- 名resident;inhabitant

School : are you a resident or nonresident ?
" Beit Jala has lost half its land , central Bethlehem has lost a quarter , and Beit Sahour a third ," grumbles one resident & a fair summary of recent changes in the city 's boundaries .
After the second world war , Japan is also due to GHQ U.S. intervention , passive introduction of the American taxpayer lawsuit system , and development as the inhabitants of the lawsuit system now .
On the Pre - historical Culture of Early Settlers in Taiwan
My father died , and then the war , Britannia , Eleven .
And most of those people in those places are very , very poor .
These results could provide methods of using acupressure to the nurses for caring institutional residents with insomnia .
Finally , against Japanese residents litigation system existing problems , put forward to improve fill short of ideas .
Scientists may have theories , but most Pacific islanders believe that the coconut palm is of supernatural origin .
About the origin of Japanese residents litigation system , relevant people lawsuit system can be traced back to the UK .
And it was Joshua along with Caleb who stood strong in their faith even after seeing giants in the land of Canaan .
Secondly , the feasibility of residents litigation system in our country to establish and introduce residents litigation prepositional procedure of positive significance .
But in the more tentative South , more than 50 % of tea and coffee breakers minimise moisture with a brief plunge and delicate first bite .
Nearly three-quarters are illiterate and as many as 20m have been driven from their land to make way for dams , industrial townships and national parks .
Goods and foodstuffs were distributed through reciprocal trade between kin and through " trade fairs "; professional traders linked coastal peoples with peoples of Arizona and New Mexico .
There were two kinds of living morphology in modern Longdong : one was the residents living scattered away from river valleys and roads , hidden in remote places ;
Overall , the attachment type of these elderly residents can be divided into three categories : ( 1 ) I found an ideal place to stay throughout my lifetime ;
Before they were domesticated by the Sentinel Army and trained as mounts , Kalimdor 's savage nightsaber panthers were considered to be among the continent 's most vicious inhabitants .
Twelve participants were recruited from one nursing home in Taichung City , three participants for each group . A qualitative research method and in-depth interviews were used to collect data .
This study was undertaken to explore and compare the perceptions of care quality in nursing home from the perspectives of different groups including residents , families , nurses and nursing aids .
Therefore , the key to reduce the gap of income between inhabitants in our country is letting out-of-workers obtain employment again and quickening the diversion of labour force in the country .
New populations settling in expanding urban settings are confronted with claims of indignity by earlier settlers which carry implications for all aspects of their rights and often result in violent communal conflicts .
In recent years are spending based on the case can be found in the legal regulation of unconstitutional , illegality is year after year by the inhabitants of judicial review of litigation .
It showed that the folk songs as a kind of cultural model how to form the native cultural net through the local people ordinary life during the developing progress of social history .
Thus , they sought a home , and found Nellis Air Force Base , long since left empty because of the residual radiation , which the Vault dwellers easily circumvented with the use of their Geiger counters .
We 're bringing back the shelter of the forests , and we don 't have to cut trees , says Herve Tahirimalala , a Malagasy who is paid $ 100 a month to work on the project .
The visits became more frequent after my father and the Swat Qaumi Jirga held a meeting in our school to protest against army plans for the people of Mingora and our community defence committees to conduct night patrols .
But the actual number of slum dwellers rose by more than 50m . Such is the lure of the city , even if the reward is no job and a shack on a hillside with no water and no electricity .
The close-up topographical writing by Hong Kong poets of Hong Kong streets presents us with a portrayal of the life and habitats of Hong Kong residents and of the street culture composed of inhabitants ' living requirements and tourists ' sightseeing vision .
This article from the perspective of jurisprudence analysis residents litigation system play a role in the local autonomy operation , including three aspects , respectively is the guarantee fiscal sanity , effective shall be investigated for administrative responsibility , to stop the unlawful infringement of public interest .