
  • 网络multi-year budget
  1. 亚行也会为具体的国家提供多年贷款预算,然后亚行团队将与该国政府合作,找出适合投入资金的项目。

    Individual countries are also handed multiyear budgets and the ADB teams then work with local governments to find suitable projects on which to spend the money .

  2. 为此,笔者结合多年来对预算管理理论的研究和亲身的工作实践,选择了企业预算管理及相关问题进行探讨。

    Hence , with many years ' research of budget management theory and personnel practice in budget management , the author will probe into the enterprise budget management and the correlative problem .

  3. 连续多年高于预期的预算盈余让港府积累了大量财富。

    Repeated larger-than-anticipated surpluses have left the government with an embarrassment of riches .

  4. 政府非税收入,这一概念代替已使用20多年之久的预算外资金,一经提出便引起了学术界及各级管理决策部门的广泛关注。

    Government non-tax revenue , a new concept taking the place of extra-budgetary funds which has been retained for over twenty years , once raised , has aroused widespread concern in academia and all levels of management decision-making departments .