
  • 网络Art appreciation;artistic appreciation
  1. 艺术欣赏活动是一种审美活动。

    Art appreciation activity is a kind of aesthetic activity .

  2. 论高等院校艺术欣赏课的实质

    On Essence of Art Appreciation Course in Higher Learning Institutions

  3. 琅琊山小庭院的造园艺术欣赏与应用

    Appreciation and Application of Garden-building Art of Courtyard in Mountion Lang-Ya

  4. 加大素质教育的力度&理工院校开设艺术欣赏课的思考

    The force of increasing constitutional education & Thinking about artistic appreciation

  5. 试谈高职艺术欣赏课的建构主义教学

    On the Constructivism Teaching of Arts Appreciation Course in Vocational College

  6. 接受美学理论与多维艺术欣赏

    On the Theory of Response Aesthetics and Multidimensional Appreciation of Art

  7. 浅析艺术欣赏中青年学生审美能力的培养

    The Method to Train Student 's Ability on Appreciating Art Beauty

  8. 普通高校《艺术欣赏》教学初探

    Thoughts on Teaching " Appreciation of Art " at Colleges

  9. 论艺术欣赏活动中的审美再创造

    On the Re-creation of Appreciation of the Beautiful in the Art Appreciative Activities

  10. 在艺术欣赏中通往自由的彼岸。

    It leads to liberal Faramita in artistic appreciation .

  11. 由此,艺术欣赏有不同的审美层次,欣赏艺术必须了解艺术和认识艺术,包括产生艺术的条件和文化背景。

    Art appreciation must understand art , including art condition and cultural background .

  12. 哲学修养是艺术欣赏、特别是成功的艺术欣赏的必备条件之一。

    Ones artistic appreciation is the result of ones certain level of philosophical attainment .

  13. 大学音乐艺术欣赏教育中的多学科渗透

    Multi-discipline permeation in music appreciation education at universities

  14. 论现代美学视野中的艺术欣赏

    Appreciation of Art in Eye-view of Modern Aesthetics

  15. 现在被当作装饰派艺术欣赏的东西当时被蔑视为庸俗的奢华物。

    What is now admired as Art Deco was then scorned as vulgar extravagance .

  16. 法律,公司治理,艺术欣赏及艺术史课程讲师。

    Proportional post lecturer in Law , Corporate Governance , Art History and Appreciation .

  17. 在艺术欣赏过程中,情感体验是必不可少的重要因素。

    During the process of art appreciation , emotion experience is an indispensable factor .

  18. 一个具有文学艺术欣赏能力的人能胜任这项工作。答案。

    A person having appreciation of art and literature is qualified for the job .

  19. 中国民间艺术欣赏制作

    Appreciation and Practice of Chinese Folk Art

  20. 萨特认为,自由实现的一个重要途径就是艺术欣赏和创作。

    Sartre thinks that enjoying and creating art is an important approach to realize freedom .

  21. 品味吴门琴行等艺术欣赏场所又传递着纯正的吴风古韵;

    Suzhou Music Instrument House and other art appreciation places pass the pure wind rhyme ;

  22. 艺术欣赏课的语言表述

    Language Expression in the Art Appreciation Class

  23. 谈视唱练耳课的多学科渗透大学音乐艺术欣赏教育中的多学科渗透

    On Multidisciplinary Pervasion in Sight-sing and Ear-training Class Multi-discipline permeation in music appreciation education at universities

  24. 我喜欢艺术欣赏,喜欢旅游,喜欢体验没经历过的生活。

    I like art appreciation , like travelling , like trying the life not gone through .

  25. 从艺术欣赏角度介绍锹甲与绘画、锹甲与邮票、锹甲与装饰;

    Stag beetle relating to drawings , stamps and decorations are introduced in the art world .

  26. 第三章,从艺术欣赏和艺术创作的角度研究视觉艺术与音乐的联系。

    The third part is the relations between music and visual art including appreciation and creation .

  27. 但是,真正使我们进入艺术欣赏核心的,永远是艺术作品本身。

    But , really make us enter art appreciation centrally is the artistic work itself forever .

  28. 能利用自己优秀的艺术欣赏力通过灯影、色彩和细节创建贴图和材质;

    Superior eye for light , shade , color , and detail in creating texture maps .

  29. 艺术欣赏的心理过程

    Psychological course of art appreciation

  30. 绘画艺术欣赏教学中的视觉解析

    Analysis of Painting Art Teaching