
zhù fánɡ bǔ tiē
  • Housing subsidies;housing benefit;rental/housing allowance
  1. 有些人可能有资格拿到住房补贴。

    Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement .

  2. 全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。

    Around the world , governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups

  3. 军人住房补贴作为住宅消费贷款抵押物的风险评定GERT模型研究

    The Evaluation on the Risk of the Housing Credit With GERT Technique

  4. 军队住房补贴标准存在的主要问题及对策

    The standard of troops housing subsidy : problem and countermeasure

  5. 规范住房补贴管理增强保障实效

    Enhancing the management of troops housing subsidy to improve the support capability

  6. 银行住房补贴信息系统开发及项目管理

    Development and Project Management of the Bank Information System for Housing Allowance

  7. 关于兼含教育储蓄功能的新型住房补贴模式的构建

    Constructing a new housing allowance mode containing the function of education savings

  8. 经济适用住房补贴方式的合理选择

    The Reasonable Choice of Ways on Housing Allowance to the Lower-income Family

  9. 用住房补贴作诱饵以争取工人的选票。

    Used the carrot of subsidized housing for the workers to get their vote .

  10. 对已实施的住房补贴和住房分配货币化的新解释。

    New interpretation has been put on housing subsidies and monetization of housing distribution .

  11. 职工住房补贴信息网络化管理系统的编制与实施

    Compilation and Implementation of the Information Networking Management System for Employees ' House Allowrance

  12. 住房补贴:从模糊到清晰

    Housing Subsidies : From Ambiguity to Clarity

  13. 大多数无家可归的人需要的仅仅是住房补贴。

    The majority of people who experience homelessness really just need some affordable housing help .

  14. 关于住房补贴问题的探讨

    Discussion about the allowance of houses

  15. 人口局忽略了一些非现金收益,例如政府为穷人提供的健康保险,食物券1和住房补贴。

    The census ignores non-cash benefits such as government health insurance , food stamps and subsidised housing .

  16. 在那次,他提出了一个结合失业保险和暂时住房补贴凭证的项目。

    In its place , he advocates a program combining unemployment insurance and a temporary housing voucher program .

  17. 第四,健全配租程序、住房补贴及退出制度。

    The fourth one is a sound with a rental program , housing subsidies and exiting the system .

  18. 国外在住房补贴政策和住房金融的发展上有许多值得我们借鉴的地方。

    Overseas has many worthing studied aspect in the housing allowance policy and in the housing finance development .

  19. 在此次研究中,对照组为人口统计学特征相似但没有获得住房补贴券帮助的家庭。

    A separate control group had similar demographics but didn 't move to mixed-income neighborhoods with the help of vouchers .

  20. 我们有健康保险,人寿保险,交通补贴,午餐补贴和住房补贴。

    Well , we have health insurance , endowment insurance , transportation allowances , luncheon allowances , and subsidized housing .

  21. 根据该行自己的研究,只有三分之一的外派人员从雇主那里得到了住房补贴。

    According to the bank 's own research , only one in three expats received an accommodation allowance from their employer .

  22. 住房补贴是给予低养老保险金者的基本社会保障的一个重要组成部分。

    The housing supplement for pensioners is an important part of the basic social protection provided to pensioners with low pensions .

  23. 如再用上一次性住房补贴,职工购房的经济环境会更加宽裕。

    If a one-time housing subsidy is also used , the economic environment of employees buying houses will be eased even more .

  24. 我们会帮你解决人身保险,医疗保险,意外保险,住房补贴,高温费和交通补助等。

    We will provide you wit life insurance , health insurance , accident insurance , housing benefits , heating allowance and transportation allowance .

  25. 额外津贴包括乡间俱乐部会员费,公司用车费,住房补贴,利润分红,股票期权和更高的旅行津贴。

    Perks include country club memberships , company car , housing allowance , profit sharing and stock options , and better travel allowances .

  26. 其他社会福利从住房补贴到学校免费就餐也随着收入的增加而减少,或者被扣除。

    Other social benefits , from housing subsidies to free school meals , were also reduced or withdrawn as one earned additional income .

  27. 再次,政府应该建造许多经济房,或者给无房者提供住房补贴,帮助他们租房住。

    Moreover , the Chinese government should allocate a sum of money to build many economical houses or offer rent fees to those homeless .

  28. 我们都已经习惯了拥有一份稳定的工作、自己的家、住房补贴、外国假期等等。

    We are all used to having a safe job , our own home or housing support , foreign holidays and all the rest .

  29. 通过实践,对制约住房补贴实施的原因及存在的问题进行了分析和探讨,同时提出了改进的设想。

    By practice , analyzes the causes to restrict the actualization of allowance of houses , discusses the problems , puts forward the improvement idea .

  30. 外籍个人以非现金形式或实报实销形式取得的住房补贴、伙食补贴、搬迁费、洗衣费;

    Foreign individuals obtaining a housing allowance , meal allowance , relocation and laundry expenses in the form of non-cash or on an actual reimbursement basis .