
  • 网络Sumitomo Group
  1. 日本住友集团(SumitomoGroup)的起源可以追溯到1590年创建的一家铸铜店。

    The Sumitomo Group of Japan could trace its origins to a copper casting shop founded in 1590 .

  2. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years .

  3. 多年来,三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)一直等待获得在大连开设分行的许可,大连是距离日本最近的一个中国沿海城市。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has been waiting for years to get permission to open a branch in Dalian , the coastal Chinese city closest to Japan .