
hénɡ xiànɡ sī wéi
  • lateral thinking
  1. 遗憾的是,从目录页来判断,他要进行任何新的思考都为时已晚:他不过是重弹横向思维和《六顶思考帽》(SixThinkingHats)的老调。

    Unfortunately , judging from the contents page , it is already too late for him to do any fresh thinking : he has merely rehashed all his old stuff about lateral thinking and Six Thinking Hats .

  2. 关于横向思维的部分即有趣又令人失落。

    The section on lateral thinking is both fun and frustrating .

  3. 构建知识网络,重视横向思维;

    Set up the knowledge network and value the horizontal thinking ;

  4. 管理思想也从纵向思维朝着横向思维方式转化,供应链管理就是其中一个典型代表。

    Supply Chain Management is a example of the AM model .

  5. 我是坚信,在横向思维。

    I am a great believer in lateral thinking .

  6. 横向思维就是从侧面换个角度看问题。

    Lateral thinking involves moving sideways to look at things in a different way .

  7. 他信奉横向思维,并将管理学概念应用于解决各种交付上的挑战。

    He believes in lateral thinking and applies management concepts to handle various delivery challenges .

  8. 结论:人与人之间纵向思维不同,横向思维过程也绝不相同性。

    CONCLUSION : Longitudinal thinking as well as lateral thinking processes are different between persons .

  9. 用横向思维给你那贫乏,古板的脑子注入新的活力吧。

    Give your poor old restricted brain a new lease of life with " lateral thinking " .

  10. 经过富有创造性的横向思维,他们决定研究婴儿的名字是如何传播的。

    In an inspired piece of lateral thinking , they decided to look at how babies'names spread .

  11. 流行心理有时同伙创造力与权利或前额大脑活动,甚至专门横向思维。

    Pop psychology sometimes associates creativity with right or forehead brain activity or even specifically with lateral thinking .

  12. 横向思维帮助他提出了原来似乎已走进死胡同的心理论。

    Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end .

  13. 用一题多解的方法探讨工程力学教学中发散思维能力的培养问题,引导学生从公理思维法、逆向思维法和横向思维法等各种角度深入理解基本概念。

    Applied the approach of one-problem-many-resolutions in raising diffusing thinking in engineering mechanics including axiom thinking , converse thinking and horizontal thinking .

  14. 谢林先生的横向思维极富跳跃性,以至于他的同事们有时认为他脑子出了问题。

    Mr Schelling 's leaps of lateral thinking have been so spectacular that his colleagues sometimes thought he had lost his mind .

  15. 教学设计中更是忽略了科目之间的内在联系,忽略了学生横向思维和发散思维的培养。

    They even ignored the inner relationship between the subjects in the teaching design and ignored the student thoughts to different directions .

  16. 先前的一项对美国空军新兵的研究发现,夜猫子利用横向思维来解决问题的能力比早起的人强得多。

    A previous study of US Air Force recruits found evening types were much better at thinking laterally to solve problems than larks .

  17. 但他们这些精神病倾向的性格也许真的有助于促进他们的横向思维以及将不找边际的想法和思考喜剧的效果相联系的能力。

    But these psychotic tendencies may actually help promote lateral thinking and an ability to connect far-fetched ideas to come up with comical conclusions .

  18. 纵向思维、横向思维、多元思维和创造性思维具有其科学性,是经济写作思维的崭新横式。

    Longitudinal thinking , lateral thinking , pluralistic thinking and creative thinking are all scientific . They are completely new thinking models in composing writings on economy .

  19. 横向思维正成为国际管理学界和企业界的热门话题和新的追求,供应链管理就是其中一个典型代表。

    The transverse idea has become a hot topic and new pursuit in the scope of international management and enterprise ; supply chain management is the typical example .

  20. 我们需要更多行动,传授商业技能,告诉他们横向思维和逻辑的重要性,而最重要的是,做得好的事业应该是有趣而且有意义的。

    We need more initiatives that teach business skills , the importance of lateral thinking and logic & and , most importantly , that business done well should be fun and purposeful .

  21. 在中学化学教学中融合生物科学知识,有利于打破学科间的壁垒,弥补分科教学的不足,加强学科间的联系。它既符合现代教育观,又培养了学生的横向思维和发散性思维。

    Fusing biological knowledge into the teaching of chemistry in the middle school is beneficial to break the barrier between the subjects , and make up the deficiency of the subject curriculum , strengthen the links of the subjects .

  22. 根据解决问题的思维过程,从正向思维、逆向思维、横向思维、纵向思维、、验证思维等五个方面论述如何培养学生的数学思维能力。

    According to the thinking course of solving problems , this paper discusses how to develop students ' mathematics thinking capacity from five aspects such as positive thinking , reverse thinking , lateral thinking , vertical thinking , and verifying thinking .

  23. 报道还提到,这本书最有用章节包括《五花八门面试问题实战指南》,作者将这些问题分类,并给出应答每类问题的策略和小技巧。问题分类包括经典逻辑难题、横向思维难题、深度问题、和发散思维测试等等。

    The book 's most useful features include A Field Guide to Devious Interview Questions , which divides questions into categories ( e.g. , classic logic puzzles , lateral thinking puzzles , insight questions , tests of divergent thinking , etc. ) , then offers strategies and tips for answering each type , it added .

  24. 第二章论证《八月之光》显示了福克纳的横向艺术思维模式。

    Chapter Two illustrates the author 's lateral artistic conception .

  25. 在这种情况下,企业开始借助外部资源快速响应市场需求,于是出现了横向一体化的思维方式。

    In that case , the enterprises start to ask for exterior resources to respond to the market needing quickly , hence , the thought of Horizontal Integration appears .