
  1. 单方解除权应只适用于无固定期限的劳动合同;

    One-sided dissolution right should apply only to non-fixed term labour contracts ;

  2. 劳动者劳动合同单方解除权价值初探

    On the Value of Labor Right to Unilateral Rescission of Labor Contract

  3. 质疑劳动合同单方解除权的平衡性

    Challenging the Right to Unilaterally Rescind a Labor Contract

  4. 行使单方解除权后的救济方式。

    Behavior and the right way of relief .

  5. 《劳动法》第31条由于授权不均及将无条件的单方解除权泛化于一切类型的劳动合同,以及单一僵化的预告期规定模式造成了法理悖论及诸多实体法难题。

    It has caused a paradox of law theory and problems of substantive law because of its disproportional authorization , application of one-sided right of cancellation to all labor contracts and onefold rigid stipulation mode of warning days in Article 31 of Labor Law .

  6. 劳动者单方预告解除权的行使中常见的几个问题;

    The nature of one-sided dissolution in the labor contract ;

  7. 这种解除合同的权利就是国家通过法律赋予一方当事人的法定解除权,使其在法定情况下,可以单方行使解除权,逃离该合同。

    Law authorizes one party right to termination , and the party can exercise the right to termination unilateral to escape contract under law-made circumstances .

  8. “提前30日书面通知”仅是劳动者主观履行的程序,而非其单方预告解除权客观所需满足的条件。

    The article " Notice in writing ahead of 30 days " is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet .

  9. 返还给付,乃是合同解除后,因单方意思表示&解除权的行使,而建立的返还性债务关系的主要内容。

    Restitution is the important content of restitution liability , which is formed due to the exercise of the right to terminate based on party 's indication after termination of contract .