
  • 网络local community
  1. 这所学校与当地社区建立了良好的关系。

    The school has established a successful relationship with the local community .

  2. 这一开发项目遭到了当地社区的愤怒抵制。

    The development was bitterly opposed by the local community .

  3. 我们与当地社区关系甚好。

    We have good contacts with the local community .

  4. 她在退休后投身于当地社区的志愿服务工作。

    After retiring , she became involved in voluntary service in the local community .

  5. 在农村,学校常常是当地社区的活动中心。

    In rural areas , the school is often the focal point for the local community .

  6. 她声称受到当地社区一些人的排挤。

    She claims she 's being ostracized by some members of her local community .

  7. 我们正在为当地社区寻找志愿工作者。

    We are looking for people to work as voluntary work for the local community .

  8. 对于那些对巨浪毫无准备或依赖海冰保护的航海者和当地社区来说很危险。

    That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on sea ice to protect them .

  9. 目前结果显示,珊瑚礁正在迅速恢复生机,当地社区赖以生存的鱼类也逐渐回归。

    The results so far show a rapid recovery and a return of the fish that local communities depend on .

  10. 张家界卫健委表示,7月22日晚18点至19点时段魅力湘西所有观众属于高风险人群,应立即向当地社区或疾控机构报告并配合检测。

    Zhangjiajie health authorities said that all audience members who watched the performance from 6 pm to 7 pm on July 22 are at high risk of coronavirus infection and should report to their residential testing .

  11. 要生存下来,小企业必须让自己适应当地社区需要,蒂内克General商店店主说。

    To be able to survive , small businesses have to accommodate the needs of the local community , said the owner of the Teaneck General store .

  12. Ong认为此举有助于在当地社区传递爱心,公司目前正和一家反饥饿组织ShareOurStrength合力运作该项捐助。

    That , says Ong , helps keep the love in local communities . The company works with hunger-fighting organization Share Our Strength to process the donations .

  13. 15年前,IBM在美国发起的“鹰”计划——当地社区的雇员网络团体,现在已经扩展到25个国家。

    IBM 's " Eagle " - employee network groups in the local community - started in the US about 15 years ago and now operate in 25 countries .

  14. 该公司在尼日尔三角洲(NigerDelta)的业务,频繁遭到反对者的干扰破坏,后者声称当地社区并没有因为自己土地上的石油被开采而得到任何好处。

    Its business in the Niger Delta is regularly sabotaged by opponents who allege that local communities get no benefit from oil extracted from their land .

  15. 该报告的作者AlanHamilton说,解决方案是“为当地社区提供保护这些植物的激励措施”。

    The solution , says the report 's author , Alan Hamilton , is to " provide local communities with incentives to protect these plants " .

  16. 2005年买下MG品牌之后,南汽最初一时疏忽,没聘用公关公司与当地社区沟通。当地媒体抱怨称,它们难以从南汽获得一些基本信息。

    After buying the MG brand in 2005 , the company initially neglected to appoint a public relations firm to deal with the local community and the media complained they had to struggle to glean basic information from NAC .

  17. Ade说,如果是来自Hobyo的海盗,他们会把自己分到的赎金用于帮助当地社区。

    Ade says if the pirates were from Hobyo , they would be spending their share of the ransom money to help the community .

  18. NASA举办推特会的目的是使来自世界各地的人们有机会亲身了解火箭升空的情况,并与他们当地社区的人们分享这次活动的经历。

    NASA 's goal in holding Tweetups is to provide an opportunity for individuals around the world to experience a rocket launch firsthand and share the event with their local communities .

  19. 例如,WIPO如今允许非政府组织代表当地社区与会,并表达土著居民的观点。

    For instance , WIPO now allows non-governmental organisations representing local communities to attend its meetings and express the views of indigenous people .

  20. 明星设计师李鼐含将展示闪工厂(Pop-UpFactory),它是A4工作室的一项临时实验,为当地社区生产简单的产品,几乎或完全没有物流或仓储成本。

    The star designer Li Naihan will present Pop-Up Factory , a temporary experiment by A4 Studios to manufacture simple products for the local community with little to no distribution or storage costs .

  21. 设置付费墙的往往是一些本地小报,他们对当地社区是至关重要的,因而他们所面临的外部竞争相对较少。Newsonomics的作者KenDoctor如是说。

    Most wall-building is being done by small local outfits . " Local newspapers are more vital to their communities , and they have less competition , " explains Ken Doctor , the author of " Newsonomics . "

  22. 利用这些认证,ITM波兰公司巩固了质量,并承担了自己的、对客户的和当地社区的环境责任。

    With this , ITM Poland has anchored its quality and environmental responsibility towards itself , its customers and the local community .

  23. 科学家正在寻找仅在区域性栽培的植物的有用基因。而CIMMYT已经拥有了一项与当地社区合作的玉米育种项目。

    Scientists look for useful genes in plants grown only locally , and CIMMYT already has maize breeding programmes that work with local communities .

  24. SCBP的活动从观星和旅游到公共演讲和节日让萨瑟兰的当地社区参与了对话。

    SCBP events from star-gazing and tours to public talks and festivals build a dialogue with the local community in Sutherland .

  25. 世界银行学院(en)创新实践部主任AleemWalji补充说,深入当地社区对发挥发展地图的效果至关重要。

    Aleem Walji , manager of innovation practice at the World Bank Institute , added that tapping into local communities is critical to making mapping for development effective .

  26. 通过诸如SabryCorp的in2nano等项目的对话可能有助于让当地社区和公众参与。

    Dialogues through campaigns such as SabryCorp 's in2nano can help get local communities and the general public on board .

  27. Juma写道:将高等教育系统与当地社区联系在一起,建立私营部门来开拓区域性的或者国际市场,这些做法为长期的经济发展提供了工具。

    Linking higher education systems to local communities , and establishing a private sector that taps into regional or international markets provides the tools for long-term economic growth , Juma says .

  28. 2010年6月,我们在茅科特(Morcott)的乡村教堂结婚,愉快地成为了当地社区的一分子。

    We married in June 2010 at our village church in Morcott and loved being part of the community there .

  29. 鸠山在文中表示,全球经济已损害了传统经济活动,而市场原教旨主义已经摧毁了当地社区。文中提到自民党前首相小泉纯一郎(JunichiroKoizumi)私有化日本邮局的决定。

    In his essay , Mr Hatoyama said the global economy had damaged traditional economic activities while market fundamentalism had destroyed local communities , citing the decision by Junichiro Koizumi , former LDP prime minister , to privatise Japan 's post office .

  30. 这就是现在美国西部正在发生的事情,那里的居民正在经历IPCC所称的“复合极端事件”。高温蒸发了农民和牧场主的水源,更不用说当地社区了。

    That 's what is happening right now in the Western U.S. , where residents are experiencing what the IPCC has called a " compound extreme event . " Heat has evaporated the water supply for farmers and ranchers - not to mention local communities .