
suí bǐ
  • informal essay;jottings;casual literary notes;familiar essay;desultory essay
随笔 [suí bǐ]
  • (1) [informal essay; jottings]

  • (2) 一种散文体裁,随手笔录,抒情、叙事或评论不拘,篇幅短小

  • (3) 指听课、读书时所作的记录

随笔[suí bǐ]
  1. 接下来的十年是随笔创作期。

    The following ten years is his informal essay creation period .

  2. 诠释与界说&中国现代随笔概念的历史性考察

    Notes and Definition & The historical investigation of the concept of Chinese modern informal essay

  3. 这是一篇具有思想性的随笔。

    This is a thoughtful essay .

  4. 随笔(Essay)是日本散文的主流。

    The essay is the main literary trend of Japanese prose .

  5. 玛丽·奥斯汀(MaryAustin1868,9-1934,8)是美国小说家,随笔作家,主要从事美国印第安文化和社会问题为内容的写作。

    Mary Austin was an American novelist , essayist , mainly writing on American Indian culture and social problems .

  6. 同时对系统的背景需求、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了介绍。该文还以随笔管理为例,对ASP。

    Meanwhile , They take an introduction on the system background demand , the system function characteristic and the design project .

  7. 通过把握他们散文的艺术风格,有利于我们勾勒中国现代随笔散文发展的内在线索,认清西方Essay与中国散文艺术相融合的进程,促进当代散文的发展及变革。

    Through grasping the artistic style of their prose , it 's beneficial to us to outline the internal clue in the development of Chinese prose , recognize the blending process of western essay and Chinese prose art and promote the development and reform of contemporary prose . Directed by -

  8. 就在同一天,3000英里之外的阿里安娜赫芬顿(AriannaHuffington)为她在LinkedIn上的追随者们写了篇随笔,其中写道她2013年的最大理想是:少点压力,多点生活。

    That very same day , 3,000 miles away , Arianna Huffington was penning a piece for her followers on LinkedIn about her Big Idea for 2013 : Less Stress , More Living .

  9. 正如随笔是按时间顺序走向的,它们也是,有时间顺序的,随笔写的时候Lolita刚刚发表,那个字出现了,描绘了很多事情。

    As the essays move chronologically they were written over a period of time as the essays that were written near Lolita come into the book , that word appears , also , describing various things .

  10. 欧洲电子出版业和大学图书馆考察随笔

    European electronic publishing industry and university libraries : a visiting essay

  11. 主流媒体路透社,在播放重大新闻的同时,也在转发博客随笔;

    Reuters is carrying blog postings alongside its regular news feed .

  12. 福州大学文科楼结构设计随笔

    The Structure Designing Essay for Liberal Arts Building of Fuzhou University

  13. 分段解读&外国建筑史教学随笔

    Interpretation with Subsection & Teaching Essay of History of Foreign Architecture

  14. 来自建筑师的关爱:科研建筑设计随笔

    Cares from Architects : Sketches on Design of Scientific Research Building

  15. 建筑与环境的和谐交融&张家口新华大厦设计创作随笔

    Harmony of Architecture and Environment & On the Design of XinHua Mansion

  16. 自觉与自主&传统文化与现代文化随笔之一

    Self-affirmation and Self-dependence-An Informal Essay on Traditional Culture and Modernization

  17. 梳理与重构:中国古代随笔谱系

    Sorting Out and Reconstructing : Jottings Pedigree in Ancient China

  18. 深埋隧道外水压力计算中几个问题的探讨&对“读《深埋隧道外水压力计算的解析-数值法》一文随笔”的答复

    Discussions on calculation of deep tunnel external water pressure by analytical-mathematical method

  19. 约瑟夫。布罗茨基美籍俄裔诗人和随笔作家。

    Joseph Brodsky American Russian poet and essayist , b.24 May1940 , St.

  20. 高校学生食堂设计随笔

    An Essay on the Design of the College Students ' Dinning Hall

  21. 读《2000年大趋势》随笔等诗四首

    Four Poems at Random After Reading " Megatrends 2000 "

  22. 随笔创作的误区与文化内涵的提升

    Wrong Views of Essay Writing and Upgrading of Cultural Connotation

  23. 清华大学北院景园设计随笔

    Essay on Landscape Architecture Design at the North Yard of Tsinghua University

  24. 软件测试生活随笔道路是曲折的,前途是光明的!

    The road is tortuous , the future is bright !

  25. 篆刻艺术随笔(之四)&闲话刻技

    Seal cutting art informal essay ( four ) Chatting the Carving skill

  26. 简论新随笔创作特征

    A Brief Comment on the Writing Feature of the Modern Informal Essay

  27. 脍炙人口的风格、随笔、文章等。

    A highly readable style , essay , article , etc.

  28. 仍是单身的朋友们,请看看下面这些关于婚姻的随笔……

    For everyone that 's still single , some notes on marriage ...

  29. 那是一份革命随笔的书。

    It was a copy of essays on revolution .

  30. 意思是:&我想现在每个人都应交他或她的随笔(作文)。

    I 'd like everyone to hand in his or her essay now .