
dùn hé
  • the Don River
顿河 [dùn hé]
  • [Don River] 俄罗斯东欧平原南部的河流

顿河[dùn hé]
  1. 拥有525.000居民的罗斯托夫,是顿河流域的重要城市。

    Quote : Rostov , with 525.000 inhabitants ( at that time ) was an important city on the Don river .

  2. 屋内有几扇推拉门正对着威尔明顿河(WilmingtonRiver)边的栎树林和湿地。

    Walls of sliding glass doors face live oaks and marshland on the Wilmington River .

  3. 关于澳大利亚斯卡顿河高岭土矿的技术考察报告

    Technical Investigation Report about the Kaolin Mine on the Skardon River in Australia

  4. 论经典外国名著《静静的顿河》的思想魅力

    The Ideological Content of the Classical Foreign Masterpiece And Quiet Flows the Don

  5. 《轻轻地流淌甜美的亚顿河》我比较偏爱《轻轻地流淌甜美的亚顿河》这首歌

    Flow Gently , Sweet Afton . I 'm partial to Flow Gently , Sweet Afton .

  6. 在古代,农奴们从他们的地主那里逃出来,在顿河定居下来。

    Ln olden times , serfs ran away from their landlords and settled on the don .

  7. 第二部分两首《顿河狂想曲》的本体分析与风格特征。

    The second part devotes to the identity analysis and the stylistic features of the two DonRhapsody .

  8. 上游的顿河河曲和关系重大的陆口桥梁此时都未到手。

    Neither the upper bend of the don , nor the crucial land bridge , had been secured .

  9. 顿河一结冰,红军就会把我们全赶到海里去的。

    When the Don freezes over , the Reds will chase us all the way to the sea .

  10. 阅读《静静的顿河》能够荡涤人的心灵,引导人的灵魂向本真回归。

    Reading " Quiet Flows the Don " to clean the human mind , and guide the soul to the true return .

  11. 融资与刑罚预付费用及关闭它是搞清楚回收期会、医师顿河。

    Refinancing with a prepayment penalty Treat it like a closing cost and figure out what the payback period would be , says Dr.

  12. 与同时期的苏联文学作品相比,《静静的顿河》在当代中国的接受颇具代表性和特殊性。

    Compared to the Soviet literature in the same period , " Quiet Flows the Don " quite typical and special representative in contemporary Chinese .

  13. 肖洛霍夫的短篇小说最初是在莫斯科的报刊上时有发表,1925年他的小说集《顿河的故事》出版。

    S 's short stories began appearing regularly in the Moscow press and in1925 , his book , The Tales of the Don , was published .

  14. 1月31日深夜顿河方面军司令部参谋处长亚基莫维奇上校奉命对保卢斯元帅进行第一次审问。

    Later at night on January31st commandant of the Don Front Staff colonel Yakimovich received an order to deliver field marshal Paulus for the first interrogation .

  15. 肖洛霍夫因《静静的顿河》获得诺贝尔文学奖,本人及作品在世界范围内声名鹊起。

    For " Quiet Flows the Don " Sholokhov won the Nobel Prize for Literature , he and the work became to be famous in the world .

  16. 整个顿河的以西以南是他的最危险的地带,红军将在这一带转入反攻。

    The whole belt west and south of the Don is his most vulnerable area , and the Red Army will go over to the counter-offensive there .

  17. 肖洛霍夫在《静静的顿河》中,通过立体雕像,刻画了潘苔莱这一典型的悲剧形象的多面性与复杂性。

    In the novel Silent Don , Sholokhov created the image of Panteily , a typical multi faced complicated tragic figure like a three dimensional work of sculpture .

  18. 结语部分阐述在当前的社会背景下,阅读《静静的顿河》的现实意义,对《静静的顿河》的接受前景寄予期待。

    In the current social context , there are practical significance in reading " Quiet Flows the Don " . And sent to look forward to receiving in future .

  19. 《静静的顿河》作为一个经历了历史砥砺的文本,在当下的中国语境中仍将发挥其独特的价值。

    As a text which goes across experience of history , " Quiet Flows the Don " will continue to play its unique value in the present context of China .

  20. 由于我国与前苏联有过特殊的历史关系,《静静的顿河》在当代中国的接受走过了不寻常的道路。

    Since China and the former Soviet Union had special historical relationship , the acceptance of " Quiet Flows the Don " in contemporary China has gone through an unusual way .

  21. 《静静的顿河》作为一部优美的文学作品,它的语言风格和艺术特色的形成离不开比喻修辞的广泛运用。

    Quiet Dun River , as an excellent literature works , the formation of its linguistic style and art feature can 't get away from the widespread use of the parable rhetoric .

  22. 顿河方面军内务人民委员会特别处致苏联内务人民委员会特别部,同保卢斯、施密特及其他人员会谈内容报告。

    Report of the Special Section of the Don Front NKVD ( People 's Commissariat of Internal Affairs ) to Special Sections Department of NKVD USSR , about conversations of F.Paulus , A.Schmidt and others .

  23. 整个夏天我们都在跟着地面部队一路撤退,直到夏末的时候战线稳定在了顿河一线,我们就部署在顿河右岸,而后来我军正是从右岸发起了反攻。

    Until the end of summer we kept falling back with the ground forces until the front stabilized on the river Don , on whose bank we were deployed right up to the beginning of the counteroffensive .

  24. 而苏联作家肖洛霍夫的《静静的顿河》和中国作家张炜的《古船》,却正视了战争在神圣、崇高、正义背后的人性的残酷的一面。

    And Quiet Flows the Don by the Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov , and The Ancient Boat by the Chinese author Zhang Wei come to face the cruelty of war in human nature behind its seemingly sacredness , sublimity and justice .

  25. 包括加里宁格勒,喀山,莫斯科,诺夫哥罗德,顿河河畔罗斯托夫,圣彼得堡,萨马拉,萨兰斯克,索契,伏尔加格勒和叶卡捷琳堡在内的诸多俄罗斯城市,将会举办2018年世界杯。该届世界杯将从2018年6月14号开始,持续到7月15号结束。

    Russian cities of Kaliningrad , Kazan , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Rostov-on-Don , Saint Petersburg , Samara , Saransk , Sochi , Volgograd and Yekaterinburg will host FIFA World Cup 2018 to last from June 14 through July 15 , 2018 .