
  1. OCDMA中一种新的多倍长多波长RS码

    New family of multilength multi-wavelength reed-solomon code of OCDMA system

  2. 换言之,它可比Tweet长多了。

    A great deal longer than a tweet , in other words .

  3. 护士长多维度量化考核指标的设立与应用

    The development and application of multidimensional quantitative evaluation system for head nurses

  4. 这个飞行员所记录下的飞行时间长多了。

    This pilot has clocked up much longer flying time .

  5. 她没有大鼻子,只是长多了些。

    She does not have big hooters , her cups runneth over .

  6. 与倒杯可口可乐相比,冲泡一杯拿铁咖啡的时间要长多了。

    It takes more to make a latte than to pour a Coke .

  7. 那奇异的无花果树,他能长多高?

    How high does the sycamore grow ?

  8. 阴离子嵌段共聚的交联聚苯乙烯的网络链长多分散性与网络结构非均一性

    Polydispersity of Network Chain Length and the Heterogeneity of the Anionic Block Copolymerized Styrene-Divinylbenzene Networks

  9. 另外,你得让你这儿的公路长多点小草。

    By the way , you 're gonna need a little SOD on the fairway there .

  10. 城市究竟还要长多高

    How Tall are City Architectures

  11. 为了提取这些运动模式,我们应用可变长多阶马尔可夫模型对车辆的运动模式进行建模。

    To extract these mobility patterns , we apply variable-length Markov model to train and generate the mobility patterns .

  12. 结果这一次爬山用的时间比我记忆中去年所用的时间长多了。

    The pass , it turned out , was a lot longer than I remembered it from the previous year .

  13. 美源自健康,快乐,友爱和智慧,并且美持续的时间比苗条的腰身长多了。

    This beauty comes from health , happiness , kindness and intelligence and will last a lot longer than a slim waist .

  14. 同传统的马尔可夫模型相比,可变长多阶马尔可夫模型能够方便地提取出不同阶数的车辆运动模式。三、车辆行驶路径预测。

    Compared with traditional Markov models , variable-length Markov model can easily extract vehicle mobility patterns with different orders . Third , predict the vehicle driving route .

  15. 为了评估交通条件对车辆运动模式的影响,我们把交通条件作为可变长多阶马尔可夫模型重要的训练参数,并提取出车辆在不同交通条件下的运动模式。

    To assess its impact on the vehicle mobility patterns , we consider the traffic conditions as an important argument during the vehicle mobility pattern extraction and route prediction .

  16. 通常别人让我尝试难吃的东西时,我会采取这样的策略:用力地嚼一两秒钟(这可比我想象中能坚持的时间长多了),然后整个吞下去。

    The tactic I have adopted when given gobby things to eat is to chew them very aggressively for a second or two longer than I think I can manage , and then swallow them .

  17. 黄金保持其原有光泽的时间较其他金属要长得多。

    Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals

  18. 嘿,你看这庄稼长得多好!

    Hey ! Look ! How well the crops grow !

  19. 这孩子长得多俊哪!

    What a pretty little child !

  20. 你看这棵小树,长得多直溜儿。

    Look at this small tree & standing so erect .

  21. 这很有可能是因为它是波长最大的颜色,所以能被看到的距离比其他颜色长得多。

    This most likely started because it 's the color with the longest wavelength so it can be seen somewhere farther than other colors .

  22. 数据显示,青少年阅读课本的时间比阅读小说、电子书、杂志等其他阅读材料的时间要长得多。

    The data shows that teenagers spend much more time reading from school textbooks to some other reading materials , such as novels , e-books , magazines and so on .

  23. 阿扎·拉斯金发明了无限下拉滚动的功能,这个应用程序功能意味着你不需要点击进入下一个页面,你可以无限地下拉页面,但滚动的时间可能比必要的或健康的标准长得多。

    Aza Raskin invented the endless scroll5 – the app feature that means you don 't have to click to get to the next page and can keep scrolling6 for far longer than maybe necessary or healthy .

  24. 长期历史数据是从短期历史数据聚合而来的,它在PerformanceExpert的性能数据库中保留的时间比短期历史数据长得多。

    Long-term history data is aggregated from short-term history data , and it resides much longer in the performance database of Performance Expert .

  25. 长距离多站RTK定位中整周模糊度求解的研究

    The Calculation of Integer Ambiguity in Long Distance and Multiple Station RTK Positioning

  26. 在一周的时间里,新款11英寸MacBookAir的电池续航时间比老款长得多。

    Over the course of a week , the 11-inch air ran much longer before it needed to be plugged in .

  27. gc()方法总是触发一个大的收集,这就是应该尽量少用(如果不能完全不用的话)System.gc()的原因之一,因为大的收集要比小的收集花费长得多的时间。

    The System . gc () method always triggers a major collection , which is one of the reasons you should use System . gc ()

  28. 用于长脉冲多束团直线加速器的SLED系统

    SLED System for Long Pulse Multi-bunch Linac

  29. 由于数字签名是建立在公用密钥密码术基础上的,因此计算一个数字签名所花的时间往往要比计算一个MAC长得多。

    Because a digital signature is based on public key cryptography , it generally takes much more time to compute a digital signature than a MAC .

  30. DHA是大脑中最丰富的长链多不饱和脂肪酸之一,也是视网膜光受体中最丰富的多不饱和脂肪酸。

    DHA is one of the richest content of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid reviewed in brain and in retina light acceptor .