
  • 网络Long Arm Jurisdiction;long-arm jurisdiction;longarm jurisdiction
  1. 由11.21包头空难案看美国长臂管辖权的作用

    Functions of American Long Arm Jurisdiction Played in the " 11.21 " Baotou Air Disaster

  2. 美国长臂管辖权在网络案件管辖中的扩张,从一定程度上回答了这一问题,并为网络案件的管辖权确定了初步的规则和标准。

    The question has been answered by the expansion of American court 's Long Arm Jurisdiction in a way . And it sets the initial rules and standards for network jurisdiction .

  3. 从国外看,美国法院已将长臂管辖权适用于涉网案件中,1945年国际鞋业公司诉华盛顿州一案是美国州际民事诉讼中的里程碑,成为长臂管辖权萌生的开端;

    In 1945 , National Shoes Corp. v. Washington , which is a landmark of continental civil action of U.S. , has become the origin of long-arm jurisdiction ;

  4. 本章主要对美国的长臂管辖权、最密切联系原则和意思自治原则发展,并运用于互联网环境下确定涉外民事管辖权的有关理论和实践加以阐述。

    The study focuses on the theory and practice of the Long-arm Jurisdiction in U.S. , the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship and the Doctrine of Autonomy of the Parties .

  5. 本文第1章从国内外学者对长臂管辖权所作的已有定义出发,通过分析比较,并依据长臂管辖权产生、发展的轨迹给出了一个笔者认为更加合理的定义。

    In the first chapter , through analyzing and comparing the existed definitions of long-arm jurisdiction , which are given by domestic and foreign scholars , the author concludes a more reasonable concept , according to the track of the birth and development of long-arm jurisdiction .