
  • sportsmanship;The Sporting Spirit;sports spirit
  1. 该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。

    The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play .

  2. 会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。

    The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home .

  3. 他们富有体育精神而且举止得体,让我们感到相当惊讶。

    We were rather surprised by their sporting and correct behaviour .

  4. 现在赛龙舟已经发展变成一个水上运动,它既是中国(china)的传统特点也展现了现代体育精神。

    Now dragon boat racing has developed into an aquatic sports item which features both Chinese tradition and modern sporting spirit .

  5. NBA历史上将球商、谋略、体育精神、竞争力最完美结合的球员,他无所不能,没有一名任何位置的任何球员能比他做得还好。

    The best combination of brains , guile , athleticism and competitiveness in NBA history . He could do everything , and no one 's done it better at any position .

  6. 虽然,本着友谊第一的体育精神,马云定下了一条基本原则,那就是任何人都不得对eBay当时的首席执行官梅格•惠特曼发起任何人身攻击。

    For the sake of good sportsmanship , though , Ma made a ground rule that nobody was to launch any personal attacks against Meg Whitman , eBay 's CEO at the time .

  7. 第二,好的体育精神可以教导孩子的言行。

    Secondly , good sportsmanship teaches children how they should behave .

  8. 体育精神远远比外表美丽更重要。

    This in itself is far more beautiful than physical appearances .

  9. 描述并比较分析了中美两国四所一流大学的体育精神。

    To describe and compare sports spirit of the four case universities .

  10. 后奥运时代奥林匹克思想与学校体育精神文化建设相关性研究

    Correlated Research of Post-Olympic Thoughts with School Sports Cultural Construction

  11. 关于建构中华民族当代竞技体育精神文化的思考

    Consideration on Constructing Spirit Culture of Contemporary Competitive Sports of Chinese Nation

  12. 安徽省高校校园体育精神文化有待提高。

    Anhui universities campus sports spirit culture has yet to be improved .

  13. 回顾奥运追求和平的历程;论证其追求教育与和平的公共体育精神比其自身竞技更有价值的问题;

    Reviewing the history of the Pursuit of Peace of Olympic Games .

  14. 校园体育精神是校园体育文化的重要内容,是学校体育的灵魂和核心。

    PE spirit is the core of campus PE culture .

  15. 奥林匹克与道&中西体育精神之辨

    Olympics and Tao & Comparison of P.E.spirits between China and the West

  16. 试论嘉庚体育精神对促进全民健身发展的作用

    On the Function of Tan Kah-kee Sportsmanship in Promoting the

  17. 黑/白对角:表示警告没有体育精神的行为。

    B1ack / White Diagonal : once only warning for unsportsmanlike behavior .

  18. 论体育精神在体育教学中的培养

    The Inquire into the Sports Spirit in Physical Education

  19. 英雄们的表现和勇气象征着真正的体育精神。

    Their performance and courage symbolize the true spirit .

  20. 我们球队的体育精神表现有助于提高学校的荣誉。

    Our team 's sportsmanlike conduct redounds to the credit of the school .

  21. 体育精神文明量化指标的探讨

    A probe into index measurement of spiritual civilization in physical culture and sports

  22. 体育精神的核心是超越。

    The core of the sports spirit is transcending .

  23. 略论当代大学生体育精神的培养

    About the Cultivation of Sport Spirit in University Students

  24. 当今,许多运动员缺乏体育精神。

    Today , quite a few athletes lack sportsmanship .

  25. 体育精神与当代大学生的人格塑造

    Sports Spirit and Character Creation of Contemporary Undergraduate

  26. 萨马兰奇被誉为“将专业体育精神带进奥林匹克运动会的人”。

    Samaranch is credited as the man who brought professional sport into the Olympics .

  27. 论中国传统文化思想与西方竞技体育精神的冲突和统一

    Discussion on Conflict and Unification of Chinese Traditional Thought and Western Competitive Sports Spirit

  28. 第一,良好的体育精神受到人们的尊敬。

    Firstly , practicing good sportsmanship wins respect .

  29. 龙舟运动所弘扬的体育精神也吸引了更多人们的关注和参与。

    Dragon boat sport attracted more people ' sattention and participation for its sportsmanship .

  30. 加强社区体育精神文明建设,管理者和居民形成共同的价值观。

    Strengthen community sports spiritual civilization construction , managers and residents formed the common values .