- Total Index;combined index

In the recent years , the information infrastructure and its application in Foshan has experienced a great development , In 2000 , the NIQ ( national information quotient ) of Foshan is up to 66 , which rank the advanced position in the nationwide .
Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .
General Informatization Indicators and Rank of Regions in China in 1999-2001
General index of purchasing price of farm produce
Regional environmental level in the national total index was sorting of 16th , zhejiang .
Total price index of living cost
Regulation of Relative Price in the Variability of China General Price Index and Implications of Macro-economy Control
Discussing about the interrelationship between the retail price index of goods and supply of money in our country
General retail price index
Analysis in the Intered Factor and Establishing the Mathematic Matrix of Forecast Concerning the Retail Price Index of Goods
The report says China tops the trade index among 41 countries surveyed , followed by Singapore and India .
And then a comprehensive evaluation system research approach of listed company - Total index method of the coefficient variation .
Through the spillover effect model , we see volatility of Shanghai Stock Exchange index has influence to volatility of bond market index .
The sub-prime crisis has influenced the price of copper and crude oil before having affection on the price of gold and soybean .
Results The hierachical analysis weighted method was used to determine the total index , to analyse and evaluate the social and economic benefits of a hospital .
In this paper , an interference value is added to , and a new model is introduced to make the phenomenon practical in predicting in market economics .
The overall index of orders for the year 's third quarter shows a45 % decrease compared to the previous period , stopping at a value of70.8 points .
According to types of commodity , it can be divided into goods price index of an individual event , the classification price index of the goods and total index .
A research has been done in listed companies to study their operating performances by selecting financial data and appraising synthetically the listed companies in Anhui Province and rank them .
With an index of leading indicators for the British economy compiled by the OECD now starting to edge up , hopes are rising that the worst of the recession may be over .
Set up the model , use general index of the cross-strait economic relations to be the dependent variable , and the influence factors as explanatory variables , and then analyze the impact .
For the bond component , pick a fund such as the Fidelity Total Bond fund that largely owns high-grade , intermediate-term corporate bonds and mortgages , along with government and and agency debt .
In this trend , it showed the rise in asset prices in some countries , while consumer price index remained relatively stable , and prices in different market system showed departure from their characteristics .
By studying the method of identifying and screening hot resistant germplasm resources in wheat , the indexes of hot resistance in spring and winter were calculated , and the grade on hot resistance was deined .
When there is a sticker price in the sports industry , its effects on the price index of consuming goods and the general price index is one of the smallest of all the trades in the whole national economy . 6 .
This paper expounds method of statistical analysis for water quality inspection , it puts forward the new conception of total index of water quality , easy to comparision , and it 's application to conduct practice , to promote the raise of level of science management .
Using calculation model of firepower neutralization capability index of gun system derived from power index method , it is easy to carry out comparison and analysis of firepower neutralization capability of all kinds of gun system , calculation of firepower neutralization capability overall index of a combat unit .
On exponential fitting of ~ ( 210 ) pb total activities
When majority of the nation use the CPI as the measure of inflation , the adjustable CPI e.g. core inflation index has gradually gained more concerns from some nations .
Based on Multi-Trait BLUP , absorbing the merits of Total Performance Index ( TPI ) method , a Total Transmitting Index ( TTI ) method was developed in this paper .