,英国女星塞妮娜·米勒位居第五。

    U.S.socialite Nicole Richie , the rail-thin reality TV star , came in third place and British actress Sienna Miller rounded off the top five in fifth .

  16. 没错,我不是交际花,但我也不是那个在聚会中独自一人呆坐在黑暗角落中的那个人。

    Yes , I am not a social butterfly but I am also not the one who will sit in the darkest corner of the room during a party .

  17. 剧情开始时,身染肺痨的巴黎名交际花薇奥蕾塔,在派队上结识了已在暗中爱了她多日的青年阿芒。

    The story begins with a party , where the Paris courtesan , Violetta Valery , already suffering from tuberculosis , meets a long-time admirer , Alfredo Germont for the first time .

  18. 我是一个交际花,他确实一个真正的职业球员。有合理的生活,知道目标是什么,人生的道路该如何选择。

    I was a social butterfly , he was a real professional who had a good structure around him and knew what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go .

  19. 你不必成为一名交际花,把每件事都灵活妥善处理好,但是与大家保持联系很重要。

    You don 't have to become a social butterfly , flitting from one event to another , but it 's important to have connections and contacts . Keep in touch with people .

  20. 一项最新研究发现,成为一名“交际花”可能意味着改变你的大脑:比起朋友少的人,拥有庞大网友圈和杰出社交能力的人的特定大脑区域更大、联络更发达。

    Being a social butterfly just might change your brain : In people with a large network of friends and excellent social skills , certain brain regions are bigger and better connected than in people with fewer friends , a new study finds .

  21. 她将人到中年,带着一大群孩子在加州北部租住活动屋;她的孩子们笑起来和她一样,龅牙外露。而我将成为高中的交际花,会迁居至纽约、芝加哥或华盛顿特区,成为一个见多识广而又成熟老练的人。

    She would become a middle-aged trailer park renter in Northern California , with lots of kids with her same bucktoothed smile , while I would somehow turn into a high school social butterfly and move to New York City , Chicago , or Washington D.C. , cosmopolitan and sophisticated .

  22. 从影片的音色中可以判断出人物众多,包括萨尔玛•海耶克,约翰•瑞里,托比•琼斯和文森特•卡塞尔在内的强大的演员阵容饰演了“巫师和仙女,可怕的怪物,食人魔和年老的洗衣女工,杂技演员和交际花。”

    The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre of a film populated by " sorcerers and fairies , fearsome monsters , ogres and old washerwomen , acrobats and courtesans " - played by a strong ensemble cast that includes Salma Hayek , John C Reilly , Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel .