
cái chǎn qīn quán
  • property tort
  1. 长期以来,学者们对旅游活动的研究多集中于旅行社的环节,对旅游景区管理中的财产侵权问题的研究略显单薄。

    The academic researches on tourism have long been focused on travel agencies , and the study of the property tort in the administration of tourist attractions is inadequate .

  2. 本文将旅游景区管理中的财产侵权区分为景区的财产侵权与旅游者的财产侵权两个方面,分析了每个方面财产侵权问题的基本类型,并提出一些对策和方法。

    This paper is to analyze the various types of property tort in two aspects : scenic spots and the tourists ' personal belongings , and it also suggests some countermeasures .

  3. 本部分还阐明了网络虚拟财产侵权的概念及其特点。

    This part also clarifies the concept and characteristic of the tort liability of cyberspace virtual property .

  4. 虚拟财产侵权责任的构成要件是:违法行为、损害事实、因果关系和过错。

    The constructive requirements of the tortuous responsibility consist of the illegal act , the fact of damages , causality and fault .

  5. 网络虚拟财产及其侵权责任研究

    Study on Network Virtual Property and the Infringement Liability

  6. 过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。

    Trot liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property .

  7. 然后对网络虚拟财产权侵权责任进行分析。内容涉及虚拟财产权侵权责任的构成要件、规则原则、侵权责任的承担方式。

    Then the virtual property right infringement liability analysis , involving the virtual property right tort liability elements , principles , methods of bearing civil liability .

  8. 不作为侵权行为是行为人不履行或者不适当履行作为义务,从而导致他人人身损害或者财产损害的侵权行为。

    Omission is a tortuous conduction that person not to perform or not appropriate to perform the duty to act , leading to others as a personal injury or loss of property infringement .

  9. 夫妻关系主要涉及人身关系和财产关系,夫妻侵权就主要表现在这两大领域中。

    Tort between them mainly occurs in the two major relationships , that is personal and financial relationships .

  10. 对于传统的侵犯人身权、财产权的环境侵权而言,现代环境侵权的特征使得其具有一系列不同于一般侵权的责任构造。

    The special characteristics of modern environmental infringement make the " environmental torts " different with the general infringement in the responsibility structure .

  11. 法律中的主要部分,大多数明显的与财产、合同、侵权有关的法律都是习惯法的传统部分。

    Broad areas of the law , most notably relating to property , contracts , and torts , are traditionally part of the common law .

  12. 婚内损害赔偿纠纷涉及的支付财产的性质和侵权人财产能力等问题均迎刃而解。

    Thus nature of the payment property and the property capacity of the infringing party involved in the dispute of compensation for marital damages can be resolved .

  13. 目前,法学理论界对网络虚拟财产的研究多集中在讨论其属性问题上,而对于网络虚拟财产侵权问题的研究却少之又少。

    And a large number of problems of Internet are also exposed . At present , jurist research nature of virtual property more than tort liability of virtual property .

  14. 虚拟财产本身作为一种存储于网络服务商数据系统中的一组数据记录,其无形性这一本质属性决定了虚拟财产侵权之特殊。

    Virtual property itself is as a network service provider data stored in the system , a set of data records , the intangible property determines the nature of the special virtual property infringement .