
  1. 指出非财产性损害虽然具有主观性,不像财产损害那样直观,但是难以证明、无法计算只是技术操作问题,法律技术可以在实践当中去丰富、发展。

    We can develop the legal technology , despite the difficulty of counting and proving the non-pecuniary .

  2. 过去,国内外学者普遍认为非财产性损害赔偿问题只能发生在侵权责任中,本文对这种观点的合理性提出质疑。

    In the past , scholars generally think that non-pecuniary loss is not recoverable in contract as in tort . In the author 's opinion , it is not necessary to deal with compensation for medical malpractice only in the scope of theories in tort .

  3. 就婚约解除后损害赔偿责任而言,学界主要存在两种观点:一是认为仅存在财产性损害赔偿责任;二是认为不仅存在财产性质损害赔偿责任,而且还存在精神性损害赔偿。

    After the dissolution of a marriage in terms of damages , the main academic point of view there are two : First , there is only property damage liability ; Second , the nature of not only property damage liability , but also damages the spirit .

  4. 由于著作权既具有人身性,又具有财产性,所以其损害赔偿额应包括两部分:财产损失和精神损害赔偿。

    Because the copyright is both personal right and property right , the sum of damages should comprise of damages of the infringement of the property and damages of the spiritual injury .

  5. 网络言论侵害人格权行为的受害人因加害人的行为而受到的合法利益的损害不仅有精神上的还有财产上的,而且随着人格权的商品化,财产性损害的范围在扩大。

    The victims of Internet infringement suffer not only the loss of moral legitimate interests but also property . And as the commercialization of Personality Right , the range of property loss is expanding .