- unilateral legal act

The corporate donation is a unilateral legal act .
The legal effect of the unilateral legal act carried on by the persons with limited capacity should also be recallable and the persons with limited capacity can be authorized to take proxy action .
Chapter IV : Interpretation of Unilateral Legal Acts of States .
On the theory of unilateral act , it further discusses the rights and duty of advertisers and designated action executers .
The valid express of will can constitute one side legal act or both parties ' legal acts on different situations .
In fact , as an important category of macro-control law , macro-control action is an unilateral obligation with meaning of macro-control .
This chapter argues that the substantial conditions of validity of unilateral legal acts includes : ( 1 ) the ability of States to formulate legal acts ;
Basing on the unbalanced possession of information in a case , to offer a reward for information is a legal unilateral behavior by criminal investigative organs .
The authorization behavior of blank invoice belongs to civil law behavior and there are differences between supplement authorization behavior and authorization behavior of agent rights of blank invoice . Based on above statement , the authorization behavior is defined as civil law behavior .
Our country law has made sure the problem that the act of authorization is unilateral act or legal act .
" Decuple Penalty for Fake " is the company 's unilateral promise which belong to the unilateral legal act , meanwhile , It regards business contract as to effective term , belonging to the unilateral legal act attached conditions .
Abstract : The reward advertisement is the unilateral publicly declaration to pay someone who has completed a specific mission , and the doctrine of unilateral conduct should be applied in defining its nature .
In their conduct in the international sphere , States frequently carry out unilateral acts with the intent to produce legal effects .