
suí jūn
  • be with the army;go along with an army
随军 [suí jūn]
  • (1) [with the army]∶ 跟随军队[行动]

  • 随军记者

  • (2) [families who followed the army]∶

  • 军人家属将户口等关系转到军队,并跟随部队生活和行动。

  1. 他以随军牧师的身份加入第40师。

    He joined the 40th Division as an army chaplain .

  2. 她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。

    Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence .

  3. 据TVGuide报道,Booth会同随军远赴阿富汗的女记者展开一段恋情。

    According to TV Guide , Booth will begin a relationship with a female journalist while stationed with his unit in Afghanistan .

  4. 供给随军食堂所需要的食品是个长期存在的问题。

    Food for the field kitchens is a chronic problem .

  5. 巴里安:你要随军出征?

    Balian of Ibelin : You go with the army ?

  6. 拿破仑随军派来了的一位行政官。

    And Napoleon has sent a special prosecutor along with his army .

  7. 他们下了马,走进了随军商贩的帐篷。

    They got off their horses and went into the canteen-keeper 's booth .

  8. 或者是有谁跟随军小商贩的老婆私奔了?

    Somebody run off with the sutler 's wife ?

  9. 医院骑士:我奉命随军出征。

    Hospitaller : My order is with the army .

  10. 随军牧师从属于某一支军队的牧师。

    A member of the clergy attached to a branch of the armed forces .

  11. 随军记者提供了炮火里和行进中的部队的实况报道。

    Embedded correspondents have provided live reports from troops under fire and on the move .

  12. 我以一名随军观战人员的身分,试图到尽可能靠近前线的地方去。

    As a camp follower I tried to get as close as possible to the front .

  13. 在伊拉克,美军的随军牧师会进到掩体对官兵们说低下你们的头来祈祷。

    In Iraq , chaplains would come into the bunkers and say bow your heads and pray .

  14. 这一次的伊拉克战争中联军又招募近800名随军记者,其中大部分人对联军政府和军队采取比较配合的态度。

    In the second Iraq war , over 800 journalists were embedded into troops to report the war .

  15. 三个国家都声称萨姆奈尔是它们的公民:爱尔兰,因为他随军出生在那里;

    Three countries claim actor Sam Neill as their own : ireland , where he was born to army parents ;

  16. 瞧瞧这地方,他指了指随军商贩支起的帐篷,都聚在一起,坐着哩。

    And look here , he pointed to a canteen-keeper 's booth , they gather here , and here they sit .

  17. 特委仍有存在的必要,因为前委有时要随军行动。

    It is necessary to retain the Special Committee because sometimes the Front Committee has to move about with the troops .

  18. 以后刚好一些,他就参军成为一名外科军医,随军远征葡萄牙。

    When he was better , he joined the army for a time as a surgeon and went on an expedition to portugal .

  19. 神父是在一些教会(尤其是罗马或东正天主教)对牧师的称呼用语;随军教士常常用于军队中的牧师。

    Father'is a term of address for priests in some churches ( especially Roman or Orthodox Catholic ); 'Padre'is frequently used in the military .

  20. 季节性产品供应链中的供需管理策略研究供给随军食堂所需要的食品是个长期存在的问题。

    Study on the Demand and Supply Stratagem in the Supply Chain of Seasonal Items ; Food for the field kitchens is a chronic problem .

  21. 直到有一天,我遇见一位女孩,一位出色的女孩,这名随军护士的信念和执著将改变我的一生。

    Then one day , I met a girl , a wonderful girl , an army nurse , whose faith and stability were to change my whole life .

  22. “他就是那个不穿皮靴站在随军商贩身边的上尉。”安德烈公爵思忖了片刻,高兴地听出令人悦意的富有抽象推理意味的发言。

    " Oh , it 's the captain , who had his boots off in the booth ," thought Prince Andrey , recognising with pleasure the agreeable philosophising voice .

  23. 事实上,当我在军队时,随军记者常常向我抱怨,我们做了太多的事来鼓励士兵不要放下对记者的戒备。

    Indeed embedded reporters often complained to me while I was in the army that we did too much to encourage soldiers not to let down their guard with journalists .

  24. 不过,《滚石》的编辑上周四证实,他们的记者曾作为麦克里斯特尔的随军记者,引用的所有言论无论是否正式记录在案都是准确无误的。

    Yet Rolling Stone 's editor confirmed yesterday that all those quoted by their reporter , who was embedded with the general , were clear when they were on and off the record .

  25. 这些主要是为了解决随军家属和子女就业,改善基层部队物质文化生活,支援国家经济建设。

    These activities are primarily undertaken to provide employment for the families of military personnel , to improve life culturally and materially in grass-roots units and to support the nation 's overall economic construction .

  26. “爸爸已超过征兵年龄,身体也不适宜当兵,我认为他去当随军牧师真是太好了,”梅格热切地说。

    " I think it was so splendid in Father to go as chaplain when he was too old to be drafted , and not strong enough for a soldier ," said Meg warmly .

  27. 郭氏的长子郭信拥有一身好武艺,年轻力壮时就从军,在随军征战中立下了许多功劳,官升兵部侍郎。

    Guo Xin , the eldest son of this family , was skilled in martial arts and took service when he was young . He was a courageous warrior and won a lot of credits during campaigns and expeditions . Later , he was promoted to assistant minister of the war department .