
  • 网络general review;checksum;Checksumming
  1. 我们继续致力于在2014年1月之前完成第十五次份额总检查,并敦促执重会在该检查中就新的份额公式达成一致。

    We remain committed to completing the 15th General Review of Quotas by January 2014 , and urge the Executive Board to agree on a new quota formula as part of that review .

  2. 格林伯格被英国人马丁o沙利文(MartinSullivan)取代,而他现在仍身陷前纽约州总检查长艾略特o斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)提起的民事欺诈诉讼之中。

    Mr Greenberg , who remains embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit brought by Eliot Spitzer , the former New York attorney-general , was replaced by Martin Sullivan , a Briton .

  3. 结果A组显示效果优于B组。总检查成功率为97.86%、注射造影剂量为0.3~0.4ml最佳、侧斜位(MLO)投照角度以60°为最好。

    Results : Displaying effect of group A was better than group B. The total success rate was 97.86 % and the optima dosage of contrast medium was 0.3 ~ 0.4 ml and the optima MLO angle was 60 ° .

  4. 这似乎正是导致总检查长调查的导火索。

    That seems to have prompted the attorney-general to investigate .

  5. 纽约州总检查长安德鲁??科莫和纽约州两名参议院是民主党员。

    Its governor , Andrew Cuomo , is a Democrat , as are its two senators .

  6. (海地)总检查长办公室透露,据海地的法律规定,任何被指控绑架儿童的嫌疑人都不具备被保释的资格。

    Under Haitian law , anyone accused of kidnapping a child is not eligible for bail , the attorney general 's office said .

  7. 我们敦促所有成员采取一切必要手段,在2014年1月前完成下一轮份额总检查并就新的份额公式达成协议。

    We urge all members to take all necessary steps to achieve an agreement on the quota formula and complete the next general quota review by January 2014 .

  8. 建筑工地、小型积水、市政排水设施3类孳生场所占总检查处数的82.45%,占总阳性处数的79.43%;

    The construction sites , the small-scale ponding and the drainage systems accounted for 82.45 % of the total areas under inspection and 79.43 % of the total positive counts .

  9. 其余13例,占总检查人数的6%,包括甲型色盲3人,乙型色盲3人,甲型异常三色觉者1人,乙型异常三色觉者2人和极端乙型异常三色觉者4人。

    The rest , 13 cases , constituting a total of6 % COlour defectives of the sample , consist of3 protans , 3 deutans , 1 protanomal , 2 deuteranomals and4 extreme deuteranomals .

  10. 目前,我们正做总的检查。

    For the present we is make a general checkup .

  11. 我总要检查设备和工具。

    I 'm aiways inspecting the equipment , toois .

  12. 莫内总喜欢检查他的朋友和弟子们是否达到了他所规定的难以达到的新目标。

    Monnet always liked to check on whether his friends and disciples were living up to his impossibly high standards .

  13. 该行业的业内人士反驳说,总检察长检查的很多膳食补充剂是草本精华,所以不会包含标签中注明的植物DNA,因为DNA已经在制造和提取过程中遭到破坏。

    The industry has countered that many of the supplements examined by the attorney general were herbal extracts , and that they would not contain DNA from the plants advertised on their labels because DNA is damaged during manufacturing and extraction .

  14. 某人在迈阿密总医院做检查。

    Got a guy trying to check himself into Miami general .

  15. 他签完支票后总要再检查一遍。

    He always checks the information when he finishes .

  16. 并据此提出一种动态排序算法,通过在执行查询前对各属性查询进行排序,使总的候选检查的数目尽可能少。

    And accordingly , we presents a dynamic sorting algorithm to improve query performance . The algorithm through sorting the attributes to reduce the number of candidate check .

  17. 汤姆离家上学前,他母亲总为他检查书包。

    Before Tom leaves home for school , his mother checks his school bag . = Tom 's mother checks his school bag before he leaves home for school .

  18. 按照诊断检测仪的说明,用制表键输入总里程数,检查后按f8键。

    Observe the instructions of the diagnosis tester , enter the total mileage with the tabulator key , check and then press the f8 .

  19. 应用Pro/eWildfire软件建立了该变速器主要零件的实体模型,并完成机构虚拟总装配及干涉检查;

    With application of Pro / E Wildfire software , the physical model of main parts in gear-box is established . It can realize virtual assembly and interference check of the mechanism .

  20. 介绍了起始于设计需求和技术,包括选型、匹配、性能计算和评估、三维参数化总布置、干涉检查、运动校核以及性能仿真等全过程轿车底盘设计系统集成的开发思路。

    The design idea for integration of the car chassis design system which includes initial design requirements and technology , including selection , matching , performance calculation and evaluation , 3D parameterization general layout design , interference checking , motion checking and performance simulation , is introduced in the paper .