
zhènɡ cè xìnɡ kuī sǔn
  • policy-related losses;losses permitted by policy
  1. 为了维持公交企业的生存与发展,政府必须对公交企业的政策性亏损进行补贴。

    In order to maintain public transport the survival and development of enterprises , the government must be of public transport enterprise policy-related losses of subsidy .

  2. 城市公交企业既是生产企业又含公益性质,票价受到政府管制,致使公交企业存在政策性亏损。

    Urban bus companies is both production enterprise and contain public welfare nature , ticket prices by government control , the enterprise has the bus policy-related losses .

  3. 试析政策性亏损的负效应

    A Trial Analysis of Negative Effect of Loss Incurred in Policy

  4. 政府向符合一定条件的企业提供政策性亏损补贴或财务扶持性补助等,即为政府援助。

    Public subsidy refers to government providing subsidies to certain enterprises for policy related losses and financial support .

  5. 文摘:研究我国城市公共交通企业存在的问题,剖析其原因,指出政策性亏损的不良后果,借鉴国外的经验和教训,提出转变目前状况的可能性和可实施的途径。

    Abstract : this paper studies the problems and its reason of city public transportation , points out serious result of policy deficit and the possibility and way for changing current state adaptable to international practies .

  6. 城市公交特许经营的企业既是生产企业又含有公益性质,由于低票价的管制和所承担的公益性指令等任务,城市公交特许企业存在政策性亏损。

    Franchising enterprises are manufacturing ones that contain commonweal character . Due to the regulation of low fare and undertaken by the instruction of the public welfare or other tasks , franchising enterprises are subjected to policy related losses .

  7. 实行兼并的,兼并方享受被并企业原有的政策性亏损补贴,也可用企业公积金补亏,不足部分可税前列支。

    For those implementing mergers , the merging party can enjoy policy-type loss subsidies of the merged enterprise , or the enterprise accumulation fund can also be used to compensate for loss , and insufficiencies can be listed as pre-tax expenditures .

  8. 在金融体制改革之初,四大国有商业银行同时兼营政策性金融业务,很难区分政策性亏损与商业性亏损。

    At the beginning of our financial system reforming , it is difficult to distinguish policy-related losses and commercial losses . Because the four major state-owned commercial banks undertake both commercial bank services and policy-oriented financial services .

  9. 虽然信贷政策双轨运行给国家大大减轻了财政政策性补贴亏损负担,但同时农发行在自主经营上也相应承担着多种风险。

    Although this new policy has enormously released the state from making up the losses by expending great financial allowance , it simultaneously put various risks on the ADBC when undertaking self-administered operation .