
  • 网络Government budget management;Budget Management of Government;Administration of Governmental Budget
  1. 政府预算管理制度演进逻辑与未来改革

    Government Budget Management System : Way of Development and Future Reform

  2. 完善我国政府预算管理体制的探讨

    Discussion on the Perfection of the System of Government Budget in Our Country

  3. 略论政府预算管理中的委托-代理关系及其治理

    On the Relationship of the Principal-agent in the Government Budget Management and the Countermeasures

  4. 政府预算管理学。

    Management of government budget ii .

  5. 我国政府预算管理模式若干问题的探讨

    Government Budgeting Management in China

  6. 政府预算管理有三个主要目标:财政纪律、资源优先性配置,以及执行绩效。

    Government budget management has three main objectives : fiscal discipline . resource allocation priorities and implementation performance .

  7. 只有解决好政府预算管理体制问题,才能较好地解决其他经济和政治问题。

    Only the problem of government budget management system has be solved well , can other economic and political issues be solved better .

  8. 会计政策:进一步推行县级政府预算管理改革;进一步完善国库集中支付制度改革。

    Accounting policies : further implement the reform of county government budget management ; further improve the reform of centralized treasury payment system .

  9. 政府预算管理体制是处理一国财政体系中各级政府间财政分配关系的一项基本制度,我国现行的政府预算管理体制存在着若干问题。

    System of government budget is a basic system in dealing with the connection of finance distribution among all levels of government in a nation .

  10. 1998年以来,我国政府预算管理改革的核心内容就是实行一个部门一本预算,即部门预算。

    The core of the governmental budget management reform since 1998 is the departmental budget , which means every department has a budget of its own .

  11. 预裂爆破线装药量计算式的理论研究略论政府预算管理中的委托-代理关系及其治理

    Theoretical Study of Equation of Calculating Powder Charge Quantity for Pre-split Blasting Line On the Relationship of the Principal-agent in the Government Budget Management and the Countermeasures

  12. 结合我国国情和国外,尤其是欧美发达国家的政府预算管理实践,提出完善我国部门预算改革的对策建议。

    Considering conditions in China and overseas , especially the practice of governmental budgeting management in European and American countries , it raises advice in improving budgeting reform in China .

  13. 该部分首先对政府预算管理体制是关于公共资源配置的制度的命题进行了分析,指出公共政策是公共支出管理的核心内容。

    This part firstly analyzes that government budget management system is proposition about public resource allocation . It points out that public policy is the core of public expenditure management .

  14. 并选择美国、德国、日本等国际上典型国家,对其政府预算管理体制的构建及好的经验做法作了重点介绍,以期为我国政府预算管理体制改革提供有益的启示和借鉴。

    And selected USA , Germany and Japan etc. taking the emphasis on introducing their system construction and good experience , expecting to offer the beneficial apocalypse and reference to our country system reform .

  15. 近年来,作为公共财政建设和政府预算管理改革的重要组成部分,政府会计的改革也开始受到我国政府主管部门及学术界的重视。

    In recent years , being an important ingredient of the establishment of public finance system and the reform of budget management system , governmental accounting is held in high regard by government and academe .

  16. 自奴隶社会始、经封建社会和民国时期发展,我国政府预算管理体制逐渐形成,在划分中央地方收支范围,协调中央与地方财政关系方面进行了诸多探索和尝试。

    Began from slavery society , developed by feudality society and republic times , the government budget management system took its shape gradually , and did much exploration and attempt in dividing the revenue and the expenditure as well as harmonizing fiscal relations among central and local governments .

  17. 关于加强政府预算监督管理的思考

    Considerations about Strengthening the Supervision and Management of the Government Budget

  18. 科学发展观视角下的政府预算绩效管理

    Government Budget Achievements Management in the View of Scientific Development Concept

  19. 第三部分是上虞市政府财力预算管理的成效。

    The third part is the effectiveness of these practices in Shangyu .

  20. 政府采购预算管理研究

    Budgetary Management Research of Government Procurement

  21. 从2000年开始,我国公路事业单位的财务收支预算已经逐步纳入政府部门预算管理的范畴。

    At the beginning of 2000 , the fiscal income and expense budgets of highway units have been brought into the budget management ranges of government departments .

  22. 地方政府投融资预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Budgeting Management of Investment and Financing by Local Governments .

  23. 政府采购的预算管理和会计监督

    The Budget Management and Accounting Supervision of Government Purchase

  24. 政府预算和财政管理科

    Government Budget and Financial Management Section

  25. 政府部门预算支出管理制度改革的路径选择,反映了当前公共财政制度体系改革的核心价值取向。

    The path selection for the reform of budget expenditure management system of governmental departments reflects the core value orientation of current public financial system reform .

  26. 同时从加强政府预算外资金管理、完善转移支付体系、政策协调与配合上提出相应对策建议。

    At the same time , this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures in terms of strengthening the management of extra-budgetary fund , improving transfer payment system , and policy coordination and cooperation .

  27. 我国公共预算改革的深化应当是一种综合性的改革,将公共责任和行政控制引入政府预算与财政管理,建立一种严格控制取向的预算体制。

    The deepening of China 's public budget reform ought to be comprehensive , public responsibility and administrative control should be led into government budget and financial management , thus set up a budget system with orientation being controlled strictly .

  28. 我国政府国有资本经营预算管理研究

    Research on the Governmental State-owned Captial Operating Budget Management

  29. 公共卫生政府间责任与预算管理改革探讨

    Discussion on between inter-governments responsibility for public health and the reform on budget mangement

  30. 打破现行公共财政支出预算管理体系,建立起我国新型的政府公共财政支出预算管理体系,是转变政府职能、建立规范化市场机制的必由之路。

    To change government function and establish standardized marketing system we have to break current fiscal spending system and set up a new one .