
duō shù rén zhī zhài
  • obligation with several creditors or several debtors;obligation of several parties
  1. 比较法上的多数人之债

    Comparative Study on Multi-party Debt

  2. 作为多数人之债的重点,其保护交易安全的价值理念符合现代民法精神,具有现实的研究意义。

    As the importance of multi-liability , its value of protecting the business security accords with the spirit of modern civil law .

  3. 首先从明确连带债务的意义出发,指出了作为多数人之债的连带债务,其核心在于连带债务人之间的连带关系。

    I find the meaning of the joint and several debt and point out that as the joint debts , the core of the joint and several debt is the relationship of joint .