
zǒng zī chǎn
  • total assets
总资产[zǒng zī chǎn]
  1. 主要榜单“全球500强排行榜”(global500)显示各公司在2008年和2009年的排名、国家、市值、行业、营业额、净收入、总资产和雇员数目。

    The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 , the country , market capitalisation , sector , turnover , net income , total assets and employees .

  2. 根据美联储(Fed)数据,这两家分行分别位于洛杉矶和纽约,截至去年9月的总资产不到5亿美元。

    They are in Los Angeles and New York , with total assets of under $ 500m as of last September , according to Federal Reserve data .

  3. 这将是美国银行业历史上最大的一次合并,使两家银行的总资产达到1,460亿美元左右。

    Such a merger would be the largest in US banking history , giving the two banks combined assets of some $ 146 billion .

  4. 上证综合指数(TheShanghaiCompositeindex)自2014年11月起总资产翻了一番,创下7年来的最高点。

    The Shanghai Composite Index has doubled in value since November , and hit a seven-year high .

  5. 以英国为例,其最大的五家银行总资产为该国GDP的4倍。

    Consider the UK , where the combined assets of the big five banks is four times GDP .

  6. 19世纪80年代,英国银行总资产相当于国内生产总值(GDP)的5%。

    In the 1880s , total UK bank assets were equal to 5 per cent of gross domestic product .

  7. 本文主要利用两种不同的方法对中国以火电为主营业务的发电企业总资产、装机容量、年净发电量的规模经济进行了研究。NET的一部分。

    This paper conducts research of economies of scale in capital , installed capacity and the net generating capacity in Chinese electricity generation enterprises whose essential business is involved in fuel electric plants .

  8. 《巴塞尔协议iii》要求银行股本可以低至其未经风险加权的总资产的3%,这一比例很低,是非常危险的。

    Basel III allows the equity of banks to be as low as 3 per cent of their total , non-risk-weighted assets , which is dangerously low .

  9. 在由中国人寿(ChinaLife)和中国平安(PingAn)主导的中国寿险市场,泰康占有约8%的市场份额,总资产为280亿美元,去年的净利润约2.5亿美元。

    Taikang Life has a market share of about 8 per cent , in a sector dominated by China Life and Ping An . It has total assets of $ 28bn and net income last year reached approximately $ 250m .

  10. 研究结果发现在总资产周转率、营业毛利率、净值报酬率、资产报酬率、负债净值比现金流量比率有显着的差异。NET的重要组成部分。

    As a result , we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover , operational margin ratio , returns on net equity , returns on total assets , debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .

  11. 在过去的15年间,美国排名前50企业的总资产占美国gdp的比例由70%上升到了约130%(如图右)。

    In the past 15 years the assets of the top 50 American companies have risen from around 70 % of American GDP to around 130 % ( see right-hand chart ) .

  12. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的分析师们相信,该政策让三家银行得以大幅降低风险加权资产占总资产的比例,即便总体放贷加快了增长。

    Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe it has allowed those three banks to lower dramatically risk-weighted assets as a proportion of total assets even as overall lending has accelerated .

  13. 我们计算出财务杠杆LEV,它是非流动负债总额与总资产的比值。

    We calculate financial leverage , LEV , as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets .

  14. 方差分析表明,不同产业的绩效和股权结构存在显著差异:资本密集产业的总资产收益率高于劳动和技术密集产业,而技术密集产业的托宾Q高于其他两个产业;

    Analyses reveal significant difference in ownership structure and performance of varies industries . Capital - intense industry has a significantly larger ROA than labor-intense and tech-intense industries , while the latter has a larger Tobin Q .

  15. 最近的报告表明,要符合fsa的标准,银行必须将大约10%的总资产与政府债券密切挂钩。

    Recent reports suggest banks would have to tie-up about 10 per cent of total assets in government bonds to comply with the FSA standard .

  16. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)称,仅持有政府债券的货币市场基金正在快速提高手中持有的用于满足一周内赎回需求的现金,使其从3月底占总资产的48%,提高到现在的68%。

    Government-only money market funds have boosted the amount of cash available to meet redemptions within one week to 68 per cent of assets , from 48 per cent at the end of March , according to Barclays Capital .

  17. BGI表示,目前有257只新兴市场股票型ETF,总资产为1300亿美元,高于1月份的仅710亿美元。

    BGI says there are now 257 emerging market equity ETFs with total assets of $ 130bn , up from just $ 71bn in January .

  18. 然后通过将所选的传统财务指标与EVA之间建立线性回归,发现EVA与所选的七个传统财务指标中的六个都具有显著的线性关系,但与总资产周转率之间不相关。

    Next , made a establishing linear regression between traditional financial index and EVA . Found that EVA and selected six of seven traditional financial indicators have significant ground sex , but not related with total asset turnover .

  19. 过去12个月里,由CEO约翰·斯坦普夫(JohnStumpf)领导的富国银行总资产在2012年第三季度的1.37万亿美元基础上增长了8%。

    Over the last 12 months , Wells , lead by CEO John Stumpf , has seen its total assets jump 8 % from $ 1.37 trillion in the third quarter of 2012 .

  20. 他们对样本进行了分析定义他们的声调的高低,然后将声调的高低水平与CEO的管理的公司的总资产、他的收入及任职时间进行了对比分析。

    They analyzed the samples to calculate vocal pitch and then cross referenced the pitch levels with data on the total assets managed by the CEO , the CEOs " compensation and how long the bosses had been in their jobs .

  21. 文中,选取企业业绩作为被解释变量,本文将选择总资产收益率(ROA)作为企业业绩的指标。

    Select the enterprise performance as the explained variables , and select the total return on assets ( ROA ) as indicators of corporate performance .

  22. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师表示,德银的一级杠杆率即最高质量的资本与总资产之比低于4%,而摩根大通和高盛则接近7%。

    Its tier one leverage – the ratio of its highest-quality capital to total assets – is less than 4 per cent , compared with almost 7 per cent at JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs , say Morgan Stanley analysts .

  23. 不过花旗(citi)估计,如果总资产明年缩水不足3%,使存贷比降至2006年的水平,这将意味着资产负债表减少约700亿港元。

    Still , if aggregate assets contract by under 3 per cent next year , bringing Ltd ratios down to 2006 levels , that will mean a reduction in balances of about HK $ 70bn , estimates Citi .

  24. 目前,ETF占全行业总资产的不到4%,他预测,未来10年,这一数字将逐渐升至6%上方,接近全球均值。

    Currently they make up less than 4 per cent of total industry assets , and he expects this figure gradually to move towards the global mean of 6 per cent-plus over the next decade .

  25. 这一金额高于很多分析师的预期,不过中行持有的这些债券多数具有AAA评级,实际损失估计相对较小&尤其是与该行大约7700亿美元的总资产相比。

    The amount is higher than many analysts were expecting but the debt is mostly rated AAA and actual losses are expected to be relatively small , especially compared with the bank 's total assets of around $ 770bn .

  26. IMF断定,要将杠杆比率降至17比1(或普通股本占总资产的6%),美国、欧元区和英国分别需要5000亿美元、7250亿美元和2500亿美元的额外股本。

    The IMF concludes that the extra equity needed to reduce leverage to 17 to 1 ( or common equity to 6 per cent of total assets ) would be $ 500bn in the US , $ 725bn in the eurozone and $ 250bn in the UK .

  27. 构建了异常审计收费这一非财务指标下困境客户财务危机(ST)和总资产收益率(ROA)的预测模型,并在其中加入了与财务困境相关联的指标。

    Third , we build the financial crisis ( ST ) and total return on assets ( ROA ) prediction model of the distressed clients under abnormal audit fee that is the non-financial indicator , and include some indicators associated with financial distress .

  28. 3,公司有形资产账面价值与公司总资产市场价值的比例(PPEMVA)。

    ( mbve ) 3 . The proportion between book value of tangible assets and market value of corporation assets ( ppemva ) .

  29. 但是在五月,CVC将16亿美元即总资产的21%卖给了三个团体投资人:同为资产管理者的Waddell&Reid和黑石,还有挪威银行投资管理——挪威的国家资金管理者。

    However , in May it sold a total of 21 % of the sport , for $ 1.6 billion , to three institutional investors : Waddell & Reid and BlackRock , both American asset managers , and Norges Bank Investment Management , Norway 's state money manager .

  30. 长期负债/总资产比率与盈利无相关;

    Long-term debt / total assets are not relevant to profit ;