
dùn hào
  • the caesura sign;a slight-pause mark used to set off items in a series;punctuation mark used between parallel words or short phrases;sign of coordination
顿号 [dùn hào]
  • [caesura sign;sign of coordination] 标点符号中点号的一种(、),主要用在并列的词或并列的较短的词组中间

顿号[dùn hào]
  1. 而且汉语中有的标点符号英语中可能没有,如顿号(、)和书名号(《》)。1.我们老师有一种使课上得生动有趣的奇特方法,所以我们都很喜欢他的课。

    Our teacher has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting , so we all like his classes .

  2. 先秦时期晋陕北部的戎狄与古代北方的三元人文地理结构美国第一艘北极星潜水艇“乔治·盛顿号”在康涅狄格州格罗顿下水。

    The herding husbandry peoples in the northern Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces and the macro human geographical structure of northern China during the Pre-Qin times ; The U. S. first Polaris submarine , George Washington , was launched at Groton in Connecticut .