
  • 网络housing finance
  1. 也增加了住宅信贷危机的担忧。

    That added to worries about the housing finance crisis .

  2. 住宅信贷公司在争夺客户。

    Housing finance companies are vying for customers .

  3. 作为一种新的融资机制,它降低了住宅信贷中介机构的金融风险和融资成本,改善了资产负债结构,提高了其经济效益。

    As a new financing mechanism , housing mortgage securitization reduced financial risk and financing cost of housing financial intermediaries , improved the structure of assets and liabilities , and raised their economic benefits .

  4. 由于政府的限购住宅以及信贷紧缩政策,房屋建设已有所放缓。

    Construction has slowed because of government purchasing restrictions on residential real estate as well as tighter credit .

  5. 无独有偶,上海日前也制定了一系列地方政策,同样是针对别墅等高档住宅的信贷市场。

    Meanwhile , Shanghai has recently developed a series of local policies , such as luxury residential villas also against the credit market .

  6. 劳工部门在本周五描绘出了一幅相当残酷的画面:劳动力市场在住宅、信贷和财政等危机的打击下大幅萎缩。

    The grim picture described by the Labor Department on Friday provided stark evidence of just how much the jobs market has buckled under the weight of the housing , credit and financial crises .

  7. 伯南克称,面对汽油价格上涨和劳动力市场走软,消费者支出似乎已经大幅放缓,他补充表示,商业领域也显示出受到住宅和信贷市场困境影响的迹象。

    Consumer spending appears to have slowed significantly in the face of higher gasoline prices and a weakening labour market , he said , adding : The business sector has also displayed signs of being affected by the difficulties in the housing and credit markets .

  8. 预计美国利率相对于其它国家会有下降,而脆弱的美国住宅市场和信贷市场意味着,让美国消费者和企业承受美元走高没有什么吸引力。

    US interest rates are expected to fall relative to those of other countries and fragile US housing and credit markets mean claims on US consumers and companies have little appeal .

  9. FHLB主要是向会员提供流动资金,从而增加住宅按揭贷款的信贷供给和社区投资,同时还为社区发展和住房建设提供各种服务。

    FHLB are intended to provide liquidity to members , thereby increasing the supply of residential mortgage loans and community investment , and also provides services to community development and housing construction .

  10. 汽车制造商今日将发布疲软的美国12月份销售数据,凸显住宅市场低迷、信贷状况趋紧及油价高企对汽车行业日益加大的负面影响。

    Carmakers are set to report weak US December sales today , underlining mounting damage to the automotive industry from the housing slump , tightening credit conditions and high fuel prices .

  11. 美联储官员表示,“金融市场的状况近月来普遍有所改善”,但称,支出仍将受到失业、住宅财富缩水和信贷紧缩的制约。

    Fed officials said " conditions in financial markets have generally improved in recent months " , but said that spending remains constrained by job losses , diminished housing wealth and tight credit .

  12. 目前,金融服务和消费品等重点放在美国的行业因住宅市场低迷和信贷紧缩而步履维艰,市场对跨国公司新的忧虑正促使分析师进一步下调这些企业的收益预期。

    With US-focused sectors such as financial services and consumer products reeling from the housing downturn and credit squeeze , the new concerns over multinationals are forcing analysts to further downgrade their earnings forecasts .

  13. 收入不足、依赖住宅的美国消费者陷入了劳动收入周期性下降和住宅与信贷泡沫破裂的夹缝之中。

    This is particularly true of the US , where income-deficient , housing-dependent consumers are caught in a vice between a cyclical erosion of labour income and the bursting of housing and credit bubbles .