
  • 网络residential investment;housing investment
  1. 看来住宅投资推高了第4季度实际GDP的增长。

    It is looking likely that residential investment added to fourth-quarter real GDP growth .

  2. 也就是说,住宅投资的变化会给gdp增长带来极大的影响。

    That means changes in residential investment have a disproportionate impact on rates of GDP growth .

  3. 其中特别借鉴加拿大CMHC住宅投资方式,建议采取类似方式形成全民参与的社会化金融支持。

    In it , the residential investment format of Canada 's CMHC is used as an example to suggest a similar combination of mass participation and social financial support .

  4. 城市财富和城市住宅投资额的影响次之。

    Urban wealth and influence of urban residential investment then followed .

  5. 住宅投资528.3亿元,增长41.8%。

    The housing investment was 52.83 billion yuan , up by 41.8 percent .

  6. 试论农村住宅投资与农居地整理

    Tentative Study on Rural Housing Investment and Land Consolidation

  7. 商品住宅投资风险分析与对策研究

    Merchandise House Investment Risk Analysis and Countermeasure Research

  8. 城市住宅投资地段选择分析

    The Location Choosing Analysis of City Residential Investment

  9. 城市住宅投资是房地产投资的重要组成部分,因此,城市住宅投资地段选择研究具有重大的实用价值。

    Therefore , the study about city residential location analysis has a great practical significance .

  10. 住宅投资在中国经济中占大约10%的直接比重。

    Investment in housing directly accounts for about 10 per cent of China 's economy .

  11. 1997年北京市住宅投资热点及未来发展趋势

    ' 97 the Heat of Beijing 's Residence Investment and the Developmental Tendency in the Future

  12. 经济低迷时期住宅投资大幅下滑,已经没有进一步下降的空间了。

    Residential investment fell so sharply during the economic downturn that it has little room to decline further .

  13. 首先对我国住宅投资总量预测,提出我国住宅投资存在的不仅是总量问题,更是结构问题。

    At first the author put forward the question of housing investment not total amount issue , but structure question .

  14. 因此,经常账户赤字减少的很大部分可直接归功于住宅投资的下降。

    Hence a good part of the current account reduction can be directly attributed to the decline in residential investment .

  15. 农村竣工住宅投资,由1995年的1350亿元增至1999年的2000亿元以上。

    Investment in housing construction in rural areas rose from 135 billion yuan in 1995 to 200 billion yuan in 1999 .

  16. 住宅投资分别占全国和成都市社会固定资产总投资的26%和29.34%;

    The investment of housing occupies 26 % and 29.34 % respectively in social fixed assets gross investment of China and Chengdu ;

  17. 主要由新屋开工推动的住宅投资组成了经济中极其重要但高度波动的部分。

    Residential investment , which is driven by new housing starts , makes up a large chunk of the volatile bit of the economy .

  18. 在我国,每增加1亿元的住宅投资,其他23个相关产业相应增加投入1.479亿元;

    In China , if we increase RMB 0.1 billion in real estate , production value of 23 correlative industries increase RMB 0.1479 billion .

  19. 与此同时,随着房价在一项临时性的购房者税收抵免政策的帮助下逐渐企稳,住宅投资三年多来首次出现增长。

    Meanwhile , residential investment increased for the first time in more than three years as prices stabilised with the help of a temporary homebuyer tax credit .

  20. 基本上,商业投资或住宅投资可以起到一定的拉动作用,但现在对这类投资来说并不是有利的时机。

    Business investment or housing could , in principle , take up some slack , but it is hardly a propitious time for that sort of thing .

  21. 这些因素应该会在未来五年推动住宅投资(包括新的建设和改建)每年增长15%到20%。

    Together , they should push residential investment , which includes both new construction and remodellings , to annual growth of 15-20 per cent during the next five years .

  22. 按照现代资产定价理论,房地产税收通过改变住宅投资的预期增值,从而影响住宅资产价格的走势。

    According to the modern assets pricing theory , the housing and land tax can influence the trends of housing price by altering the expected added value of housing investment .

  23. 利默表示,过去,住宅投资下降后总会出现经济衰退不过他表示,他预计此次不会出现全面衰退。

    Mr leamer demonstrated that a sharp decline in residential investment had almost always in the past been followed by a recession though he said he was not expecting a full-blown recession this time .

  24. 自98年住房制度改革以来,作为房地产业的重要组成部分,住宅投资占据大部分城市房地产投资比例一半以上,住宅开发成为城市开发和经营的重要内容。

    Since the reform of urban housing system in 1998 , residential development has become prominent in city construction and residential investment accounts for more than one half of urban real estate investment in most cities .

  25. 采用1978年至2003年成都市统计数据,引入单位根检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果检验等计量方法,分析了成都市住宅投资发展与居民消费能力增加之间的关系。

    Based on the application of such statistical tools as Unit Root test , Cointegration and Granger causality test to Chengdu 's statistical data from 1978 to 2003 , the relation is studied between Chengdu 's housing investment development and residents ' consumption ability .

  26. 1990-2006年天津市住宅投资占房地产开发投资的比重平均达67.33%,2005-2007年天津市商品住宅交易总额均占商品房交易总额的80%以上,住宅产业作为天津市房地产业的主导地位不可动摇。

    Fromm 1990 to 2006 , Tianjin investment in residential real estate investment accounted for an average of 67.33 % . From 2005 to 2007 , Tianjin total merchandise trade amounted to residential real estate transactions of more than 80 % of the total .

  27. 房地产动荡的确砍掉了很大一块投资&在经常账户赤字减少的3个季度中,住宅投资下降了810亿美元,与去年早些时候房地产繁荣时期相比,则落差更大。

    The housing turmoil has indeed cut a chunk out of investment – residential investment has fallen by $ 81bn in the three quarters during which the current account deficit declined , and even more compared with the peak of the housing boom earlier last year .

  28. 住宅建设投资方案评价方法新探&基于AHP的模糊多准则决策

    Fuzzy Multiple Standards Decision on the Basis of AHP

  29. 基于AHP住宅建设投资方案评价的模糊多准则决策技术研究

    The Research for Multiple Criteria Fuzzy Decisive Technology of the Evaluation of Residential Construction Investment Scheme Based on AHP

  30. 反对党的一名发言人猛烈抨击政府的住宅建设投资计划。

    An opposition spokesman savaged the government 's housing investment programme .