
dānɡ shì rén zhǔ yì
  • adversary system
  1. 当事人主义的审前准备程序的构建

    The Construction of the Pretrial Procedure in the Adversary System

  2. 因而,当事人主义诉讼模式必然肯定证据契约这一民事行为方式。

    Therefore , adversary system is bound to contain evidential agreements .

  3. 证据展示(discovery或diclosure)是当事人主义诉讼程序中一个十分重要的概念和制度,是当事人主义发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The discovery of evidence is a very important conception and system in the litigation proceeding of the partyism , and it is a result for a certain phase during the development of the partyism .

  4. 这不仅是因为中国传统的儒家和为贵的精神与ADR非对抗性特征的相耦合,而且是缓解司法危机,建设和谐社会以及奠定当事人主义的需要。

    It is not only due to the coupling between the traditional spirits of Confucian in Chinese society and the characteristic of nonantagonistic of ADR , but due to the requirements of dispelling judicial crisis , building a harmonious society and establishing the theory of ' party-domination .

  5. 它起源于17世纪的英国,是当事人主义诉讼制度的产物。

    It originated from British criminal litigation of the party concerned .

  6. 这些法律规则体现了民事诉讼法上的当事人主义与诉讼公平理念。

    These rules materialize the idea of party autonomy and litigant justice .

  7. 采用完全的当事人主义诉讼模式是不可取的。

    It is inadvisable to rely only on the litigant lawsuit mode .

  8. 当事人主义刑事诉讼与证据开示

    The Principle of Party in Criminal Litigation and the Discovery of Evidence

  9. 程序参加者的意思自治是当事人主义的重要支撑。

    A participant 's consciousness autonomy is the important support of litigantism .

  10. 当事人主义诉讼形式是辩诉交易的制度基础;

    The form of adversary proceedings is the system basis for plea bargaining .

  11. 从当事人主义的衰落看我国民事审判方式改革

    Look at the Trial Method Reforming of China from the Decline of Adversary System

  12. 当事人主义与意思自治

    The Rule of Autonomy of Will

  13. 职权主义与当事人主义融合背景下我国行政审判模式的重构

    Reconstruction of China 's Administrative Trial Mode in the Background of Authority and Litigant Principle Interpenetrating

  14. 美国式的辩诉交易是在美国当事人主义诉讼架构下的自然产物;

    The plea bargaining of American style is the natural product in the partyism of the U.S. ;

  15. 在当事人主义为主的模式下,心证过程公开要受到处分权主义和辩论主义的约束。

    The disclosure of evaluation process of evidence should be restricted by dispose doctrine and adversary doctrine .

  16. 在程序的启动方式上,可采取当事人主义兼职权主义的方式。

    Party - doctrine and also Power-authority method can be used in the startup of the bankruptcy procedure .

  17. 但无论是实行当事人主义诉讼模式的国家,还是实行职权主义诉讼模式的国家,都试图通过对撤回公诉的限制性法律规定来避免或减少撤回公诉权的滥用。

    However , all countries attempt to avoid or reduce the abuse of prosecution through restrictive legal regulations .

  18. 中国行政审判模式的重构&以职权主义与当事人主义融合为背景

    The Rebuilding of Chinese Administrative Adjudication Model : Under the Background of the Integration of Term and Party

  19. 这些特点,充分反映了意大利刑事诉讼中当事人主义与职权主义融合的特色。

    All above reflect the peculiarity of mixing the principle by parties and by function in Italian criminal procedure .

  20. 这种变化似乎都是以这个理念为轴心而展开的,即当事人主义理念。

    This change in the concept seems to have unfolded as the axis of the socialist concept , namely .

  21. 协同主义民事诉讼模式是以当事人主义诉讼模式为起点发展起来的,同时吸取了职权主义诉讼模式的优点。

    The civil cooperation litigation pattern is stemming from the adversary principle , and having some advantages of the authority principle .

  22. 在诉讼模式的选择上,更多地借鉴当事人主义的诉讼模式;

    On the choice of the litigation mode , draw lessons from the litigation mode of the party concerned doctrine morely ;

  23. 第二部分:英美法系和大陆法系国家的鉴定结论认证制度。英美法系实行当事人主义诉讼模式,制定有完善的证据规则。

    The second part : the system of the attestation of appraisal conclusion in both Common Law system and Civil Law system .

  24. 在奉行当事人主义的英美法系国家中,法官需要在听取控辩双方充分辩论的基础上作出判决。

    In common law countries with adversarial systems , the judge basis his or her ruling on the arguments of the prosecutor and defense lawyer .

  25. 传闻证据规则是当事人主义诉讼模式的重要特色,是英美证据法的核心和灵魂。

    The hearsay rule is an important feature in the adversary system , it is the heart and soul in the Anglo-American law of evidence .

  26. 在当事人主义诉讼模式下,事实的主张与证据的提出是当事人的基本责任,这种理念就是民事诉讼中的辩论主义。

    According to the pattern of adversary system , litigant is responsible for the plea and evidence , which is called the doctrine of debate .

  27. 当事人主义与职权主义两大诉讼模式的较量与交融为这一趋势提供了重要的参考视角;

    The conflict and combination of the litigant-centered principle and power-centered principle , two major suit patterns , provide an essential referential perspective for this trend .

  28. 摘要交叉询问是落实保护刑事被告质证权的重要装置,是当事人主义模式中具有特色的诉讼制度。

    Cross-examination is the important devices to implement and to protect the defendant 's right to confrontation , the characteristic lawsuit system in the adversary model .

  29. 这部分主要包括以下内容:英国民事诉讼制度作为英美法系的鼻祖,其民事诉讼审前程序是典型的当事人主义审前模式。

    The main contents of this section include : the founder of common law system , namely the British civil procedure system , which adopts adversary system .

  30. 英美法系当事人主义诉讼是从实体上即罪名的种类和范围的角度来限制法官变更起诉罪名的权力,即实体限制型模式。

    The anglo-american law system restricts the rights of court by regulating the kind and range of accusal . The pattern of restriction is restricted by entity .