- 名government credit

It is guaranteeing the survival of banks loaded with toxic real estate loans and government credit .
But for reasons that go beyond the scope of this note , I strongly believe that the use of government credit must be temporary .
They will throw the available capital into bad or at best dubious projects .
They have been also aggressively building national champions through the use of state credit .
In brief in the long run they do not increase overall national production but encourage malinvestment .
General obligation bond a municipal bond backed by the credit and " taxing power " of the issuing jurisdiction , rather than the revenue from a given project .
Mr Fuld accused the Fed of failing to get a grip of the crisis in March 2008 and said that the central bank should have allowed investment banks access to cheap government credit earlier , which might have lessened the need for additional government intervention .
O.i.n.c.can , in extreme cases , conduct loans with the Greek state or credit institutions provided there is a prior approval by ministerial decision .
Washington wants to get credit flowing again to indebted US consumers .
Property has led the downturn as the government tightens credit to counter a bubble and prices have started to fall .
Market shares will be monitored and a working group will be set up on limiting companies ' access to state export credits .
The government 's intervention in credit allocation is one important tool of industry policy in the initial stages of industrialization in late-developing countries .
Inflationary pressure is rising sharply , and is unlikely to abate until the government curbs credit , allows the renminbi to rise , or both .
At the end of this paper , author gives several policy suggestions to be referenced by the government when it perfects the whole environment about credit .
There is a reasonable prospect that this bubble will deflate gradually , thanks to additional housing supply and the government 's administrative measures to restrict credit .
Yet the media is focused on a property bubble that triggered another baby step by the government to rein in bank credit to head off speculation .
New lending in the first quarter accelerated after the government loosened lending controls to counteract the impact on the economy of the worst winter storm in decades .
With an Aug. 2 deadline fast approaching , the U.S. government is nowhere close to forging a deal & an impasse that puts its impeccable triple-A rating at risk .
The offence may have been graft , but the signal sent by the prosecution was also a warning about local authorities defying the central government 's call to restrain lending .
BNP Paribas fell foul of US law because the credit it provided to governments subject to American sanctions was denominated in dollars , which is what exporters in other countries customarily require .
Functional fixation hypothesis believes that accounting standard setting , to a large extent , has effect on the decision making process of relevant interest groups , such as enterprises , government , creditors etc.
Mr. Wei 's suicide comes as China 's smaller property developers face mounting financial distress after two years of tightening credit , an effort by the government to squeeze out speculators and make homes more affordable .
Under the plan , the latest dramatic intervention by the US government to combat the global credit crisis , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives - as yet unnamed - will be appointed .
It is widely believed that financial depth is conducive to economic growth .
A Research Report on Improving and Perfecting the Government Micro-Credit Poverty Alleviation Administration System
That appears to be easing , starting with borrowing by large companies and governments early this year .
Instead , Beijing deployed loose credit to help steelmakers dampen the effects of ore prices and stay in business .
Elsewhere , the credit markets thanks to government intervention now provide financing more cheaply than they did before Lehman went down .
Secondly , credit system transitions path , designating credit management to lead by government then to both government leading and market inducting ;
So banks continued lending to state enterprises and shut off lending to the private sector , meeting the government 's conditions but thwarting its intentions .