- total assets

The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 , the country , market capitalisation , sector , turnover , net income , total assets and employees .
They are in Los Angeles and New York , with total assets of under $ 500m as of last September , according to Federal Reserve data .
Such a merger would be the largest in US banking history , giving the two banks combined assets of some $ 146 billion .
The Shanghai Composite Index has doubled in value since November , and hit a seven-year high .
Consider the UK , where the combined assets of the big five banks is four times GDP .
In the 1880s , total UK bank assets were equal to 5 per cent of gross domestic product .
This paper conducts research of economies of scale in capital , installed capacity and the net generating capacity in Chinese electricity generation enterprises whose essential business is involved in fuel electric plants .
Basel III allows the equity of banks to be as low as 3 per cent of their total , non-risk-weighted assets , which is dangerously low .
Taikang Life has a market share of about 8 per cent , in a sector dominated by China Life and Ping An . It has total assets of $ 28bn and net income last year reached approximately $ 250m .
As a result , we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover , operational margin ratio , returns on net equity , returns on total assets , debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .
In the past 15 years the assets of the top 50 American companies have risen from around 70 % of American GDP to around 130 % ( see right-hand chart ) .
Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe it has allowed those three banks to lower dramatically risk-weighted assets as a proportion of total assets even as overall lending has accelerated .
We calculate financial leverage , LEV , as the ratio of total non-current liabilities to total assets .
Analyses reveal significant difference in ownership structure and performance of varies industries . Capital - intense industry has a significantly larger ROA than labor-intense and tech-intense industries , while the latter has a larger Tobin Q .
Recent reports suggest banks would have to tie-up about 10 per cent of total assets in government bonds to comply with the FSA standard .
Government-only money market funds have boosted the amount of cash available to meet redemptions within one week to 68 per cent of assets , from 48 per cent at the end of March , according to Barclays Capital .
BGI says there are now 257 emerging market equity ETFs with total assets of $ 130bn , up from just $ 71bn in January .
Next , made a establishing linear regression between traditional financial index and EVA . Found that EVA and selected six of seven traditional financial indicators have significant ground sex , but not related with total asset turnover .
Over the last 12 months , Wells , lead by CEO John Stumpf , has seen its total assets jump 8 % from $ 1.37 trillion in the third quarter of 2012 .
They analyzed the samples to calculate vocal pitch and then cross referenced the pitch levels with data on the total assets managed by the CEO , the CEOs " compensation and how long the bosses had been in their jobs .
Select the enterprise performance as the explained variables , and select the total return on assets ( ROA ) as indicators of corporate performance .
Its tier one leverage – the ratio of its highest-quality capital to total assets – is less than 4 per cent , compared with almost 7 per cent at JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs , say Morgan Stanley analysts .
Still , if aggregate assets contract by under 3 per cent next year , bringing Ltd ratios down to 2006 levels , that will mean a reduction in balances of about HK $ 70bn , estimates Citi .
Currently they make up less than 4 per cent of total industry assets , and he expects this figure gradually to move towards the global mean of 6 per cent-plus over the next decade .
The amount is higher than many analysts were expecting but the debt is mostly rated AAA and actual losses are expected to be relatively small , especially compared with the bank 's total assets of around $ 770bn .
The IMF concludes that the extra equity needed to reduce leverage to 17 to 1 ( or common equity to 6 per cent of total assets ) would be $ 500bn in the US , $ 725bn in the eurozone and $ 250bn in the UK .
Third , we build the financial crisis ( ST ) and total return on assets ( ROA ) prediction model of the distressed clients under abnormal audit fee that is the non-financial indicator , and include some indicators associated with financial distress .
( mbve ) 3 . The proportion between book value of tangible assets and market value of corporation assets ( ppemva ) .
However , in May it sold a total of 21 % of the sport , for $ 1.6 billion , to three institutional investors : Waddell & Reid and BlackRock , both American asset managers , and Norges Bank Investment Management , Norway 's state money manager .
Long-term debt / total assets are not relevant to profit ;