
  1. 让我不安的是现在杂志文章都短多了。

    What perturbs me is that magazine articles are so much shorter nowadays .

  2. populate()方法现在短多了,看起来像是它需要执行的任务的大纲,任务的实现都放在私有方法中。

    The populate () method is much shorter now , and it reads like an outline of the tasks it needs to perform , with the task implementation residing in private methods .

  3. ThunderForce《雷霆女神》如果扎克·施奈德的《正义联盟》对你来说太阴郁了,不妨看看《雷霆女神》。这部超级英雄电影比《正义联盟》轻快一些,而且短得多。

    If Zack Snyder 's Justice League was too gloomy for you , try Thunder Force , a superhero film that is a bit lighter7 and a lot shorter .

  4. 基于GA的网络最短路径多目标优化算法研究

    Research on multi-objective optimization for shortest path algorithm based on GA

  5. x射线与可见光具有相同的性质,但x射线波长要短得多。

    X-rays have the same mature as visible light , but their wavelength is much less .

  6. X荧光测井可在井场实时提供测井结果,而耗时却短得多。

    It is also shown that the consuming time for X-ray fluorescence logging is much less than that for traditional methods .

  7. (比如美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)去年以来就在向符合条件的业主派发最高三万美元的现金。)这导致折价出售的短售房多了起来。

    ( Bank of America , for instance , has been offering as much as $ 30,000 to qualifying homeowners since last year . ) That 's led to more short sales selling at a discount .

  8. 该算法分为两个步骤:第一,基于最短路径多播树选择算法;第二,找到具有两个或多个QoS参数的传播路由。

    The proposed algorithm was divided in two steps : firstly , the multicast tree selection algorithm was based on shortest path ; secondly , to find routes with two or more QoS parameters .

  9. 同时基于椭圆曲线上的零知识证明可以用比RSA短得多的密钥,达到与RSA同等级别的安全性。

    At the same time , same security level as RSA has can be achieved by ellipse curve-based zero knowledge proof with the key much shorter in length than that of RSA .

  10. 但FQ-PCR法的技术复杂性要简单得多,分析时间(2h)比PCR-ELISA(8h)要短得多。

    But FQ-PCR assay was technically much less complex and required a much shorter assay time ( 2 h ) than the PCR-ELISA ( 8 h ) .

  11. 激波后冻结及平衡压力可用R-H关系很好地加以计算,但松弛区长度则较基于球定常运动的计算值短得多。

    But the relaxation length is significantly shorter than that calculated from drag of sphere at steady motion .

  12. 结果:1.冠心病组Poincare图以鱼雷状、短棒状多见;正常组以慧星状为主,两组有显著差异。

    The results showed that ( 1 ) Poincare map of CHD group showed frequently the shapes of torpedo and short stick , the map of normal group showed frequently the shapes of comet ;

  13. KKR在亚洲市场的历史比凯雷(Carlyle)这样的竞争对手要短得多,但看起来前景很不错。凯雷的亚洲业务已经向投资者返还了80亿美元的利润。

    KKR has a much shorter track record in Asian markets than competitors such as Carlyle ( which has already returned $ 8bn in profits to investors in its Asian businesses ) but seems likely to do well .

  14. 格拉斯哥人口健康中心主任CarolTannahill说,我们所需要的那些改变都具有长期性,“相比时间上短得多的政治议程,两者难以相容”。

    Carol Tannahill , director of the Glasgow Centre for Population Health , says the long-term nature of the changes needed " does not fit in with political agendas much shorter than that " .

  15. 因此,实现价值的时间要短得多。

    As a result , the time to value is much shorter .

  16. 扫描时间应该比标记时间短得多。

    The sweep time should be significantly shorter than the mark times .

  17. 一般而言,企业高管用来证明自身价值的时间要短得多。

    Generally , executives get far less time to prove their worth .

  18. 这场战争比他们预料的要短得多。

    The war was far shorter than they expected .

  19. 在亚洲,流行速度较快,且延续时间短得多。

    The epidemic in Asia has grown faster over a much shorter time .

  20. 此外,长期的反叛乱战略和短得多的美国政治时间表不能相容。

    And the long-term coin strategy and the far shorter US political timeline are incompatible .

  21. 这部动画每季有26集,与其他动画相比要短得多。

    This cartoon has 26 series each season , much less compared with other cartoons .

  22. 装卸集装箱船速度很快,周转时间也短得多。

    Unloading and loading a ~ ship is very fast and the turnaround is much shorter .

  23. 德军占领突尼斯后,穿越地中海的航线变得短的多。

    After the German occupation of Tunisia , across the Mediterranean route has become more short .

  24. 对越野能力的要求基本上可以决定车辆的外形轮廓,当在越野的时候履带式车辆的耗时明显短得多。

    As off-road usage dominates the vehicle 's profile , tracked configurations provide significantly better mission travel times .

  25. 他和我结婚的时间可比跟爱米丽的婚姻可短得多。

    He was married to me a hell of a lot longer than he was married to emily .

  26. 事实上,球在线上的停留时间大约是3~5毫秒,比拍框从变形到恢复的时间要短得多。

    The ball remains on the strings for3-5 milliseconds , much shorter than it takes a frame to recover .

  27. 看看人类在漫长的蒙昧时期非常野蛮,我们步入真正的文明时代与蒙昧时代比短的多。

    It has been a long , rather barbaric period before we finally step into the relatively short civilized age .

  28. 那时不仅在职人员远远多于退休人员,人们的平均寿命也比现在短得多。

    Not only were there many more active workers relative to pensioners , but average lifespans were considerably shorter than now .

  29. 光的波长要短的多并且容易被小物体反射--这是人类实力依赖于光波的一个原因。

    Light has a much shorter wavelength and is readily reflected from small objects-one reason that human vision relies on it .

  30. 如果我能够奢望回到家里,打开电视,或者连续几个小时在房间里睡觉,我学习的时间一定会短得多

    if I had the luxury of going home and turning on the TV or falling asleep for hours in my room .