
  • 网络total energy expenditure,TEE;total energy expenditure;Tot. KCAL
  1. 用双标水方法测定了12名6~8岁体操运动员(男女各6名)的总能量消耗(TEE)。

    The total energy expenditure ( TEE ) was first measured by doubly labelled water ( DLW ) method in twelve elite young gymnasts ( 6 8 years old , 6 boys and 6 girls ) .

  2. 这项研究由威斯敏斯特大学开展,评估了10名受访者在观看所挑选出的恐怖电影时的总能量消耗。

    The University of Westminster study measured the total energy expenditure of ten different people as they watched a selection of frightening movies .

  3. 用24h回顾法进行全天膳食和活动调查,采用WHO报告的要因加算法估算总能量消耗量。

    The energy requirements were estimated by the factorial calculation according to WHO report .

  4. 根据总能量消耗与基础代谢率的比值推算出每日体力活动水平(PAL),用TEE-(BMR+0.1TEE)表示其在体力活动上的能量消耗(ECPA)。

    The physical activity level ( PAL ) and energy cost for physical activity ( ECPA ) were estimated from the ratio of TEE to BMR and TEE - ( BMR × 0.1TEE ) separately .

  5. 越来越多的研究表明对于运动总能量消耗来说,EPOC占有较大的比例,其主要部分用来脂肪氧化,所以对EPOC在控制体重方面的研究是非常有意义的。

    More and more studies show that EPOC accounts for a large proportion of the total exercise energy consumption and mainly used to fat oxidation , so it is significant to study EPOC role in weight control .

  6. 另外,对照组后测之三日平均身体活动总能量消耗低于前测。

    But the control group 's three-day physical activity log in post-test was lower than in pre-test .

  7. 研究传感器网络簇内协作数据压缩传输方式,减少网络总能量消耗,平衡节点能量消耗。

    The collaborative data transmission mode is studied , by which the energy consumption in networks is reduced and the energy consumption on nodes is balanced .

  8. 总能量消耗包括维持垂直方向周期运动的能耗、维持水平方向动能增加的能耗和克服水平方向的空气和地面阻力做功的能耗。

    The total energy consumption includes the energy of maintaining in the vertical periodical motion , the horizontal KE increment and overcoming the resis-tance from the air and the ground .

  9. 密度控制算法在保证目标区域足够的覆盖概率条件下,将一部分节点投入低功耗的睡眠状态,只将一部分的节点投入活跃的工作状态,减少了网络的总能量消耗。

    DCA which ensure sufficient coverage probability in target area can make some nodes slept consumption less energy and other nodes active so as to decrease the total energy - consumption .

  10. 所提出的一种基于概率覆盖模型的密度控制算法,能够在保证足够的网络覆盖能力的前提下,关闭掉冗余节点,减少网络的总能量消耗。

    A density control algorithm based on probability coverage model was presented , which can turn off redundant sensor nodes to reduce total network energy consumption and ensure adequate network coverage ability .

  11. 通过对吸收稳定系统工艺模拟计算和过程研究分析,指出冷进料流程无论是在总能量消耗方面,还是扩能增效方面均优于2/3热进料的双股进料流程。

    The result of process analogue calculation and process study on absorption and stabilization system indicated that cold feed flow is superior to 2 / 3 two feed flow with respect to total energy consumption , throughput capacity and benefit improving .

  12. 此外,人们对能量平衡也做过很多研究,这些研究表明,在发展中国家和发达国家,总能量消耗和体育运动水平是差不多的,所以活动和锻炼不太可能是造成肥胖率差异的原因。

    Further , studies of energy balance , and there are many of them , show that total energy expenditure and physical activity levels in developing and industrialized countries are similar , making activity and exercise unlikely to be the cause of differing obesity rates .

  13. 每年总的能量消耗大约为$300,这相当于7700磅的CO2。

    The total cost of energy for a year is about $ 300 , the equivalent of7,700 pounds of CO2 .

  14. 通过仿真软件MATLAB的实验证明:改进后的LEACH路由协议在网络生命周期、节点剩余能量方差以及网络总的能量消耗方面均有优异表现。

    Proved through the experiments of the simulation software MATLAB : improved routing protocol LEACH have outstanding performance in terms of network life cycle , the variance of node residual energy and network energy consumption .

  15. 分析结果认为,大约总能量的42.5%消耗于近区,主要是因为空腔内爆轰产物的高压所致。

    It is considered that about 42.5 % of the total energy is consumed at the close zone because of the existence of a high pressure caused by detonation product in the cavity .