
  • 网络Artistic Ideological Trends
  1. 中国现代艺术思潮观的历史发展

    The Historical Development of Modern Chinese Artistic Ideological Trends

  2. 中国当代的艺术思潮理论研究主要集中于文学思潮领域。

    The theory of contemporary Chinese artistic ideological trends mainly concentrates on the field of literature .

  3. 西方现代艺术思潮的探源与思考

    Reflections on the Origin of Modern Western Thought of Art

  4. 无论艺术思潮如何变幻写实油画都拥有它最为永久的生命力。

    Regardless of how changeable realistic painting art has its most lasting vitality .

  5. 在融合了西方现代艺术思潮后,日本现代园林的造园理念与建设逐渐成熟。

    On the integration of the western modern art , modern Japanese landscape architecture gradually matures .

  6. 文化与艺术思潮的多元化局面使流行音乐获得了空前丰富的艺术源泉。

    Pluralistic trends of thoughts of cultural and art made popular music develop more rapidly than usually .

  7. 而这种书风正好迎合了扬州八怪这股艺术思潮的艺术审美。

    This book wind just to meet the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " the art aesthetic .

  8. 在现代派的美术史上,表现主义是一个重要的艺术思潮和流派。

    In the history of modern art , expressionism is an important art current of thought and party .

  9. 中国的传统文化受到了不断涌入的国外各种艺术思潮的冲击。

    Chinese traditional culture has been impacted by the unceasing flux of artistic ideological trend from different countries .

  10. 在这一高度融创的时代里,各种新的、现代的思想观念以及国外各种现代唱片包装艺术思潮层出不迭。

    Many new modern ideas and concepts , and foreign modern art trends of album packaging keep coming up .

  11. 但由于对末落王朝的怀恋意识和情结,也由于文人艺术思潮的影响。

    Because they looked back on the old dynasty and were influenced by the artistic trend of the time .

  12. 印象主义是19世纪后期产生于法国的一种艺术思潮和流派。

    The impressionismcame out in France in the later stage of19th century as an artistic ideological trend and sect .

  13. 在西方,它已经在学术上被理论家认定为一种后现代艺术思潮,形成女性主义艺术和流派。

    In the West , it has been regarded by theorists as a post-modernism thoughts , forming femalism arts and schools .

  14. 它的存在是各艺术思潮,各艺术语言,以及各媒介之间碰撞的结果。

    It is the result of the collisions , which by the art , art language , as well as various media .

  15. 各类设计艺术思潮和形式风格的底面,都奔跃着各民族深层心理结构意识的潜流。

    At the bottom of the current thought of various design art and form style are rushing the undercurrent consciousness of each nation .

  16. 朦胧作为当代颇有争议、颇有影响、而独具特色的一种艺术思潮,已有20余年历史。

    Obscure poetry , looked as a kind of disputed , effective and unique artic thought , has a history more than 20 years .

  17. 在亚洲的绘画艺术思潮中,针对韩国绘画艺术的冲突与融合做一探讨,可以从以下两个角度来说明:第一、在东北亚近代绘画的大艺术环境下研究韩国的近代绘画。

    This research would helpfully further promote Korean art . In view of collision and integration of Korean art , we learn from two angles .

  18. 未来主义,二十世纪早期的确是的一个艺术思潮。拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活。

    Futurism , an early twentieth-century movement in art , rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion .

  19. 表现主义艺术思潮的产生和繁荣与德意志民族的艺术传统、德国社会的现实处境以及外来文化的影响有关,也间接地反映了20世纪初前后整个欧洲的社会心态。

    Due to German art tradition , society situation and influence of foreign culture , expressionism emerged and flourished . Expressionism reflected European social awareness indirectly .

  20. 古典主义和浪漫主义两种书法艺术思潮在天然的对立之后如何完美地融合在一起,共同支撑晚明书法艺术亮丽的天空,这是第二个焦点所在。

    The second point is how classicism and romanticism calligraphy ideological trend to fuse perfectly together to support the latter Ming dynasty calligraphy after natural antagonism .

  21. 荷兰景观设计师高伊策的设计思想源于多种艺术思潮的影响和他对自然的独特理解。

    ZHANG Jin-shiAbstract : The ideas of the Netherlandish landscape architect , Adriaan Geuze , origin from his unique understanding of nature and influenced by some art trends .

  22. 服饰的发展受社会诸多因素,如政治、济、争、教和艺术思潮等的制约。

    The development of the dress receives a great deal of restriction of factors of society like politics , economy , war , religion and artistic ideological trend .

  23. 最后对“极端体验”文化艺术思潮试图以美学政治化来解决现代性困境之利弊进行了总体评价。

    Finally , we evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of the the extreme experience trend of thought in culture and art by means of politicalizing aesthetics as a whole .

  24. 在发展过程中不断受到各种艺术思潮(尤其是欧普艺术)的影响,其运用也逐步突破了传统的审美观点与美学原则,呈现出纷繁复杂的艺术风格与表现形式。

    Influenced by various trends of art ( especially optics art ), breaking through traditional aesthetic viewpoint and the aesthetic principles , it presents the complexity of the artistic style and form .

  25. 张爱玲对西方美术的介绍和喜爱明显地集中在广义的现代主义思潮上,她的文学也应更多地从这个大的艺术思潮背景上去理解、去阐释。

    Zhang Ailing 's introduction and fondness to western fine arts obviously concentrated on ideological trend of broadly-defined modernism , so her literature should be understoods and explained from the artistic ideological trend background .

  26. 第四章通过对宗教和政治、哲学、文学及艺术思潮关系的历史省察,认识了西方思想文化史中宗教影响的巨大作用。

    The 4th Chapter probes the strong religious influence of the history of western intellectual culture by historical review of the relation between religion and the thinking trends of politics , philosophy , literature and art .

  27. 受大量西方后现代艺术思潮和西方现代陶艺影响的中国现代陶艺创作,至今难免不受西方后现代艺术其表面形式所吸引与误解。

    A large number of modern Western art trends and the impact of modern Western pottery creation of China 's modern ceramics has inevitably surface from the West after its modern art forms attract and misunderstanding .

  28. 近二十多年来,台湾随着社会的转变及西方艺术思潮的涌入,不少书法创作者思考如何从传统中延续并另辟新意。

    In the latest over twenty years , with the social transformation in Taiwan and the inburst of western artistic thoughts , lots of calligraphers have been considering innovations on the basis of continuing the traditions .

  29. 其次通过分析各种艺术思潮对现代插画艺术的影响,来探讨现代主流插画艺术的各种风格特征,总结这些主流的插画所呈现的表现形式。

    Followed by the various arts on modern art in painting the trend of modern painting to the mainstream in the art of different style features , from the mainstream in the picture seen through the forms .

  30. 然而,随着20世纪80年代中国改革开放进程的加快,西方现代主义和后现代主义艺术思潮涌入中国,具象油画的主流地位受到冲击,由此走向了新的发展方向。

    However , as the nineteen eighties process of Chinese reforming and opening up , the western modernism and postmodernism art ideas into China , realistic oil painting of mainstream hit , leading to a new development direction .