
qiǎnɡ duó zuì
  • Crime of robbery;crime of forcible seizure;crime of seizing by force
  1. 抢夺罪对象应该是具有价值的物品;

    The object of the crime of forcible seizure must be valuable goods .

  2. 论抢夺罪数论上的一个问题

    A Study on the Crime of Forcible Seizure A PROBLEM ON THE THEORY OF NUMBERS

  3. 抢劫罪与抢夺罪辨析

    A Comparison between the Crime of Robbery and Crime of Snatching

  4. 有的应定抢夺罪;

    Some must be convicted as the crime of snatch ;

  5. 论抢夺罪认定中的四个争议疑难问题

    On Four Disputable Points in Determining the Crime of Seizing

  6. 抢夺罪的主体是一般主体。

    The subject of this crime is general object .

  7. 抢夺罪是介于抢劫罪与盗窃罪之间的一种罪。

    The seizing crime is between robbery and steal .

  8. 抢夺罪研究

    A Study of Crime of Seizing

  9. 犯特殊类型的盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪也可以转化为抢劫罪。

    Make special type of theft , fraud , and spoil also could be converted into robbery .

  10. 转化型抢劫罪适用的前提条件是行为人必须是先“犯盗窃、诈骗、抢夺罪,”而不是先犯其他犯罪;

    The premise of this crime application is crime involving theft , bild and snatch , not other crime .

  11. 数额较大是区分抢夺罪与非罪的界限,却并不是唯一的界限。

    Big amount is the demarcation line of crime and noncrime , but not the only one of it .

  12. 另外,在实践中还要正确划分抢劫罪与抢夺罪、绑架罪的界限。

    In addition , in practice , we must kidnap boundaries of the right and grabbing robbery by crime .

  13. 转化抢劫罪与盗窃罪、抢夺罪、诈骗罪一定要从本质上区分开来。

    It is a must to make difference from transitional robbery with the theft , snatch crimes , fraud separate .

  14. 第三种意见认为王某的行为应该认定为抢夺罪(既遂)第五部分:法理分析。

    The third kind of opinion was that it constituted the forcible seizure crime ( accomplished ) . Part Five : Legal analyses .

  15. 抢夺罪是我国刑法第五章侵犯财产罪中的一项罪名,是介于盗窃罪与抢劫罪之间的一种犯罪形态。

    The crime of plunder is the Criminal Law Chapter crimes against property in a count of theft and robbery is between between a crime .

  16. 同时抢劫罪与抢夺罪、伤害罪、行凶的暴力有着基本涵义和方式上区别。

    At the same time , robbery and the crime of seizing , assault , murderous violence have a basic meaning and way of difference .

  17. 抢夺罪的犯罪对象都可以成为盗窃罪的犯罪对象,但盗窃罪的犯罪对象抢夺罪并不一定能够涵括。

    The targets of crime of seizing all can be those of theft , but the targets of theft are not included by those of seizing .

  18. 抢夺罪的立法完善之关键在于抢夺犯罪构成要件之数额标准确立方法的重新设定。

    To refound the standard of the amount of this crime is the most important thing to perfect this legislation of the crime of forcible seizure .

  19. 从国外的立法来看,大多数的国家都没有独立规定抢夺罪,而把抢夺行为区分情节定性为盗窃罪或抢劫罪。

    According to overseas legislation , most of the countries do not stipulate crime of seizing independently but divide it into larceny and robbery by different circumstances .

  20. 至于盗窃罪与其它相关犯罪的界限,则主要对盗窃罪与诈骗罪、抢夺罪、侵占罪、故意毁坏财物罪以及贪污罪的界限作了论述。

    Meanwhile , the dissertation also discuss the issue to distinguish theft from other similar crimes like fraud , snatch , misappropriation , intentionally destroying possessions and embezzlement .

  21. 笔者首先重点分析抢夺罪的构成特征,以及抢夺罪与敲诈勒索罪、抢劫罪的区别。

    The writer firstly explained the constitution of the crime of forcible seizure and the differences between the forcible seizure crime and the extortion crime or the robbery .

  22. 抢夺罪的构成以当场公然非法占有他人财物而不使用暴力、胁迫或者其他强制方法为其特征。

    The composition of the crime of plunder to spot blatant illegal possession of property without the use of violence , intimidation or other coercive methods of its features .

  23. 彭某取财时不顾被害人能当即发觉,公然夺取财产数额较大,符合抢夺罪的构成要件。

    Peng regardless of the victim can get money immediately when found , the larger the amount of openly taking of property , in line to snatch the elements of the crime .

  24. 理论界对抢劫罪和盗窃罪研究甚多,而对在抢劫罪与盗窃罪夹缝中独立的抢夺罪探讨的专文甚少。

    In theory , crimes of robbery and theft have been deeply studied , but the researches on crime of seizing , which exists independently between the above-mentioned crimes , are relatively few .

  25. 为此,对刑法第269条进行完善,应以构成盗窃罪、诈骗罪、抢夺罪为基础,并兼容一般违法但情节严重的情况。

    So No.269 should be further perfect , based on the struture of stealing crime , defrauding crime and robbery crime , the general but serious phenomenon in plot against law should be included .

  26. 笔者还进一步分析了入户盗窃罪的两种转化犯:抢夺罪和抢劫罪,以便更好地区分入户盗窃犯罪的此罪与彼罪。四.入户盗窃的司法认定及其立法完善。

    The author has also further analysed two kinds of transformation of indoor theft : crime of robbery and crime of grab . Fourthly , the judicial sentences and legislation perfection of indoor theft .

  27. 行为人是否控制并能够支配夺取的财物作为区别抢夺罪犯罪既遂与未遂的标准要明确、具体。

    It should be clear and concrete that whether the doer can control and dominate the money or property being seized is considered as criterion to differentiate between an accomplished offense and an attempted one .

  28. 比如抢劫罪的暴力与抢夺罪的暴力,在暴力行为对象和暴力程度上,既有很多联系也有较大区别。

    For example , they exists many similarities and great difference between the violence in robbery and the violence in the crime of seizure , both in object violence targeted at and the degree of violence .

  29. 现行刑法未将一些社会危害性大于盗窃、诈骗和抢夺罪的行为规定为犯罪,显然是不合逻辑的,也是有违于罪责刑相适应原则的。

    It is apparent illogical for the present law to define crime as " actions more harmful than stealing , deceiving and looting " . And this definition also conflicts with the responsibility going with penalty principle .

  30. 本部分对科学认识抢夺罪的构成特征以及正确判断抢夺罪既遂与未遂的界限进行了总结。

    This section drew a conclusion . The conclusion helped to understand the composition of the crime of forcible seizure and judge correctly the boundaries of the attempted form and accomplished form about the crime of forcible seizure .