
  • 网络Financial information system
  1. Internet时代推进财务信息系统建设的探讨

    A Study of Advancing Internet Financial Information System

  2. 浅谈财务信息系统在ERP中的完善

    Discuss the Perfection of Financial Information System in ERP

  3. INTERNET时代财务信息系统功能设计思想的探讨

    The Study On the Idea of Internet Finance Information System Design

  4. 财务信息系统是以科学合理的部门合作和流畅疏通的信息渠道为平台,以计算机、internet网络、网络财务软件为手段,建立的财务信息服务系统。

    Financial information system is a kind of financial information service system which is established depending on reasonable inter-department cooperation and smooth information channel as well as by means of internet network and financial software .

  5. 高校财务信息系统建设中的若干问题

    Problems in the Construction of Financial Information Management Systems in Universities

  6. 五邑大学财务信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Financial Affair Information System of Wuyi University

  7. 财务信息系统的客户/服务器体系结构

    C / S system structure in the financial information area

  8. 电子商务时代的林业网络财务信息系统构建研究

    Construction of Financial Information System of Forestry Network in Economic Commercial Era

  9. 我国网络财务信息系统安全方面存在许多问题。

    There are many problems in our country 's network financial information system .

  10. 网络环境下财务信息系统建设研究

    Establishment of Financial Information System in Network Environment

  11. 关于财务信息系统网络的安全

    Network safety problem about financial information systems

  12. 企业的财务信息系统和生物的周围神经系统一样与外部世界相互作用。

    Like peripheral nervous system of living things , finance information system of enterprises interacts with external world .

  13. 财务信息系统数据标准是实现财务信息化的基础。制定全国统一的、与国际接轨的、有前瞻性的财务管理信息系统数据标准是我国信息化工作的重要内容。

    Establishing the national data criteria for accounting information system is part of the modernization of information exchange .

  14. 财务信息系统是企业信息管理的子系统,是企业管理的核心。

    The financial information system is a subsystem of an enterprise 's information management system . It is the core for management of enterprise .

  15. 需建立完备的网络财务信息系统和信息化的电子商务平台,做好安全防护工作,加大人才的培养力度,以推动电子商务的发展。

    It needs to build perfect network finance information system and e-commerce platform , make security and protection work , strengthen talent cultivation , promote development of e-commerce .

  16. 本文立足于这些变化,分析现行高校财务信息系统存在的问题,提出建立和完善高校财务信息系统的建议。

    On the base of above-mentioned changes , this paper analyzes the problems facing college financial information system , and puts forward some suggestions as to its development and improvement .

  17. 首先,本文分析了高校财务信息系统的现状和存在的问题,并据此提出了数据仓库应用的需求。

    At first , this paper analyses the actuality of financial information system of campus and the existing problem , basing on these , puts forward the requests of data warehouse .

  18. 基础设置模块负责维护财务信息系统运行所必需的基础数据,包括系统参数、科目、币种、汇率和账户信息。

    Basic setting model is responsible for maintaining necessary basic data required by operation of financial information system , including system parameters , subject currency , and exchange rate and account information .

  19. 试论ERP环境下财务管理信息系统

    On Financial Information Administration System Under ERP

  20. 基于EXCEL环境的财务管理信息系统设计探讨

    Approaching the Design of Information System of Financial Management Based on Excel Context

  21. 基于动态ASP网页的财务信息查询系统

    Inquiring Financial Information with Dynamic ASP Website

  22. 并以三峡财务公司信息系统为例,结合SqlServer7.0数据库系统对第2种方式进行了说明。

    Taking example for Sanxia Business Company , two methods of implementing the popedom setting of information system refered to the SQL SERVER 7.0 database system is introduced .

  23. 因此,建设一个全面、高效的FMIS(财务管理信息系统)迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is urgent to build a comprehensive and efficient FMIS ( Financial Management Information System ) .

  24. 一个基于集团式企业财务管理信息系统(ACMIS)的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Accounting Mangement Information System in a Corporate Enterprise

  25. FMIS子系统是集成管理资金流、物流和信息流的标准化财务管理信息系统,具有可靠性、真实性和实时性的特征。

    Financial Management Information System is an integrated management of capital flow , logistics and information flow of standardized financial management information system , reliability , authenticity and real-time features .

  26. 本文提出了一种建立在I-net(Internet/Intranet/Extranet)的开放体系结构上的财务管理信息系统模型,并在传统系统的核算体系基础上扩展了其决策功能。

    So this system cannot meet the deep degree and on-time needs of diverse information demanders . This paper raises an open system structure model based on I-net ( Internet / Intranet / Extranet ) and extends traditional system 's decision function on the base of its calculating system .

  27. 介绍了一个基于集团式企业的财务管理信息系统(ACMIS),及在系统设计与实现中所考虑的一些问题,采取的主要技术措施、系统的功能和特点等。

    This paper describes both the accounting management information system ( ACMIS ) in a corporate enterprise and the chief technical measures taken in the design and implementation of the system . The functions and features of the system are introduced .

  28. 财务管理信息系统的面向对象开发方法研究

    Research on the Object Oriented Development Method in Financial Management System

  29. 哈尔滨银行财务预算信息系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Financial Budget Information System of Harbin Bank

  30. 财务信息管理系统是一个复杂的人机系统。

    Financial information management system is a complex man-machine system .