
duǎn qī xiào yìng
  • short-term effect
  1. 这对消费而言,必将产生一个强盛的短期效应。

    It will have a powerful short-term effect on consumption .

  2. 水上牵引训练的短期效应

    Short-Term Effect of Hauling Training on Water

  3. IL-1对垂体促性腺细胞及甲状腺轴分泌功能的短期效应

    Short term effects of IL-1 on secretive functions of pituitary gonadotropic cells and thyroid axis

  4. 本文将采用事件分析法,通过计算各公司的累计超额收益率(CAR)及累计超额收益对并购活动影响股东价值的短期效应进行分析、检验并以会计分析法作为长期定性分析的指标作为参考。

    The paper is adopting the case analysis method to analyze , test and refer to the long-term qualitative index through calculating individual company 's CAR and CA and its influence on the stock value .

  5. 本文利用1991-2003年时间序列和横断面数据,就FDI对中国区域经济发展的短期效应和长期效应进行实证分析。

    Using time series and panel data in the period of 1991-2003 , this paper estimates the short and long term effect of FDI on the regional economy .

  6. UV-B增强对水华蓝藻铜绿微囊藻的长期和短期效应及其光合作用适应

    Studies on the Prolonged and Short-term Effects of Enhanced UV-B Exposure on the Blooming-forming Cyanobacterium Microcystis Aeruginosa ( Cyanophyceae ) and Its Photosynthetic Adaptation

  7. 观察了Captopril对STZ-糖尿病大鼠肾小球滤过率(GFR)、血清中剩余的抗坏血酸(RA)水平和脂质过氧化物(LPO)含量的短期效应。

    We observed the short-term effects of captopril on glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ), serum residual ascorbate ( RA ) level and lipid peroxide ( LPO ) value in STZ-induced diabetic rats .

  8. 但其短期效应可能是延长经济衰退。

    But the short-run effect could be to prolong the recession .

  9. 同时,自回归参数和移动平均参数往往具有不同的短期效应。

    And the AR and MA parameters have different short term effects .

  10. 海表温度异常短期效应的数值研究

    Numerical study on the short term effect of sea surface temperature anomalies

  11. 滩羊体重对放牧强度的短期效应

    The Reaction of Weight of Tan-Sheep to Grazing Intensity in Short Term

  12. 所以,从企业层面上讲,他们最关注短期效应。

    So they 're only interested , at the corporate level , in the short term .

  13. 从短期效应来看,流动摊贩的存在会给城市居民带来生活上的便利。

    On short-term effect , the existence of mobile vendors will make life convenience for city residents .

  14. 本文通过实证检验,分析了外资银行进入对我国国内银行绩效影响的短期效应,并同其它发展中国家的情况进行了对比研究。

    This thesis analyzes the short-term impact on the performance of domestic banks ' of foreign banks entry .

  15. 因此,不能用牺牲生态环境来换取经济发展的短期效应。

    Therefore , the cost of the environment can not be used for short-term effects of economic development .

  16. 市场对高关注度股票反应更为强烈,因此评级发生后的短期效应更为明显。

    The market overreacts to high attention stock , so the short-term effect after ratings is more obvious .

  17. 免耕对东北黑土水稳性团聚体中有机碳分配的短期效应

    Short-Term Impacts of No Tillage on Soil Organic Carbon Associated with Water-Stable Aggregates in Black Soil of Northeast China

  18. 他们将会发现做坏事的短期效应,对于后果而言并不值得。

    They will find that the short kick of doing bad things will not have been worth the consequences .

  19. 一方面能够提振股价、回馈股东,这是短期效应;

    Can carry on one hand brace up share price , pass on partner , this is short-term effect ;

  20. 因此,在评级发布日之后,低关注度股票的短期效应更加显著。

    So after the day rating is released , the short-term effect of stocks with low attention is more significant .

  21. 新古典增长模型所暗示的政策是,财政政策只有短期效应,不能影响长期的经济增长。

    Neoclassical model hints that the fiscal policy has short-term effects only , can 't influence the long-term economic growth .

  22. 格林斯潘警告说,如果不妥善解决银行业的问题,那么7870亿美元的财政刺激将只会产生短期效应。

    Mr Greenspan warned that without a proper banking sector fix , the $ 787bn fiscal stimulus would give only short-term relief .

  23. 在这项新的实验中,德国研究者观察了针灸对30名特应性湿疹患者皮肤的发炎发痒症状改善的短期效应。

    In the new study , German researchers looked at the short-term effects of acupuncture on skin inflammation and itching in30 people with atopic eczema .

  24. 对其毒性的评价,往往着眼于各系统、各器官,不太着眼于长期效应和短期效应。

    The evaluation on arsenic ? toxicity was usually seen from the angle of organs and systems , but not from long and short-term effect .

  25. 本文分阶段对两变量的因果关系进行实证分析,通过部分调整模型给出了基准利率对同业拆借率的短期效应和长期效应。

    In this paper , we analyse this by Grange Causality Test and then we give the short-term effect and long-term effect using Partial Adjust Model .

  26. 货币市场利率的变化对社保基金产生的短期效应和长期效应是有区别的。

    The short term and long term effects which the change of the interest rate in money market putting on the social insurance funds are different .

  27. 论文比较了悉尼奥运会及雅典奥运会对澳大利亚和希腊的旅游业的长期与短期效应。

    This paper makes a comparison between Sydney Olympics and Athens Olympics in terms of their short-term and long-term impacts on the tourism in the two countries .

  28. 考察林业税费改革的短期效应要关注当前政策利益是否为林农所得;

    The current policies'benefits whether or not obtained by peasants should be paid close attention to when inspecting the short-term effect of the reform in forestry taxation and charges .

  29. 高关注度股票在评级发生前就已经有过度的提前反应,因此在评级发布后反应不足,短期效应不如低关注度股票明显。

    High attention stock overreacted in advance before rating , which lead to lack of reaction after rating , short term effect is not as obvious as low attention stocks .

  30. 随着经济开始企稳并回升,各国央行将面临一个难题增长是可持续复苏的一部分还是财政刺激的短期效应?

    As economies begin to stabilise and grow , central banks will face a dilemma is growth part of a sustainable recovery or due to a short-term impact of fiscal stimulus ?