
  • 网络Financial distress;financial trouble;Finance distress
  1. 财务困境预测中BP神经网络模型应用综述

    An Overview of the Application of BP Neural Network in the Financial Distress Prediction

  2. 运用t检验和Logistics回归分析了公司治理机制对上市公司财务困境的影响。

    This paper examines the effects of internal control mechanisms on the financial distress of publicly listed companies in China .

  3. 她陷入了财务困境。

    She had got into financial difficulties .

  4. 企业财务困境修正Z模型的实证研究

    The Empirical Studying of the Financial Distress Prediction by Modifying Altman Z-score Model

  5. 有些人认为,Z及其家族产品或能帮索尼摆脱严重的财务困境。

    Some think the Z and its ilk could help pull Sony out of a vast financial hole .

  6. 我国财务困境公司的长期绩效研究&基于ST上市公司重组摘帽前后的实证分析

    Research on Long-term Performance of the Uncapped Corporations in Financial Distress & An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Listed Companies

  7. 在财务困境识别方面,本文分别采用了单年和多年的财务指标共建立了7个Logistic模型。

    In financial distress recognition , this paper uses the single year and many years ' financial variables set up seven Logistic models .

  8. 威廉斯出生于芝加哥,曾经是加州蓝十字(bluecross)公司的总裁,于2001年安泰陷入财务困境之际出任该公司首席运营官。

    Formerly president of Blue Cross of California , Chicago-born Mr Williams joined Aetna as chief operating officer in 2001 , when the company was in financial trouble .

  9. 本文以陷入财务困境的ST公司为样本,检验当公司陷入财务困境的情况下,负债控制机制是否对公司高层管理人员起到监督作用。

    This paper takes as example some indebted ST companies to see whether this situation has some constraining power over their senior management .

  10. 现金流量在财务困境预测中的信息含量实证研究&来自2003-2004年度ST公司的新证据

    An Empirical Study on Cash Flows ' Information Content in Financial Distress Prediction & Evidence from ST firms during the period of 2003-2004

  11. 财务困境理论已成为资本结构理论研究的前沿和热点问题之一,财务困境(Financialdistress)又称为财务危机,其最为严重的情况就是破产。

    Theory of Financial Distress has become one of the front and the hot issues . Financial Distress is also called Financial crisis , in which the most serious circumstances is bankrupt .

  12. 并用一个财务困境预警模型对ST公司的重组绩效进行了验证,同时也验证了该模型的实际应用效果。

    Using a financial distress early warning model , the paper validates the restructuring performance of ST companies . The practical effect of this model is also validated in this paper .

  13. 本文选取40家ST公司和80家非ST公司作为财务困境与非财务困境样本,考察了现金流量信息在财务困境预测中的信息含量。

    Using 40 ST and 80 non-St firms as sample for financially distressed and non-depressed companies , this study tests the information content of cash flow information in the financial distress prediction .

  14. 第二,本文在进行财务困境预警实证分析后,发现这样的一个规律:即越接近ST的年份,预测成功率越高。

    Secondly , after the analysis of financial crisis prediction , the author found such a law : the closer the ST years are , the higher success rate the forecast made .

  15. 本文运用统计方法,选取有效建模变量,建立了Logit预测模型对我国上市公司财务困境进行了预测。

    This paper applies statistics methods to select effective variables to build Logit model to predict financial distress in Chinese listed companies .

  16. 本文的主要目的是基于我国上市公司的财务困境,针对奥特曼Z模型的不足之处进行修正,寻找尽可能准确预测财务困境的模型。

    This paper , based on the financial distress situation in Chinese market , is aimed to find a better financial distress model for the ST companies by modifying Altman Z-score model .

  17. 实证研究结果表明这2个模型与奥特曼的Z模型相比均有较好的预测效果,针对我国上市公司财务困境的预测准确度有显著提高。

    The results showed that compared with Altman Z-score model , both of these two models are of good prediction effect , with more precision to predict the financial distress for public companies .

  18. 在国内的研究中,对上市公司财务困境的标志划分主要有三种:一种是直接将公司被ST定为财务困境公司。

    Research of domestic , listed on the sign of the listed companies in financial distress divided mainly in three ways : one is directly take the company which was ST as financially distressed companies .

  19. 人们都知道,各家公司都会为CEO购买所谓的关键人物保险,投保金额根据高管对公司的贡献决定,目的是防止这些高层人员身故导致公司陷入财务困境。

    Companies are known to buy so-called key person insurance policies for their CEOs , which put a dollar amount on executives ' contributions to the company and protects against a financial hardship should they die .

  20. 资本结构理论学派主要以1958年提出的MM理论为核心和研究起点,不断加入企业所得税、财务困境成本等因素从理论上分析资本结构决策的变化情况。

    School of capital structure theory proposed in 1958 , mainly in the core of MM theory and research starting point , continuing to join the enterprise income tax , financial distress costs in decision-making theory of capital structure changes .

  21. 用回归方法作企业财务困境判别模型时,财务指标的取舍依赖t检验和F检验,保留的指标受主观假设和共线性问题影响。

    In the discriminant analysis and prediction of corporate financial distress , selections of financial ratios in regression model rely on t-test and F-test , and the retained variables may contain the impact of subjective hypothesis and the problem of collinearity .

  22. 选取1998~2002年度沪深股市42家ST摘帽公司为财务困境企业样本,从财务和市场两个视角定量考察我国上市公司是否存在财务困境成本。

    With a sample of 42 ST firms listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges during the period of 1998-2002 , this paper gives quantitative measurements of financial distress costs of these firms both from an accounting viewpoint and from a market viewpoint .

  23. 通过收购一系列备受尊敬但深陷财务困境的经纪业务,威尔创建了他两个金融服务帝国中的第一个:shearsonhaydenstone。

    Mr Weill built the first of his two financial services empires , Shearson Hayden stone , by acquiring a series of brokerage businesses with respected names but deep-seated financial woes .

  24. 通过使用曼-惠特尼U显著性检验方法验证财务困境与财务正常公司的差异,研究结果显示,大多数财务因素指标变量对公司是否会陷入财务困境具有显著性影响。

    By using the Mann-Whitney U significant test method to verify the differences of the financial difficulties and the normal financial company , the results show that most of the financial factors indicator variables have a significant impact on whether the company will fall into financial distress .

  25. Cifas认为,这证明英国个人在更加年轻的时候就陷入了财务困境。

    This , Cifas believes , is proof that individuals in the UK are getting into financial difficulty at a younger age .

  26. 本文选择1998&2002年间沪深股市40家ST摘帽公司A股为样本,从经营业绩观和权益价值观两个角度考察我国上市公司是否存在财务困境成本。

    By selecting a sample of 40 A-shares with ST listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges during the period of 1998-2002 , this paper discusses quantitative measurements of financial distress costs of these firms both from financial performance point of view and from market value point of view .

  27. 没有SIPC,投资者在面临财务困境的经纪商中存入的证券或资金会永远消失,或者由于资产被冻结在法院而等待许多年。

    Without SIPC , investors at financially troubled brokerage firms might lose their securities or money forever or wait for years while their assets are tied up in court .

  28. 企业财务困境形成过程研究

    Study on the Form Course of Enterprises ' Financial Difficult Position

  29. 公司治理与财务困境:来自上海股票市场的证据

    Corporate governance and financial distress : evidence from Shanghai security market

  30. 财务困境与市场绩效相关性的研究

    An Empirical Study on Correlation Between Financial Distress and Market Performance