
dùn wù
  • insight;satori
顿悟 [dùn wù]
  • (1) [insight]∶猛然醒悟

  • (2) [satori]∶通过体现佛教禅宗精神目的的直觉领会而获得的突然的领悟和一种意识状态

顿悟[dùn wù]
  1. 早期认知心理学家西蒙、纽厄尔等对格式塔心理学J宏彩视域与以劝范李亡提出的顿悟以及重新建构用信息加工的观点进行了解释,并设计了一些计算机程序对这些心理现象进行模拟。

    The early cognitive psychologists Simon and Newell explained insight and re-structuring of Gestalt psychology by using viewpoint of information processing , and designed computer programmes to simulate these psychology phenomena .

  2. 元认知监控和归纳意识对顿悟问题解决的影响

    The Effects of Meta-cognition Monitoring and Induction Consciousness on Insight Problem-solving

  3. 小说中的故事都有一个共同的叙事元素——顿悟,每个故事中的人物都会经历改变人生的瞬间或得知真相的时刻。

    The stories share a common narrative element , epiphany , where characters experience a life-changing illumination or a moment of truth .

  4. 他的第一本书《四步顿悟》(TheFourStepstotheEpiphany)无意中冒犯了风险投资家和商学院学者。

    His first book , the four steps to the Epiphany , unintentionally vilified both venture capitalists and business school scholars .

  5. 《财富》:你创建了Nest,开发了公司的第一款产品——恒温器。说说你当时灵光一现的顿悟时刻吧。

    Fortune : Tell me your ' Aha ! moment " in starting Nest , with its first product being a thermostat .

  6. 本文作者史蒂夫•布兰科是《四步的顿悟》(TheFourStepstotheEpiphany)一书的作者。布兰科在书中详述了自己发掘客户的方法,它能帮助新创企业降低风险、提升成功几率。

    Steve Blank is the author of " The Four Steps to the Epiphany ," which details his customer development process for minimizing risk and optimizing chances for startup success .

  7. 片中的主要风暴追逐者是一个名叫皮特(Pete)的令人厌恶的怪胎,由马特・沃尔什(MattWalsh)饰演。他喜欢追逐灾难,这也算是求仁得仁,不过他确实拥有一种有趣的顿悟能力。

    The main storm-chaser , a dislikable crackpot named Pete ( Matt Walsh ) , courts disaster that he clearly deserves , though he does have an amusing epiphany .

  8. 她在一篇叫《InspirationandChai》的博客中记录了他们临死前的顿悟,这聚集了太多的关注,以至于她把自己的观察写到一本叫《将死之人的五大遗憾》的书里。

    She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai , which gathered so much attention that she put her observations into a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying .

  9. 上世纪60年代的马萨诸塞州,小男孩格罗佛诺奎斯特(grovernorquist)宣称有了一个政治顿悟。

    As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s , Grover Norquist claims to have had a political epiphany .

  10. 禅宗将这种沟通行为称为“顿悟”(Satori),意思是突然之间觉悟。

    In the Zen tradition , this act of communion is called satori , meaning sudden enlightenment .

  11. 顿悟认知机制研究述评

    A Review on the Research in the Cognitive Mechanism About Insight

  12. 禅宗顿悟说与中国古代美学嬗变

    The Zen Revelation and the Historical Changes of Ancient Chinese Aesthetics

  13. 表征变化理论可对顿悟问题能否解决做出解释。

    The representational change theory could explain why problems were solved .

  14. 困惑·觉醒·顿悟&析《达洛卫夫人》中的女性主体意识

    Puzzle · Awakening · Epiphany : Female subjectivity in Mrs. Dalloway

  15. 她说这话让我有种顿悟。

    And when she said this , I had an epiphany .

  16. 今天早上我有了一种顿悟。

    I had a kind of Epiphany about it this morning .

  17. 简论直觉顿悟的思维特征和形成基础

    Brief Account of the Characteristics and Base of Intuitional Insight

  18. 几年前,我忽然对手写笔迹,有灵光一闪的顿悟。

    A few years ago I had an AHA moment regarding handwriting .

  19. 那么,顿悟瞬间和团队合作有什么关系呢?

    What does a light bulb moment have to do with teamwork ?

  20. 顿悟了!尽管我不在浴池里。

    Eureka ! Except I wasn 't in a bathtub .

  21. 这次顿悟不带任何戏剧性。

    There was not any melodrama attached to this awakening .

  22. 可能我应该在开公司之前就有所顿悟的。

    Probably I should have epiphany before we started it .

  23. 这样的氛围让我顿悟,他是如此认真的看待此事。

    It dawned on me how very serious he was about this .

  24. 顿悟,是一种清清明明的生命哲学。

    They are condiments for enlightenment , a true philosophy of life .

  25. 试论三位女性与加布里埃尔的精神顿悟关系

    On Analysis of the Relationship of Gabriel ' Epiphany and Three Feminine

  26. 比尔斯在其一些作品中也采用了顿悟的手法。

    Bierce also uses epiphany in some of his works .

  27. 但有一点研究人员可以肯定,顿悟青睐有准备的人。

    Insight does favor a prepared mind , researchers determined .

  28. 基于顿悟学习的知识创造模型研究

    The study on the knowledge creation model based on the insight learning

  29. 从混沌到有序:用系统自组织理论对顿悟的解读

    From chaos to order : an explanation of insight by self-organization theory

  30. 好像顿悟了一样,邢振说。

    It was like an epiphany , said Ms. Xing .