
  • 网络Long term budget;long-range budget
  1. 美联储(Fed)主席伯南克(BenBernanke)昨日敦促国会立即采取行动,以降低长期预算赤字。他警告称,债券市场对美国国债感到恐慌。

    Ben Bernanke yesterday urged Congress to act now to bring down long-term budget deficits , warning that the bond market was alarmed about US government debt .

  2. 正如克莱夫克鲁克(clivecrook)所指出的那样,如果美国国会就长期预算问题达成一致,政府诚然将会有更多回旋余地,但实际上它们做得不算太糟。

    It is true , as Clive crook points out , that the US authorities would have more room for manoeuvre if there were a congressional agreement on the long-term budgetary problem , but they have not done too badly as it is .

  3. 难就难在这里,因为长期预算赤字形式看起来真的很严峻。

    For it is the long run that looks truly grim .

  4. 而传统的长期预算方案则需各方一致同意方可通过。

    By contrast , the traditional long-term budget requires unanimity .

  5. 她说,长期预算问题相当可观。

    ' There are substantial long-term budget issues , ' she said .

  6. 不管是长期预算,还是短期预算,都有其自身的长处和短处。

    Both long-term and short-term budgeting has its own advantages and disadvantages .

  7. 首先,我们需要减少长期预算赤字。

    First and foremost , we need to reduce the long-term budget deficit .

  8. 为长期预算问题哪怕支付一笔定金,这非常重要。

    Making even a down payment on our long term budget problems is key .

  9. 欧盟领导人结束了布鲁塞尔欧盟峰会,会议没有达成长期预算协议。

    European Union leaders have ended their summit in Brussels without a long-term budget deal .

  10. 但如果没有一些控制长期预算赤字的措施,她不会支持实施财政刺激政策。

    But she wouldn 't endorse fiscal stimulus without some effort to rein-in long-run budget deficits .

  11. 用时计算功能旋转表圈从另一方面讲,长期预算与短期预算相比,更能发挥预算的效能。

    Elapsed time rotating bezel On the other hand , long-term budgeting may gain more budgeting value than shorter one .

  12. 他们也需要找到并且确定短期和长期预算的费用。

    They also need to find and define the costs for budget planning in both the short and long term .

  13. 要让短期刺激政策达到预定目的,白宫必须认真商议一下长期预算政策。

    To get its way on short-term stimulus , the white house needs to talk seriously about long-term budget policy .

  14. 时至今日,人们已经对所谓的调控经济有了更多共识,专注于央行独立、通胀目标、长期预算方针和浮动汇率等理念。

    Today there is more of a consensus on what might be called , to coin a phrase , steering the economy , focusing on ideas such as central bank independence , inflation targets , long-term budgetary guidelines and floating exchange rates .

  15. 我们的经济管理如此懈怠,以至于我们不能面对农业补贴或者长期的预算赤字。

    Our economic management is so lax that we can 't confront farm subsidies or long-term budget deficits .

  16. 由于人口结构问题,德国存在一个长期的预算问题,但我认为这在可以应对的范围内。

    There is a long run budget issue because of demographics but within the range I think can be handled .

  17. 土星让你在财务问题上放眼长远,更加关注长期的预算和谨慎小心的财政增长。

    Saturn is helping you to focus on long-term financial solutions , long-term budgets , and cautious careful financial growth .

  18. 但是他拒绝接受一项长期的预算计划,该计划由两党联合的辛普森-鲍斯委员会提出,正是他自己任命的委员会,实在是愚蠢。

    But he foolishly failed to embrace a long-term budget solution put forward by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission , which he himself appointed .

  19. 在某种程度上,印度有些独特:它长期存在预算赤字。不过,它在微观经济方面存在与其他成员国一样的缺陷。

    In some ways India is the odd one out : it runs a chronic budget deficit but shares the microeconomic weaknesses of its brethren .

  20. 在长期投资预算中必须注意研究资金需求预算、资金成本、折现率、现金流量和投资风险等问题。

    In the long term investment budget , Attention must be paid to capital demand budget , capital cost , discount rate , cash flow and investment risk .

  21. 等级森严的权力机构,控制范围,长期计划,预算。

    Hierarchies of authority , spans of control , long-range plans , and budgets .

  22. 而且医院长期执行财政预算管理体制,至今尚没有系统实施成本管理的医院。

    Hospitals have a long-term implementation of the budget management system , so far there is no hospital of implementation of cost management .

  23. 长期以来,预算的编制基本都是依靠手工单一报表或通过孤立的单机版系统录入汇总生成;预算指标的审核完全依赖人为因素来完成。

    Long-term since , the compilation of the budget are basically rely on manual single statements or through the entry summary generation stand-alone system isolated ; budget audit entirely dependent on the human factors to complete .

  24. 管理人员在很多情况下都要用到未来成本概念,包括成本控制、长期计划、预算、对建设项目的评估和一般的经济决策。

    Examples of management 's use of future costs may be found in a large number of areas , including cost control , long-range planning , budgeting , evaluation of capital projects and busi-ness decisions in general .

  25. 人们有像样的理由怀疑,即使目前摆在台面上长期、大规模预算调整方案得以全面实施,且希腊也恢复了竞争力,该国能否全额偿还债务?

    There are serious reasons to doubt that the country will be able to repay its debt entirely , even if it implements in full the large and protracted budgetary adjustment now on the table , and regains competitiveness .

  26. 但是,受长期以来重预算,轻管理理念的影响,行政单位国有资产并未受到应有的重视,资产配置不均、使用效率低下、处置不规范现象时有发生。

    However , for a long time , under the guidance of " pay more attention to budget but light assets management ", the state-owned assets of the administrative units is far from enough attention . The phenomena of uneven asset allocation , low efficiency and non-standard disposal occur frequently .

  27. 未来阶段的长期目标应该是预算平衡。

    The long-term objective , in a later phase , should be a balanced budget .

  28. 美国目前的长期借债利率低于预算盈余时期的利率水平。

    The US is borrowing at lower long-term rates than it did when it was running a budget surplus .

  29. 他建议企业将其长期资源计划(预算)同“战略工作中非年度的、由机会驱动的进程”区别开来。

    He recommended that companies separate their long-term resource plans ( their budgets ) from a separate " non-annual , opportunity-driven process for strategy work " .

  30. 在根据上次大型预算协议规定的长期支出削减安排预算方面,政府机构也可能获得更大灵活性。

    Government agencies could also get more flexibility to arrange their budgets to comply with long-term cuts in spending introduced in the last big budget agreement .