
  • 网络long-run marginal cost;long run marginal cost;LRMC
  1. 文中构建了CCHP系统并网的电价体系,提出了收取系统备用费的建议,探讨用会计成本和长期边际成本2种方法制定基本电价的计算模型。

    The electricity pricing system for CCHP interconnection is worked out and suggestions for the compensatory expenses of the reserve capacity of power system made . The long-term fiscal and marginal cost methodologies are discussed for calculating the basic price of power tariff .

  2. 长期边际成本电力定价方法研究

    A Study of Power Tariff according to Long Term Marginal Cost

  3. 其中详细探讨了一种基于长期边际成本原理设计的两部制电价结构体系,给出了这一价格体系设计的具体方法和过程。

    This paper also discusses specially a two-part pricing mechanism based on the long-term marginal cost principle . The detailed design method for the pricing system is provided .

  4. 通过对国内外基本电价执行情况的分析,总结出我国现行基本电价存在的三个主要问题,针对这些问题提出了用长期边际成本制定基本电价的理论方法与计算模型。

    According to the analysis of implementation of basic price in both the domestic and international countries , sum up three primary problems of capacity fee existing in our country .

  5. 在分析单一制电量电价弊端的基础上,提出应用长期边际成本原理确定两部制上网电价的方法,并给出了算例。

    On the basis of analyzing the shortcoming of the single electricity price , it is proposed to determine the two-part electricity pricing by use of long term marginal cost principle and a calculation example is given .

  6. 提出了一个灵敏度分析的方法来计算各个区域之间的长期边际输电成本。

    The evaluation of marginal long-run transmission costs for each area using sensitivity analysis is proposed in the paper .

  7. 企业产品的价格在短期等于边际成本还是长期等于边际成本,还是两者都等于?

    Does a firm 's price equal marginal cost in the short run , in the long run , or both ? Explain .

  8. 在现行制度安排下,公共政策的制定应考虑人口健康的长期社会边际成本和长期社会边际收益。

    Under the system in force , to formulate a public policy must consider the marginal cost and marginal profits about the health of population .