
  • 网络Long term costs;Long-run Cost;long run cost;long cost
  1. 短、长期成本曲线关系的数学分析

    Mathematical Analysis on the Relation of Short-run and Long-run Cost Curves

  2. 本文进一步深入研究任意多种生产要素的柯布-道格拉斯生产函数条件下的长期成本函数问题。

    This paper analyzes the character of the long-run cost function with Cobb-Douglas production function .

  3. 或许为挖井、扩建电网、制造更便宜的洗衣机等等不太时髦的东西花钱,会比给每个孩子一台笔记本电脑或在农村建立互联网中心更能改善人们的生活。我并不是说这些事情更重要,但许多捐赠者在没有仔细评估资金替代使用的相对长期成本和收益的情况下,就匆忙参与了一些花哨的项目。

    Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells , extending electricity networks and making more affordable washing machines would have improved people 's lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up Internet centres in rural villages , I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important , but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money .

  4. 干扰素的长期成本-效果相对常规治疗更好。

    Interferon is superior to conventional therapy for long-term outcomes .

  5. 然而,他们很少注意到的是潜在的长期成本。

    What they seldom note , though , are the potential long-term costs .

  6. 运输产业长期成本变动及其发展战略思路

    The Long Term Variation of Transportation Industry Cost in China and its Development Strategy

  7. 树立战略成本管理理念确保长期成本领先优势&对南航成本管理的几点建议

    Advice on Cost Management of China Southern Airlines

  8. 对于公共部门借贷上升的长期成本,市场的担忧不断加剧。

    Markets are increasingly worried about the longer-term cost of the rise in public sector borrowing .

  9. 即便这些改进最终会降低长期成本,遵守这条法律可能还是颇具挑战性。

    Complying with the law may prove challenging , even if improvements ultimately reduce long-term costs .

  10. 齐次生产函数条件下长期成本函数的确定方法

    A Method for Determining the Long Run Cost Function under the Condition of Homogeneous Production Function

  11. 但是,这也会降低美国的长期成本,同时减少全球失衡的危机。

    But it would also lower long-term costs for the US , and reduce dangerous global imbalances .

  12. 简短地说,人们很少考虑到缓慢反应的长期成本。

    In short , the long term costs of a slow response are rarely taken into account .

  13. 两类典型生产函数条件下长期成本曲线包络特性的数理证明

    Mathematic Demonstration of Envelop Features of Long-run Cost Function Under the Conditions of Two Model Production Functions

  14. 这低估了政府养老金的长期成本和为此提供资金的公共借贷的成本。

    This underestimates the long-term cost of state pensions and the cost of public borrowing to fund it .

  15. 您需要考虑软件的最初成本,以及相关的长期成本。

    You need to take into account the initial cost of the software , along with the associated long-term costs .

  16. 历史表明,资本控制对长期成本具有严重的影响,只能作为最后的手段。

    History has shown capital controls carry heavy long-term costs and should only be considered as instruments of last resort .

  17. 事实上,届时,医保范围的扩大将令控制长期成本的挑战变得比眼下更为紧迫。

    In fact , the challenge of long-term cost control will be more urgent than now , because of broader coverage .

  18. 准确地说,要在哥本哈根就此长期成本分摊达成协议,将会非常困难。

    It will be very difficult to reach agreement on that exact long-term cost sharing at Copenhagen , to get that precise .

  19. 这也是为什么最优秀的采购管理从业人员会与顶级供应商建立合作关系,从而确保企业的长期成本及加工生产能力。

    That 's why the best purchasing and supply management practitioners foster relationships with best-of-class suppliers to ensure long-term cost and process efficiencies .

  20. 数字卫星通信以其信号质量好、覆盖面广、长期成本低等优点为广播电视的数字化传输提供了良好的传输平台。

    Digital satellite communications provide a good transmitting flat for digital broadcasting because of its excellent signal quality , wide coverage and lower cost .

  21. 包络曲线是西方经济学中的基本概念之一,是长期成本分析工具之一。

    Containing Net Curve is one of the basic concepts in the Western Economics , and one of the tools of analyzing the Long Cost .

  22. 采用和参与行业标准使公司能够利用整个行业的最佳实践,从而减少了语义互操作性的长期成本。

    Embracing and participating in industry standards allow individual companies to take advantage of industry-wide best practices and reduce the long-term cost of semantic interoperability .

  23. 规模经济的验证显示各国快接近长期成本的最低点,且具有多元经济,为充份发挥资源共享优势,各银行应同时提供多种金融商品,降低生产成本。

    Economies of scale and scope prevail in the sample , meaning that sample banks can benefit by enlarging their production scale and diversifying their outputs .

  24. 英国航空公司的大部分利润来自跨大西洋航线。该公司表示,现在还无法确定加强安全措施的长期成本和影响。

    BA , which makes most of its profit from transatlantic flights , said it was impossible to determine yet the long-term cost or impact of heightened security measures .

  25. 减税措施之所以会到期,首先只是因为小布什政府在做假帐,目的是掩饰减税的长期成本。

    The tax cuts are due to expire in the first place only because the Bush administration was cooking the books . The idea was to disguise the cuts ' long-term cost , which is colossal .

  26. 由于一些雇主开始质疑外包的长期成本节约效果,以及其它雇主对消费者日益反对将支持服务和呼叫中心放在海外感到担忧,他们已经将部分大额外包交易撤回国内。

    High-profile outsourcing deals have been taken back in-house as some employers have begun to question the long-term savings , while others have become concerned at growing consumer opposition to siting support services and call centres overseas .

  27. 保持数年的高通胀,以帮助住房拥有者和金融机构,不管这种措施多么符合一时之需,都必须将这种收益与稍后为了重新稳定通胀预期而付出的长期成本进行权衡比较。

    However convenient it may be to have several years of elevated inflation to help bail out homeowners and financial institutions , the gain has to be weighed against the long-run cost of re-anchoring inflation expectations later on .

  28. 西方经济学中的成本理论包括七个短期成本函数和三个长期成本函数,其间关联度之紧密、内容之繁杂是人所共知的,是学习西方经济学的重点和难点之一。

    The cost theory in western economics includes seven short run cost functions and three long run cost functions , related degree close among them , content well known to study western focal point and one of the difficult points of economics .

  29. 本文提出电信网络的长期成本是业务量和用户数量这两个自变量的二维函数,而电信网中的用户独占资源和用户共享资源对于这两个变量具有完全相反的特点。

    This paper suggests that the long-term cost of telecommunication networks should be a 2-dimensional function of the number of users and traffic volume . In addition , dedicated resources and shared resources within networks have entirely different behavior regarding these two variables .

  30. 面对运营商提供的套餐,你应仔细核算长期成本,究竟是更换旧机更合适还是自己卖掉更合适。

    As with every plan offered by your carrier , you need to thoroughly evaluate how much it 's going to cost you in the long-term , and whether you 'll really benefit by trading in your old phone instead of reselling it yourself .