
zǒnɡ tǒnɡ fǔ
  • presidential palace;the residence and office of a president;palace
  1. 新闻记者和摄影记者们正等在总统府外。

    Press reporters and photographers were waiting outside the presidential palace .

  2. 新任命的内阁在总统府宣誓就职。

    The incoming cabinet is swearing in at the presidential palace .

  3. 一名驻阿比让的BBC记者表示,在总统府附近的国家电视台发生了激烈的战斗。

    A BBC reporter in Abidjan said there had been fierce clashes around the national TV station , near the presidential palace .

  4. 韩国通信委员会表示,从周二起,总统府青瓦台(BlueHouse)、国防部、国会以及私营公司网站被恶意软件产生的密集流量瘫痪。

    The South 's Communications Commission said that the websites of the presidential Blue House , defence ministry and national assembly as well as private companies were inundated by heavy traffic generated by software , beginning on Tuesday .

  5. 最明目张胆的袭击发生在总统府附近。武装分子与警方交战时,阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊(HamidKarzai)正开始为新任部长举行宣誓就职仪式。

    The most brazen assault occurred near the presidential palace , where gunmen fought police as Hamid Karzai , Afghanistan 's president , began a swearing-in ceremony for new ministers .

  6. 在科特迪瓦(IvoryCoast)的亚穆苏克罗市(Yamoussoukro),道路宽得可以降落大型喷气式客机,还有一个巨大的总统府和以罗马圣彼得大教堂为蓝本的长方形基督教堂。

    Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast is a city with roads wide enough for jumbo jets to land on , a vast presidential palace and a basilica modelled on St Peter 's in Rome .

  7. 有猜测说,很快首相Yousuf·RazaGilani可以与Nawaz·谢里夫一道玩一场政治游戏以便扎尔达里从总统府那儿感到放心。

    There are Speculations that soon in future Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani may play a political game along with Nawaz Sharif so that Zardari is relieved from the President office .

  8. 这是总统府内的会议厅。

    This was the meeting hall of Office of the president .

  9. 我希望你来总统府来见我。

    I want you to meet me at the presidential palace .

  10. 在总统府外聚集了一大群人。

    A great crowd had gathered outside the president 's palace .

  11. 庞顿,我们马上去总统府!

    Ponton , we must get to the presidential palace immediately !

  12. 图为马里总统府办公楼外景和内景。

    The pictures shows the new office building view inside and outside .

  13. 马达加斯加军人一度占领这座总统府几个小时。

    Soldiers had seized the building a few hours before .

  14. 国民卫队包围了总统府。

    The national guard have surround the presidential palace .

  15. 愤怒的人群涌进总统府的大门。

    An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president 's palace .

  16. 骑兵封锁了通往总统府的道路;

    Mounted troops barring access to the presidential palace ;

  17. 每年我都要总统府前看?行表演。

    I go to the presidential hall to see the parade every year .

  18. 总统府的庭园由带警犬的士兵巡视。

    The grounds of the presidential palace are patrolled by soldiers with guard dogs .

  19. 总统府仍然留有一个月的严重冲突留下的痕迹。

    The presidential palace still bears the scars of a month of heavy fighting .

  20. 相关证据就在达喀尔总统府的停车场里。

    The proof is in the parking lot at the presidential palace in Dakar .

  21. 也门的抗议者们一直威胁要冲到总统府和其他政府办公大楼。

    Protesters have been threatening to storm the presidential palace and other government buildings .

  22. 数百级台阶通向总统府周围的高墙。

    Hundreds of steps lead to the high walls which surround the president 's palace !

  23. 晚间,欧巴马夫妇将在萨尔瓦多总统府出席正式晚宴。

    The Obamas will attend an official dinner at the presidential palace in the evening .

  24. 韩国政府在总统府的战争掩体内召开了紧急会议。

    The government convened an emergency meeting in the war bunker of the presidential office .

  25. 我不会喜欢在总统府战争掩体内决定如何应对。

    I would not like to be in the presidential war bunker deciding how to respond .

  26. 总统府外烛光摇曳,悼念者还在那里摆放了鲜花。

    Clusters of lit candles flicker outside the presidential palace where mourners are still leaving flowers .

  27. 目击者说总统府南面的国防部发生了一次爆炸。

    Witnesses said one blast struck near the Defence Ministry , south of the presidential palace .

  28. 不管结果如何,也许胡会因建康问题,要担任总统府秘书长。

    However , Hu wanted to become Presidential Office Secretary General , perhaps for health reasons .

  29. 当他走出总统府做辞职报告时,人群发出嘲笑和质问的声音。

    Crowds jeered and heckled as he went to the presidential palace to present his resignation .

  30. 周日凌晨,科纳克里附近的总统府区域爆发了枪战。

    Gunfire erupted and fighting broke out near the presidential palace in Conakry early Sunday morning .